Lil' Champ's (Disappointing and Dissatisfying) Finale (OtherCoraline)

I think we’ve got better things to do than to get super pissed off at this and seek vengeance. If anything, I suspect a lot of folks have already moved on. Other Caroline noted the things not going the way of the vote not all that long after the poll as I recall.

If you don’t like it, block Caroline and never have to worry about it again.

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Must be near an ocean. Are there lake or river fish that could consider a weanling to adult as bait? Even a chirpie would be kind of big… Or are they cut bait?


Not a bad story, really didn’t see just a straight neglect of him at the end. Especially when his trip was totally focused on getting him life helping supplies to improve his quality of life. Oh well that is the usual mind frame of fluffs at the end, a dime a dozen and ALL are replaceable


WOW! That ending sideswiped me. I didn’t see this coming at all. Wow just wow. that isn’t just abuse it’s straight up neglect. But hey this is some quality grade A+ sadbox.


Not everything needs a happy ending


You have my blessing! This ending was a cop out. If you think you can give him a satisfying conclusion, go for it! :+1:

But the Woofy!! If I had a choice between a one-legged idiot foal and a fluffy who acted like a dog, I would ditch the retard so quick.

Yeah, the daddeh did a real 180 and became a mega douche bag. I realize that was out of character and a really cheap ending. But like I said up higher, i sat on it for months because I didn’t want to get started on a conclusion that could’ve made Henrietta’s story look short. I figured a crappy ending was better than a cliff-hanger no-ending. Sorry about that :sweat_smile:



Yeah it takes a special kind of person to deal with/thrive on special needs cases like lil champ.

:slight_smile: I’d probably want a woofy too.


i know, and i probably woudn’t have offered to write one if it wasnt for the result of the polls that showed most people wanted the happy alive ending

sooooo here i go again do my thing :P!


Booperino is the reverse Krombopulous Michael.

Replace murdered with ‘hugboxed’


I found it very satisfying and I also love the idea of the Woofy. Thank you for this story!

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Are your woofy fluffies inspired by LemonadeWithLavender’s (non-fluffy biotoy) woofies or is the name just a coincidence?

Pretty sure they were joking

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Years on social media has ruined my sarcasm detector.


Mine’s pretty busted too at times for that reason.


The idea of buying a fluffy that acts nothing like a fluffy is great. You are getting a fluffy whose whole idea is not being a fluffy.


The fiend pines for a dog may no dog ever have the misfortune of having him for an owner

I liked the abrupt swerve from what what the community voted on :open_mouth:!

Still it really goes to show just how disposable fluffies are and Lil Champ isn’t any exception. Just seeing Lil’ Champ rotting away in an old shoe box being forgotten is far more brutal and terrible fate to befall him.

His “daddeh” has moved on with a new life and even going to get a new fluffy that acts like a dog “Woofy” so even if he were to have seen Lil Champ he’d probably just be indifferent and wouldn’t acknowledge him further breaking his little heart. There’s no good outcome for LC, and all in all I liked how this story ended.


i liked this ending even if it was rushed , especially the part when the owner went from “i’ll love you no matter what” to “yeah i was going to get rid of him so i could buy a fluffy that dosen’t make me cringe” i feel like that’s the mindset people would have in a world with fluffys :laughing:


I knew you couldn’t be trusted to give Lil’ Champ a happy or natural ending XD

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This ended better than expected. I expected something more light and happy. This is a very welcome surprise.

Got our vote after all. :}