Lovesick - Part 14 - By Spaghettidave

Lovesick part 14

10 am - Nova had stopped whining for a few hours and tried his best to get some sleep. There was nothing to do. Nothing to see. The smell wasn’t pleasant. He couldn’t move enough to get comfortable and his tail was cramping. While he didn’t whine anymore, no one could hear his whimpers from being so uncomfortable.

12 pm - “Mummah! Noba sowwy! SOWWY! PWEASE! HABE TAIW OWIES!” His head kept bumping against the top of the sorry box.

“Hi, Christopher, can I call you Chris?” Sammy smiled at the man, as he followed, his fluffy in a crate.

“Chris is fine.” He placed the crate on the exam table. A bright green fluffy with an even brighter yellow mane and tail emerged. His horn a darker green than his fluff.

That fluffy is painful to look at, Sammy thought to herself. “Well, hello, what’s your name?”

“Bumbwes am Bumbwes. Who am yu?” He sat on his haunches eyeing Sammy.

He is as charming to deal with as he looks. “Well, Chris, you’ve got a delightful fluffy. Hi Bumbles, I’m Sammy.” She went to give him scratches on his head and he deftly moved his head out of the way.

“Yeah… About that. This was my sister’s fluffy. She ended up getting a job over seas and, well, they won’t allow fluffies across international borders. So… Bumbles and me are gonna be best buddies.” His tone sounded as if it was anything but.

“And you want to do a check up on him, get him his shots, and you want some tips on caring for this cheerful ball of fluff?”

“That would be great, yes. I haven’t owned a fluffy before, he has been the only one I dealt with.”

Sammy nodded. “And what does Mrs. Chris think about this?”

“Oh, uh… There isn’t? So… Uh…” Chris turned red, he wasn’t one that had been flirted with before.

“Dat wite, Chwis aww awone an teww Bumbwes wat tu du. Chwis nu daddeh ow mummah.” Bumbles grumbled, interrupting the awkward flirting.

-tap tap tap-

“Excuse me…” Sammy opened up the back door, only to find Mocha and Jimi sitting at the door, their tails swishing back and forth.

Jimi peered past her legs, “hewwo mummah, Miss Wachul towd Jimi an Mocha dat mummah wan us. Who dat?”

Mocha wasted no time and ran into the room between Sammy’s legs. She looked up at Chris, “hewwo mista, am Mocha.”

“Oh my god, you two. And Rachel!” She closed the rear door and opened the one connecting to the lobby. She shoot Rachel quite a glare. Rachel only smiled big and gave two thumbs up.

“Oh, Sammy,” she heard Cheryl from the other door, “please keep the exam room doors closed, I’m sure you would like some privacy.” Cheryl winked and closed the door after ushering Jimi into the room.

“Well, hi, Mocha. I’m Chris.” She gave the upsie pose, with a questioning look to Sammy, she nodded, her face all red. Chris picked up Mocha, “this is my new fluffy, Bumbles.”

Sammy stood facing the closed door, her back to Chris, her face in her hands covering her embarrassment. She took a deep breath before turning around to witness Bumbles and Mocha arguing.

“Nu, yu am poopie dummeh mawe.”

Mocha giggled, “nu, Bumbwes am poopie dummeh mawe.”

“Bumbwes nu am mawe! Yu am! Yu am stupie bwown dummeh mawe an smeww wike poopies.” It wasn’t possible but Sammy could swear Bumbles was turning red from anger.

Chris set Mocha onto the table and she quickly squished Bumbles’ cheeks, “mummah gib Mocha baf an smeww pwetty, dat mean yu am stinky poopie fwuffy.”

Chris was trying not to laugh, he was holding Jimi now, “I love Mocha, she is too much.” Jimi tapped him on the arm, “you’re pretty great too.”

3 pm - Nova was so thirsty. And hungry. And smelly. And covered in his own waste. He wanted out so bad, so very bad. His entire back end was cramping, his legs to his hips, his tail up and up his spine.

He couldn’t flex or stretch, and he tried, his body bucking against the lid to no avail. The final toss and turn forced him onto his side. “Mummah, hab wowstest owies! Am sowwy fow wyin! Noba am sowwy!”

On his side now, he managed to stretch out his back legs, just a few inches, they still twitched in pain, his cries turning to whimpers.

“Chirp! Peep! Peeeep!” His hind legs spasmed pushing his back against the side of the box, one wing pinned under his body, the other bent crooked against the side.

As Sammy was filling out charts for the other patients, Cheryl began the prodding questions. “So, what is his name?”

“This was Gary, and his mastiff Bruce. He has the ear infection.”. Sammy wasn’t playing this game.

“Oh, yes, Gary. He was the one you were blushing and falling all over. I do recall you mentioning how much you love… Dogs. It was dogs, right?” Cheryl grinned and pulled out the chart several down, “ah, yes, Chris. Single. Male. Owns a fluffy that lost an argument with Mocha. Did you know he’s also single?”

“Oh my god, yes, I know!” Her face went red again.

“And?” Cheryl flipped through the chart, just two pages about Bumbles. “Huh, Bumbles?” She tapped at her lips, in thought. “Oh, we’ve seen him before. Chris must’ve been related to his owner.”

“His sister left the country for work, so, he took Bumbles in.”

“Did you get his number? I can get it off the chart if you’d like.”

“No, he already gave it to me. We are going out tomorrow… To talk about his fluffy…”

Cheryl nodded, a sly smile, “I expect to hear all about it. Every juicy detail!” She quickly avoided Sammy swinging a chart at her as she was chased from the room.

6 pm - All Nova could do is chirp and peep. He was so thirsty. And his tummy rumbled. The thought of food was blasted away with his next breath, the smell from his shit caked fluff was oppressive.

Mummah! Noba su sowwy! Pwease hewp babbeh… A pitiful chirp emanated from his mouth.

7:30 pm - Nova didn’t know how many forevers he was stuck in there, he lost track of that hours and hours, soany forevers ago. All he could feel was the sharp pain everywhere. Each breath a laborous act.

He couldn’t even bring his hoof to his mouth to suckle. Everything was pain, and everything was his fault. If he loves his mummah he wouldn’t have lied. Noba am wowstest fwuffy ebah, desewbe bigges’ owies! He couldn’t even make tears as his rear cramped and spasmed again.

Suddenly there was light, and fresh air. His whole body was suspended from his scruff. Nova couldn’t bear the bright light, covering his eyes with his hooves. His rear body, legs, tail, and even wings shook with the sudden freedom of movement.

He felt something cold and hard underneath him. He blinked, his blue eyes bloodshot, he was in the sink, where mummah gave them baths. “Chirp!”

“Don’t act so relieved. You’ve got a whole night ahead of you in the sorry box. If only you loved me…” His hooves couldn’t find purchase against the metal, not that would have helped with his legs still twitching and cramping.

He crumpled up into a pile of black and brown fluff as his mummah washed him and massaged his body. It hurt, but the owies felt so good. Whenever mummah got near his wings he chirped again.

After he was dried mummah put a small bowl of adult kibble in front of him and a small dish of water. “You’re a big fluffy, remember? That’s all you’re gonna get tonight.” Little did Nova know that was the kibble from the garage, the special kibble.

Nova nodded and took a bite, choking back a sob as the large and stale bit of kibble scraped up his mouth. Three whole pieces he managed to choke down before he gave up and drank all the water in the dish.

“Back into the sorry box.”

He froze. Then the trembling started. There wasn’t anything in his system yet, otherwise he would have pissed on the counter and had scared poopies.

He could only manage a whisper, “nu, pwease mummah, pwease, Noba am sowwy. Noba am su sowwy! Nu wai tu mummah ebah again. Pwease sowwy… Pwease nu bad upsies!” He got progressively louder and she hoised him by his scruff again. “Pwease nu! SOWWY MUMMAH AM SOWWY! PWEASE SOWWY! PWEASE!” His begging stopped as he started to hyperventilate.

He wasn’t put in the same box, not that he noticed with the crying and screaming. Little did they know that the sorry boxes were just cardboard boxes with air holes on the sides and top, and all the waste from this afternoon left the first one unusable.

Noba chirped as she set the sorry box down. He could stretch his legs, tail, and wings now, but everything was sore and cramped. He was in for a miserable evening.

Lovesick part 13
Lovesick Part 15



lol what

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Mummah is tough but fair. Also special kibble?

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You ever get a professional massage and if you have you’d know what he was talking about

In an earlier part of the story, Sammy is shown to have a disgusting bag of kibble that’s neither tasty or nutritious. Used for both feeding the truly hungry feral fluffies that come around, and as a tool to condition the fluffies she owns as they get the terrible kibble when she’s away.


Ah, thank you I figured it was something I missed

Bumbles is saying Chris isn’t his mother or father, not fully recognizing him as his owner.

And the other thing, ever get a charlie horse, and as you worked it out it hurt like hell, but felt good? Like that.


Ah thanks for clarifying. I had a brainfart and thought it was the same rotten stuff she gave to Jimi specifically to make him shit and vomit everywhere, but looking back on it I think that was canned dog-food.

Minty boy is right, it’s as nutritious as chewing dry cardboard.


Fair. Personally I was expecting Nova to need another sorry box very soon… and to simply not get one.

Bumbles better watch himself- if his owner starts dating Sammy and he tries to keep up that attitude, he’s gonna find out how creative she can be with disciplining that behavior right out of him. Mocha being oblivious to his insults and squishing his cheeks was hilarious though!

Oof, Nova really is going to spend two whole brite times in the sorry box, isn’t he. Hopefully the cramps were from a bad positioning in the box and not from low vitamins- that sorry kibble certainly wouldn’t replenish anything like that and, having had cramping muscles from low potassium intake before, its pretty dang painful! And we don’t want any of the little shitrats to start getting permanent injuries in Sammy’s care. But Nova showed that he’s possibly as smart as Jimi but with a devious streak, so that has to be nipped in the bud.

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It’s the discount Kibble she bought to feed strays that beg to Sammy… It’s filling but not really nutritious.


This is exactly what I was imagining for Nova. Confinement, but confinement that makes your body hurt all over. Nothing’s worse than being forced to stand still for 8-12 hours.

it seems like mocha is so dumb that can make fluffies go down to her level,where she has the absolute advantage


Don’t try arguing with an idiot- they’ll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. -Some Smart Person

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Something about Sammy flirting with clients in the workplace just feels ick to me :x

Here’s hoping Nova learns his lesson after this, though.