Lil' Champ Part 3 (OtherCoraline)

I didn’t even think about that. :joy: I’ve been wanting to do a theme post. My subconscious must’ve wanted to contribute and played some 4d chess to make it happen :exploding_head:


I imagine it dawns on the babysitter how needy he is so one day he snaps and beats the shit out of him then when the frustration leaves his psyche he realizes what he did and is like “ah shit, how am I gonna fix this?”


You clearly haven’t touched the hive cannon since you are spouting nonsense like this, AND attacking another user for no fucking reason aside from being a complete and utter hateful asshole.
Fluffies surviving in the wild and fucking up each and every single farm they would come across is not only explained and accepted on the hive cannon but also a core concept of many of the initial work to solidify the foundation of the booru.
The idea of mega herds comes from these situations. Fluffies that found vast stretches of bountiful plantations, fucked everything up being the pests they are, and multiplied to uncontrollable numbers like they have been designed to do if left without check.
And what would these mega herds do??? They would go on to find new fields and fuck everything, keeping on the cycle of destruction.
Not only are you ignorant about the story of the community you are trying to be a part of, you are also the kind of user we have no need for. Educate yourself and respect the others members if you are going to stick around.


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Ok I’m going to be blunt here Jimmy is right, but he could have been more polite. When you look at it on a serious level it does make no sense as in OCoralines work it is stated that the fluffies are vectors as they carry diseases that killed of the farming industry, so in order for that to happen in any manner I will be generous in making it so that this could logically happen.

So then time to make the assertions that could make this happen:

  1. The fluffies shall have to be massive to cover that terrain in a reasonable amount of time: so let’s say that OCs fluffies are the size of a Great Pyrenees
  2. the government will have to COMPLETELY ignore ‘mega herds’ as they have been dubbed, even if they were the size of chihuahua 1000 organisms is still 1000 so they would leave a path of destruction in their wake that even the most braindead of commanders could follow and if you say ‘its just 100’ shock and horror they would be in the same area for longer still making them easy enough to follow.
  3. they shall also be able to survive at least -15 degree Celsius (I’m not American so I don’t know its Degree Fahrenheit equivalent) as otherwise winter would end their advance in 10 days
    4.they shall also have to be able to eat almost anything and face 0 predation

See all of that yeah that’s what is needed to make this even somewhat reasonably probable. Also consider where malaria affects in the world notice how they all need rather similar climates (topical, sub-trop, savannah) what does this tell you, that diseases can only go where their vector can live, and that they’re very picky about conditions. However this is all fictiona so I guess this whole argument is pointless anyway. ¯_(‘-’)_/¯



We’re cool. Jimmy DM’d me an apology. So feel free to disagree with him, but don’t write him off as a hateful asshole.

Yeah, my headcannon does stretch the willing suspension of disbelief (but the fandom as a whole does, lol)

To your points, though:

  1. Yeah, their size and slow movement does put a hamper on their ability to travel. That’s why I’m being vague about which states they destroyed (maybe it’s just one, but then multiple agricultural states adopted Kill-on-Sight legislature just to be proactive), plus you don’t need to devastate a state to shake things up. Imagine a drop of just 20% in corn crops, seems minor, but that could have a ripple effect (or maybe not, I’m not an agricultural economist).
  2. Not explicitly stated, but the government kinda did ignore mega-herds. You have this wave of cute little talking puff-balls who only know love and kindness with adorable babies, and you can bet your ass that there was a lot of pushback from Twitter and social media to leave the critters alone. People have literally defended the blatant looting of CVSs in San Francisco because the police have been told not to bother with any theft below $1000, CVS is a big corporation, and the theft have been done by the “underprivileged”. Twitter absolutely held the government (and private citizens) back against the first wave of fluffies because they are “too cute to any lasting damage”. Once Twitter realized they were wrong (like always), too late. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. and 4. Yeah, this is where my headcannon becomes inconsistent. Best I can come up with is fluffies did all the lasting damage before the first winter hit and it took a while for major predators to see fluffies as prey (they are very toy-like in my headcannon, more like plush dolls than animals), and ignored them for the first few months.

Rule of thumb in my headcannon is “If fluffies (as a species) do something it seems they couldn’t do themselves (survive, destroy livestock, wreck crops, etc) it’s because they are the first species to be able to communicate clearly with humans in spoken language.”

That does a lot to influence how people would go out of their way to protect and defend these little guys (at least initially). Tugging at heartstrings by begging for food or shelter (or toys) as tears flow down their faces onto their dirty, malnourished foals? No other creature can emotionally manipulate humans like fluffies can. Humans would bend over backwards to ensure their safety and survive (again, initially)


Fair enough.

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@OtherCoraline as long as an apology was made…
I have a personal vendetta against users that attack others simply for “fun” or “trolling”. People do this kind of stupid shit without taking into consideration how the other person might be feeling, or how the said attack will affect the other user.
@jimmyhopkins just reinforced my dislike for this kind of shit by posting the troll face with the intention of saying “trolled you” “it’s just a prank” “am troll! trololo”.


Huh, considering this person is watching a family member’s fluffy I’m curious how this will go down. He’d have to be a real piece of shit to out right harm Little Champ, so will it be accidental abuse or purposeful neglect? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


Alright im gonna imagine that things arent going to go well for him, but considering the vote seemed to have ended with hugbox ending winning “last i checked” i still have hope


your kind of fun is cringe, so i will definatly attack you (i am not sure if "attack is the right word for it tho)


I’m full of cringe :flushed: :point_right::point_left:


there are different types of cringe. products of misusing the word too much


Can we get a hugbox ending where Little Champ ends up learning how to swear and drinks beer while watching football?


He can even die from alcohol poisoning but pls teach him how to say fuck :frowning:

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There’s so much greatness in this comic I don’t even know where to start! The sore nuts from dragging itself all day, the embarrassment at having its no-noes studied like that, and how the tiniest, silliest, unintentional misunderstanding was enough to make him cry. Accidental abuse, AND the mildest abuse I’ve ever seen in a perfect combination to show how utterly, incredibly fragile these things are! :rofl:


what have I done

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wait no alive and hugbox won


youre going against the vote?

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Looks like