Shoot your ideas in the comments! Any box, any subject! I do prefer sadbox/bleakbox but I’m down to try any interesting ideas.
No promises that I’ll do all of them, I’m sick and need something else to think about besides how much I hurt.
Shoot your ideas in the comments! Any box, any subject! I do prefer sadbox/bleakbox but I’m down to try any interesting ideas.
No promises that I’ll do all of them, I’m sick and need something else to think about besides how much I hurt.
Poor Maple. I hope you feel better soon.
A mummah and her foals in a box that is getting rained on. The rain is starting to leak through and the mummah is asking the sky wawa to please go away.
A pillow that has been surrendered to a shelter dying from starvation as it’s a holiday or something so nobody comes and gets him out of the box, filled with toys and obviously loved by someone who had been down on their luck.
Hope you feel better soon my guy.
How about a story about a herd of innocent fluffies who gets poisoned, leaving behind a lone foal who can only beg his family to wake up before slowly starving to death?
Feel better!
An alicorn at a mill/breeder that is shutting down and “liquidating” equipment putting the pieces together and trying to warn the others that there is no nyu daddeh, only a trip to a portable incinerator.
Feel better, friend. That’s my only request right now, I’ll come up with a fluffy-related idea later.
Redraw of the drake meme. A fluffy rejecting parsley and accepting italian seasoning. Visibly mark the jar as 70% parsley.
Failing that a dam sprinkling italian seasoning over her skettis excitedly talking about how best skettis must be good for babies
Sadly I am not an artist. These are writing commissions.
No worries friend! Hope you feel better soon. Don’t have anything i wouldn’t rather write out myself at the moment.
Hope you feel better soon!
I thought of this idea of a pampered mare that gets the baby itch, she was raised alone and is pissed that she’s paired with a poopy stallion (only to mate)
She does the usual BMS stuff and down the line turns out she’s colorblind and is making her poopie a fat smartie while starving and abusing pretty-colored foals. With a little extra twist at the end
Anything foal-in-a-can. I love industrial sadbox.
A fluffy somehow getting stuck in a crane machine game
Fluffy trying to survive Winter (and likely fail)
Using fake wings and horns an abuser makes an entire herd look like alicorns.
They all freak out and kill each other.
A fluffy on a prize counter for a rigged carnival game trying to help the humans win. The sign next to it promises new colors available every day.
The fluffy costs five tickets more than a portable dvd player or something. The players that do get enough just go for the machine instead. For a retwist make people nice enough to hand the five remaining to the fluffy to help buy its own freedom.
My OC character Goblin beating the shit out of a smarty.
Here’s a sample reference by swiftbitches. Just remember for scale he’s twice the size of a regular fluffy.
Three fluffies at a shelter making friends, and realizing they were all adopted, then abandoned by the same owner, then losing it when they see them come in and adopt yet another cute foal who will eventually share their fate