Microfluff Management: A CYOA by Thesaltt

Microfluff Management: A CYOA by Thesaltt

You are a microfluff in a vast field of blue nutrigel as far as the eye can see. You don’t remember anything before this point, but you do have a feeling that this is normal, and nothing to be worried about. There seem to be small lakes of water not too far off, so you seem to have a good source of both food and water. You assume the water is safe to drink, just not safe to swim in. Wawa bad for fluffies.

The air smells faintly sweet and pleasant. The bright ball of light in the sky has just crested over the blue mountains at the horizon. The morning rays of light feel warm on your fluffy. You don’t seem to have any shelter, though there isn’t a cloud in the sky, so you don’t have to worry about the dangerous sky wawa coming down. A nice, warm breeze blows past you. You close your eyes and enjoy the feeling on your fluff.

You take inventory of yourself and find that you have gray fluff with a dark gray-blue main and tail. Other than that, you’re not too sure what to do or what’s going on.

What do you do from here?

Next part


Have a little drink then wander around a bit.


I can’t art, so I have to use the tools in MSPaint to help with this type of story telling. Please forgive the shitty art in the future.

This is a Choose Your Own Adventure! I’ve always liked doing things like this. Please, ask any questions you like about whatever you wanna know about, and I’ll fill in the gaps with pictures and story as we go along!


Eat some nutrigel, perhaps enough to begin a tunnel shelter

CYOA’s are rad btw :heart:
I have one on the backburner


Nibble a little nutrigel and see how it tastes.

PS. If you have a good enough description/story you don’t need good art and vice verse. While having both be good is the ideal it isn’t required (otherwise text adventure games wouldn’t have been popular).


Check surrounding for your left side of legs