Lost HasBio Commercial and Outtakes Part 2 by Karn

The commercial fades to black, remaining so for nearly ten seconds. Then the footage returns, focused on the table at an odd angle, with the pink unicorn breathing heavily. She is wobbling oddly back and forth, her balance only aided by the glue holding her back hooves to the table. The fluffy is exhausted but trying desperately to pull herself free from the table or to liberate her front legs from her sides. Voices can be heard talking off screen, with the suited man’s voice being clear but distant. “Maybe one more for safety? In case it came off pitchy or too soft.” He is heard clearing his throat and repeating his lines from the commercial in a variety of tones and cadences, as the fluffy finally wobbles backwards too hard, causing her legs to snap as her back thumps against the table. The suited man’s retakes are abruptly halted by the ear-splitting howl.


She is writhing and convulsing, her rapid and frenzied movements causing her legs to move, creating a cycle of agony for the poor creature. The suited man enters from camera right, looking down at the shrieking thing. “For Christ’s sake, can someone quiet that thing down? It’s so loud.” He looks closer and then shrinks away slightly. “Hey…hey I think it’s legs are broken…” He walks back off frame, conversing with the warbled voice. “Well what do we do with it?” The muffled voice goes on for a while, their words too distant or low to be picked up but the suited man’s retort was loud and panicked. “This could be a PR nightmare for me! I mean I’m involved with animal rights charities, including the ASPCA. They’ll have my head for something like this…” Their conversation becomes distant as they walk further and further away from the camera, the anguished cries of the unicorn becoming quieter as her throat becomes dry and hoarse.

The camera lingers on the fluffy, the footage speeding up to ten times as over the course of nearly fifteen minutes, she struggles and writhes, getting slower and slower until near minute eight where she passes out. As the footage resumes it’s normal speed, the man in a lab coat enters from camera right, leaning down and examining the wounded fluffy. He reaches down with a gloved hand and presses on her leg, causing her to wheeze and shake in her slumber. After a few minutes of prodding and nudging her legs, he rises, hands slowly dropping to his hips as he looks down at the fluffy.

The cut is abrupt as a light popping sound is followed by the pink unicorn screaming again, with the man in a lab coat pouring turpentine onto her back hooves.The clear solution clearly burning her as fur sloughed off in large clumps and her skin reddened and blistered where the fluid touched.


As the turpentine dissolved the fluffy’s legs in a slow and agonizing fashion, the man in the lab coat would occasionally put the metal can down and lightly tug on the unicorn’s legs, prompting more screaming and crying, with each pull slowly freeing the ruined legs from the table. The footage is sped up at two times speed as three minutes of the man applying the solvent to a writhing and pleading fluffy’s legs, her anguish increasing with every drip and splash, go by. As the footage resumes it’s normal speed, the man in the lab coat has successfully freed the unicorn’s hooves, which are now blistered and bleeding. Her eyes are wide and bloodshot, her voice hoarse and pained as she begs the man for any kind of relief.

“*wheeze…*wheeze…p’w…p’wease mistuh…*wheeze…*wheeze…fwuffy hab…fwuffy hab wowest huwties…*wheeze…*wheeze…nu mo’…nu mo’ huwties…*wheeze…*wheeze…fwuffies fo’…fwuffies fo’ huggies an’…huggies an wuv…*wheeze…*wheeze…”

With a deft hand, the man lifts the unicorn by her scruff and lifts her up, the terrified creature trying to scream, her voice cracked and stinging as she tried to wiggle away. Still carrying the writhing fluffy, the man walks off frame. The focus is now on the table, a pool of blood and solvent slowly staining the surface.

The screen fades out and fades in but on a new location. It is in black and white, with an above angle that sways slowly back and forth. It is a back room filled with clothing, props, and boxes, with the waste covered corpse of the white earthie, it’s front legs and face shredded and mangled horribly. The man in the lab coat enters from the bottom frame, still holding the unicorn by her mane and opens the filthy cage, throwing her in and slamming it shut. He then leaves, the unicorn slowly trying to recover from her fall and begging to be let out of the sorry box.

“*oof…fwuffy gud fwuffy…*wheeze…nu wan…*wheeze…nu wan sowwy box mistuh…”

As she recovers from being thrown, she glances over to the other side of the cage, realizing she isn’t alone. She tries to walk over to the cadaver, it’s back to her, making her blind to it’s fatal wounds, but her injuries keep her from rising up.

“*wheeze…nyu…nyu fwend?..*wheeze…hewwo…*wheeze…hewwo nyu fwend…*wheeze…fwuffy tuwn ‘wown p’wease…*wheeze…*wheeze…hab wowest hurties…*wheeze…*wheeze…nee’ huggies…”

The footage speeds up, the unicorn trying to lift herself many, many times before she simply drags herself by her front legs, crossing the short distance and wrapping her legs around the corpse.

“…f’wend su cowd…*wheeze…*wheeze…nu…nu wowwies fwend…*wheeze…fwuffy hewp wawm fwend…”

The footage cuts and the yellow back drop and table are back in frame, still at an odd angle, with a younger man in a deep green jumpsuit spraying and wiping down the table. “Sir, I don’t think this stain is gonna come out…” The man in a lab coat enters from camera left, his back now taking up most of the frame as the young man rubs the stubborn spot with the rag vigorously. “Maybe we can cover it with som…”

Another fade out and then the focus is back on the table, with the man in the jumpsuit adjusting what appears to be a large bed made for a pet, it’s color a ghastly pastel pink and purple. He continues to move it back and forth, occasionally looking offscreen as a garbled voice directs him. The footage speeds up to triple time as it is adjusted for nearly two minutes. As the speed returns to normal, the man in a lab coat brings an oversized carrier to the table, placing it down. He opens the front and taps it with the silver baton loudly, his warped voice clearly giving some sort of instructions. A hesitant and soft voice comes from the carrier, clearly sounding nervous and frightened.


The man raps the baton against the carrier repeatedly, repeating his garbled words from before, now near screaming. The carrier shifts, the fluffy within shuffling around within, trying to escape the banging and shouting.


The man suddenly leans in and reaches an arm in the carrier violently, pulling out a small newborn foal with light lavender fur, the confused creature peeping and chirping loudly. The fluffy instantly comes partially out of the carrier, revealing that she is a green pegasus with an orange mane and tail, as she lifts one her front hooves reaching towards the foal, howling in panic.


He holds the small foal, lightly squeezing it as he repeats his muffled instructions. The foal starts to chirp rapidly, wiggling and shaking in the man’s hand. The pegasus’ eyes go wide as she shrieks, quickly going back into the carrier.


She reemerges from the carrier, slowly and low to the ground. As she cautiously walks onto the table, it is now clear that there are four more foals now on her back, as she carefully creeps close to the table, almost crawling. The foals are a fire engine red, a deep verdant green like the pegasus, an orange that matches the mother’s mane, and a light gray. Apon fully leaving the carrier, she lays down, looking up at the man and putting both her front hooves into the air, pleading with him softly but with a desperate look in her eyes.

“Fwuffy weeb’ sowwy bocks wid babbehs. P’wease gib babbeh to fwuffy.”

Using the silver baton, the man lightly taps the bed, clearly saying something garbled to the fluffy. Still crawling slowly, her head constantly turning between her babies on her back and her baby in his hand, she creeped along for a few minutes, the footage speeding up by double until she lightly climbs into the bed. The footage returns to normal as true to his word, the man lowers the foal into the bed, the pegasus snatching it up and holding it close to her chest instantly, licking it and lightly sobbing.

“*Huuuu…*huuuu…*huuu…Mummah am su sowwy babbeh…*huuuu…*huuuu…*huuuu…nu wet babbeh gu nu mo’.”

The man works his way around the table, clearly looking down and trying to study the framing of the shot, the pegasus eyeing him nervously the whole time. After a few moments, he returns to the side of the table, as he reaches down and starts to snatch the foals off of the fluffy mother, the pegasus screaming and trying to knock his hands away with her soft hooves.


The man, two foals dangling from his hand by their scruff, peeping and chirping rapidly, takes his other hand and pushes the pegasus down, yelling garbles and warped threats as her as he presses down on her neck hard, her eyes starting to bulge slightly as she starts to choke. He hesitantly releases her and takes the remaining foals, the pegasus grasping weakly in their direction as she tries to catch her breath. He then returns to the front of the table, the wiggling and frightened foals held in both his hands. After a moment, he begins to place the foals around the bed, the purple and orange outside it and upright, almost laying backwards, and the remaining three in the bed in front of the pegasus, who instantly tried to pull them into her chest with her hooves, prompting a slap across her face from the man. As she cries and still defiantly tries to get her babies, the man slaps her again, putting the babies back in front of her but not directly touching her. After her fourth attempt to move her babies closer, the man pulls out the silver baton and strikes her firmly on her side, eliciting a loud screech from the wounded fluffy.


With a great deal of the fight being taken out of her with the baton, the man places the babies back to in front of her, but then sees that the two outer foals have wiggled out of their spots and are crawling slowly, sniffling the air and chirping, trying to find their mother. Clearly frustrated, he puts them back into their spots and then moving out of frame for a few minutes, the footage speeding up to quadruple speed as three minutes pass, the foals slowly sliding down on their bellies and then crawling around and seeking out their mother again. The blue suited man walking into frame from camera right as the footage resumes normally. “…are kinda cute, but they sure are loud.” He places a cup of coffee on the table as he holds his ears slightly. He walks near one of the foals outside the bed, the blind creature squirming against the outer edges of the bed, unsure why it can’t get closer to it’s mother, and picks it up, the foal’s peeping and chirping increasing at a rapid pace as it finds itself suddenly airborne. As he examines the small purple foal, it’s confusion and fear mounting, the pegasus slowly rises to her feet and charges at the well suited man, screaming and lifting her front hooves in the air.


Startled by the aggression of the mother, the well suited man stares at her, absent-mindedly dropping the foal onto the table with a small but audible thud. It gasps and expels it’s breath harshly on impact, writhing in pain and curling up into it’s belly, chirping lightly. The pegasus, stunned for several moments, stares in frozen horror at her fallen child before trying to run to it, desperate to try and save it.


As she runs to save her baby, she collides with the porcelain coffee cup, dousing her chest and part of her face with the scalding hot brew. She releases a pained scream and collapses, still trying to make it to her injured baby but grabbing at her now maimed face with her hoof.


The footage again speeds up with the suited man clearly shaken by what occurred. He turns and yells as he walks off screen. The pegasus slowly drags herself, despite her injuries to her foal, but by the time she makes it to the baby’s side, it has stopped moving, having succumbed to it’s injuries. The mother sobs and tries to nuzzle the foal over, prompting it to move before falling to the table, crying heavily. The footage resumes it’s normal speed as the suited man returns with the man in a lab coat.“…damnest thing I’ve ever seen. So what do we do now?” A garbled retort slowly answers his question as the suited man nods. “Ok,sounds good.”

“New from HasBio…” the well suited man starts…with the yellow backdrop well lit and a pink cloth covering something before it flies off, revealing a bed with a green pegasus and her multi-colored foals, three next to her and two in front of the bed. This footage is slightly out of sync with the other footage as it cuts back to a close up of the pegasus, her eyes peacefully closed as she lies with her baby next to her head. “It’s My Fluffy Mamma and Babies.” The angle shifts around quickly, showing the foals from many different perspectives, no shot lingering long enough to focus on any fluffy longer than a second. The last shot is of the pegasus hugging her purple foal, slightly shaking before the commercial ends.