Lovesick - Part 17 - By SpaghettiDave

Lovesick part 17

Sammy and Chris had left, leaving the four fluffies in his safe room. And Sammy, not being one to suffer a difficult fluffy, left Bumbles full of training treats.
Fluffy treats made to taste like spaghetti but filled with artificial sweetener. Not just a sugar free, but a sugar free treat marketed to induce anal leakage and diarrhea.

“Yu twee nee unnastan, Bumbwes am bes fwuffy, dat why yu mummah gib Bumbwes all da numnies.” He was proud, and smug, because why shouldn’t he be? He was a good fluffy, possibly the best. And those previous accidents? Well those may have not been accidents.


Nova was the first to hear it, his ears twitched, but be couldn’t find the source. “Wat dat?”

Mocha and Jimi stopped chasing the ball, curious they looked around. Mocha gasped, she was she first to see the yellow fluff under the neon green tail staining with poop. She pointed, “bad poopies!”

“Whewe? Dewe nu bad poopies!”. Bumbles argued, spinning in a circle. The stomach rumbling had to be something else. Maybe he was hungry. His nose wrinkled at the smell that he couldn’t admit was coming from him.

“Yu poopie pwace makin’ bad poopies!” Nova yelled out, after his experience he backed himself away, pushing his body tight into a corner, his wings fluttered nervously.

There was almost a perfect circle of liquid shit on the floor with Bumbles in the middle.


Bumbles eyes went wide, “dis nu gud…” he could only take tiny steps as he tried to hold back the flood. It didn’t work, he was too far from the litter box. It was only 6 feet, but that felt like a mile.

“Eep!” Bumbles squeaked out a noise and not so much ran, but was propelled by the fountain of liquid shit erupting from beneath his tail.

Mocha his behind Jimi, peeking behind his back as Bumbles stumbled into the litter box. “Haaaaahhh… haaaaaah… hewp! Poopie pwace outta contwol!” Half of his body hung outside of the litter box, but his whole mass shuddered and spasmed.

Mocha nudged Jimi, “mummah nu gunna wike dis.”

Jimi nodded, “mummah gunna be vewy angwy.”

Sammy surveyed the mess. It was as disgusting as she expected. But, with her line of work, and owning fluffies before, she wasn’t phased. “So, has he done this before?”

“He had accidents but not like this.”

Bumbles looked upset, but it only fuels Sammy. “How about I take care of this. Can I help with the disciplining and training? You can take off for work.” She gave Chris a reassuring smile.

“I mean, I guess…” he gave her a kiss, “thank you. I’m going to go get ready.” Chris disappears down the hall and Sammy got to work.

It took some time to get the floor clean, she worked while watching Bumbles, and his shamed look. His haughtiness crumbled. She looked down at him, forcing him to awkwardly look up, “I have to give you a bath.”

He only whimpered. And his complaints were mostly quiet, the only sound her humming and the water against the sink. Until he had another round of explosive shits. She kept his rear hanging over the sink as she dried his fluff. The humming continued as an electric buzzing filled the kitchen.

“Whu- wat dat?”

Her humming, while bright and cheerful did not match her tone of voice. “See, bad fluffies that can’t make good poopies need a diaper. And diaper fluffies don’t need their fluff.”

“Screeeeeee!” He flailed but was held firmly in place as she shaved off all the fluff. From his lower half of his body. The outside of his thighs, his tail, his legs, his back. She flipped him over and shaved off the rest, being especially aggressive on his genitals. The pink flesh had some rough red spots from the aggressive shaving. Bumbles was left in the sink, his back half bald.

Sammy returned with a fluffy diaper in hand. “Stand up.” Smack! her hand slapped against his bare back.

“Scree! Nu moaw owies! Poopie pwace su owies!”

Even with his complaining he stood up on shaky legs. The diaper was wrapped around him, there was even a hole for his bald tail to poke through. “Bad upsies!” Bumbles squeaked as he was carried by his mane and returned to the safe room.

The white diaper and pink tail stood out against his green and yellow fluff. Which was stark against his blue bed. Sammy ignored him as she finished cleaning the litter box, leaving her fluffies and him alone again.

Instead of leaving, with Chris gone she checked out his medications, took pictures and measurements. She continued her happy humming while she scrolled through her phone.

Bumbles became more subdued over the following days, his attitude as a smarty, and his haughty personality shifted drastically. He was much more polite. Sammy kept the diaper on him. She kept shaving him every few days. She kept making him perform tricks for Chris and rewarded Bumbles with just one sugar free spaghetti treat. She would reward Chris with treats of his own, which were not spaghetti flavored.

“Why don’t you start staying over at my place more? I have a bigger bed. I have a bigger safe room. I cook better.”

Chris kissed the top of her head and Sammy snuggled against him. “Isn’t this going too fast?”

“We’ve been together for a month. We aren’t getting married, I just think we would be more comfortable at my place. And you don’t have to move in, just, bring some stuff and spend the night there more often.”

Chris had a thoughtful look as he pondered the idea, which Sammy countered with her womanly wiles.

Just a few days later she had made room in her dresser for his clothes, and a spare bed for Bumbles in the safe room, and even space in the medicine cabinet. While he was off at work, she visited his house with the pretense of getting a few more things for him and Bumbles.

Sammy tapped her finger against her lips before pouring his heart medications into two baggies and replacing them both with identical sugar pills.

Part 18 - Finale

  • Hugbox
  • Sadbox
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Pick your ending, fuckos.

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Super Secret ending


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  • No
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Aww . No Sketti Fwavowed Coochie!?



God fucking damn. This woman is psychotic. I knew as soon as she went for the medicine cabinet. This dude is gonna fuckin die. Jeez.

I hope she gets caught and has to go to jail for that shit. Some motherfucker should make bank doing a true crime podcast on her ass. Lol



You should read Abandoned Angel.

And… now I’m realizing I only write psychotic women… HMMM

Nope, that thought is going away, to be stored in the never-think-about-again bin.



If anyone is actually surprised by a woman that essentially does Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and gaslights the fuck outta her fluffies would have the audacity to do that has not read this story.


Hehe I knew she was crazy, go full nut job lady! get you another fluffy and Lose the guy

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Haha yeah auto correct really chewed that one up

You should’ve left it. Now I look like the idiot. lol

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R.I.P. jimmy and mocha
idk what will happen to them but i know is not gonna be nice and is gonna hurt me at a metaphisical level
you did it before,i know you will do it again


OOF, I was okay with Sammy fucking up her fluffies mentally, but going so far as to replace heart medication that will likely KILL her boyfriend’s(?) fluffy? My line has been drawn.


Y’know it’s weird we don’t see more stuff involving diaper-fluffies. It seems like such a humiliating and disgusting thing for them to go through, I’m surprised it’s not utilised more often as a punishment.
I mean the bullying alone would be punishment enough, never mind having to sit in their own filth for potentially hours, then with the ensuing rash, and also the possibility that the owner didn’t bother to shave them first, meaning their ‘pwetty fwuff’ is temporarily dyed shit-brown.



Shit’s heating up


Not at all surprised Sammy is apparently setting up some more weird bullshit with a human. Which is a shame- messing with medications like that will certainly get noticed, and Bumbles hasn’t yet been fully humiliated! I guess also potentially bad news for Jimi, Mocha, and Nova but honestly with Nova learning so fast from his punishment and Jimi out of his emo phase, Sammy doesn’t have anything to work with from them anymore. Just about time for them to move on to their next messed up owner!

Any chance we’ll see more of Brutus or his sons at Sammy’s clinic? I’d get a kick out of them condemning Brutus’ fate while Sammy is over there getting ready to kill a dude.

Too late!!

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It’s not crazy if it’s love. Wears a Harley Quinn Cosplay


The costume is fine, but what I don’t like is the look in your eyes as you hold that hammer.


Forget just the Fluffy, depending on the heart issue she could easily kill her boyfriend as well.

Which is why the worst thing should happen to her.

And it would be somehow? Sadbox, Hugbox, and dear sweet lord bleakbox.

@SpaghettiDave makes my imagination go to evil places.