Looking for ideas to draw (by: Beast)

Wanted to see if anyone had any ideas they wanted drawn by me for some reason… honestly don’t know why people would pick me over the other incredibly talented artists on here.

It’s not that I’m out of ideas but would rather like to try practicing fleshing out ideas not my own. So if you want me to draw something, put it up here and if it looks interesting I’ll draw it.

I won’t draw abuse at all, and prefer to stay out of sadbox for the most part. Hugbox, Weirdbox, Moronbox, and Horrorbox are free game.


Group of young fluffies playing near an open fire hydrant, convincing their cautious sibling that the water is fun, not scary


Fluffies finding an abandoned playset house (the kind that’s usually found in backyards) and pretending they’re humans


A fluffy talking to the TV, and getting mad that the TV won’t talk back to them.


A schizophrenic fluffy, who the TV does talk back to.


Fluffy call center, reaching out to people about their cars extended warranty.


Guy Fieri making spaghetti for ferals.


Fluffy foals trying a board game.

Fluffies doing dog tricks.

Fluffies doing yoga.

Fluffies trying to play matchmaker for their owners at the park.


Something that rarely happens. A 'splorin babbeh actually finding a great safe place for his feral family, or a domestic one retrieving her daddeh’s lost wallet from under a cupboard.

Usually 'splorin babbehs never get anything but death and pain.


even if they do find something, they are unable to find the way back because of their goldfish memory

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A pegasus fluffy in an aviator’s outfit in a baby swing pretending to fly


Exactly why we need some 'splorin babbehs succesful at 'splorin.


Reject the modern 'splorin babbehs doomed to fail, relegated to sadbox and abuse.



Maybe a foal cannibal fluffy or a adult one, i don’t know

but they can’t be successful at splorin by design. they can be successful only if

  1. they are accompanied by an adult, which never happens because they will rather bring them back to mummah
  2. if the find is just around the corner (luck-based + usually it’s nothing special)
  3. the foal get mary sue powers and plot armor
  4. get very lucky (so rare that can happen only one time)

i mean really, we are talking about a slow fragile fruit colored hamster (with a whopping 2 IQ btw) that goes out in the wild ALONE without any sense of direction and purpose rather than going somewhere. how are you expecting him to find something useful, remember how to get back and not die in the process?

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send a splorin big fluffy at least. i can believe that having a success

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Hence why I suggested either feral or domestic.

Besides, for the feral one it could simply be behind a thicket his parents didn’t check.

Also, some depictions of foals and fluffies in general have them quite bright. Not everyone makes them dumb as a brick, merely extremely naive.

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well i did said that it can be right around the corner, but you can’t find something bigger than a half eaten burger that way.
and no amount of brightness can help the fact that they have no idea where are they going and how to get back
nither of what i said works for domestics tho, so i guess you can go from there

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but i have no clue what so cool can be found in a regular house

Could have Axel believe that he is the leader of a herd on fluffy tv, getting upset when the channel changes and they disappear