Lil' Champ Part 3 (OtherCoraline)

How much time did you spend on this poll? :grimacing:

I agree, wasting someoneā€™s time is a dick move. But I canā€™t imagine anyone spending more than 10 seconds answering the question (or 5 min if they read all the comments).

Thatā€™s exactly what this entire site is about, lol. :sweat_smile:

Every image and story is meant to be emotionally manipulative. Whether thatā€™s give the audience warm-fuzzies or to make them feel miserable and sour. Donā€™t get mad at me because Iā€™m sparking the wrong emotions in you. Iā€™ve made it fairly clear that sadbox is my jam. :sunglasses:


An artist getting a reaction from their work? Stirring emotions with their words and pictures? My god, how can this be?

Grow up. Make your own art if you want happy endings, donā€™t expect others to make them for you.


The right question here is ā€œhow much time did you spend waiting for the ending that won?ā€.

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