Microfluff Management: A CYOA by Thesaltt part 7

Microfluff Management: A CYOA by Thesaltt part 7

First thing’s first, you have to bury the dead. The smell of booboo juice and fluffy body parts will attract predators, so taking care of the smell should be the first thing you do. Your muscles are aching, and while the throbbing in your head is better, you’re still feeling the after effects of the hellacious migraine.

One by one you dig a hole big enough to put a body part or two in, throw in the pieces, and bury them back up. The taste of your own booboo juice, and the booboo juice of others mingle on your tongue as you have to use your mouth to move the pieces. It doesn’t taste terrible, but it’s not something you’d want to eat if you have other options, which the entire landscape is filled with other options.

You do feel full but that could just be from overeating the nutrigel not too long ago…Though how much time has passed you’re unsure. The sky was still white, and the area was still brightly lit, so you could guess that it was still daytime at the very least.

Besides the dull ache in your head that would flair up at sudden neck movements or any sort of pressure, you seemed to be untouched. The booboo juice on your face and chest seems to be from your nose and ears, but the rest of the booboo juice on you doesn’t belong to you.

You search the area forever and don’t find any living fluffy around. All the fluffies you had seen earlier are either completely gone or their body parts are somewhere around here. You wander over to the tunnel that the fluffies had called home to see that the inside is coated in red. You shutter and turn away, and as you do you see a face you recognize and your heart drops.

You see the horrified face of Oscar, the little foal that had brought you here. Only his head remains and his last expression which is forever cemented into his face is that of shock and horror. It looks like he had been decapitated before he felt any pain, so at least you could take solace in that. You then realize you didn’t run into any corpse that belonged to Shaishai. Was she one of the fluffies that completely disappeared, or did she find a hiding spot? Did she escape?

You look down the tunnel once more, but don’t see anything immediately. The tunnel curves off about two body lengths down, so not much can be seen from where you’re standing.

You can feel your dry tongue stick to the roof of your mouth. You’re thirsty, but you haven’t been able to find a water source here. You only know of one water source, and that’s back from where you came, 2 long times away. You’re still covered in blood which has started to matt your fluff. You’ll need to clean yourself and get something to drink soon.

What do you do? Where do you go? Do you stay and try to find a water source or go back where you came?




the dead are now of no concern. you must drink their lifeblood so you may live and look for soldiers to aid you in your battle against the unseen ones, their arrival is inevitable. you mustn’t let them conquer these lands, or else all hope will be lost.

[man i’m just completely going with this unseen ones narrative]

Go back to where and drink some water

Find and kill shaishai. If she says anything, others may attempt to kill you on sight. Lick the blood off yourself too. Try to avoid other fluffies.

Granite has already looked around the broader area. Is there anywhere you’d like to specifically look for her?

Find another source of water. That can’t be the only source

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Find an elevated spot close by. Use it to look for water, other fluffies or anything that looks interesting.

Check the tunnel in front of you quickly. Do you see hear or smell anything that may be useful? If yes follow the tunnel. Be on the lookout for anything that might hurt you. Head on a swivel Granite.

If the tunnel yields nothing, did you see anything from the elevated point nearby? If yes, go forth is search of, well, stuff. Entertainment. Something, y’know?

[ Hellfire this is a long bloody list of instructions. I hoped to keep it to a level of “fluffy comprehensible”. ah well. c’est a vie ]

Lucky for you I’m smarter than a fluffy.

If you guys haven’t noticed, I’ve tried to include everyone’s comments and suggestions in Granite’s actions. If you want to suggest more than one thing, that’s fine, but if things start getting contradictory, decisions might need to be made. More than likely this will be by dice rolls.

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