Yeah, a glue trap would work great for fluffy micros and babbehs. Maybe even the big ones too?
I think their intelligence would make them both harder and easier to eliminate.
On one hand, they would probably get wise to traps eventually, so they would stop working unless you kept buying different types they aren’t used to yet. Plus, they will be much more tactical about hiding and remembering where the food they want is. And they can communicate better than any animal besides humans, and actually come up with plans that involve many of them working together.
On the other hand, their ability to communicate with humans would make it possible to trick them. While they are intelligent and self aware, they are not very wise. You could sit on the floor, while openly wielding a weapon to smash them with, and loudly state something like, “any fluffy that comes over here gets sketties” and you’d get at least a few.
OMG the movie Joe’s Apartment but with microfluffies is a possiblity!
@infraredturbine so its like termites , roaches and rat infestation, since they can live in noks and crannies of a house
Im sure Hasbio gonna rack up their extermination service on that.
This would breed a special kind of cat that wants to only eat micro fluffies, causing a problem for those who are die hard cat lovers once Micros become extinct in a few years.
It would just need to be really big. Like doormat size.
Alternatively, you could perhaps set up traps where they run into fly strips. They’d probably get tangled pretty fast. And, even if they don’t get tangled enough to prevent walking, as long as the fly strip is securely attached to something, it would work like a leash and prevent them from leaving.
Chonkers ™, Hasbio R&D’s latest from these wise researching extermination people. Paired with a certified and well trained Hasbio Exterminatus Teams, Chonkers ™ is a lean cat that can fit in spaces as small as an inch, and hunt micros.
At least they can’t chew through concrete like actual rats
Just set out poisonee sketties. Of course, it has to be a slow poison. I saw one story (i cant remember the name, sorry) where the main character had a really bad feral problem, untill he bought a special trap for them. It was essentially a big box of poisonous sketty, but with a hole that only a talkie babbeh could fit through. The herd was expected to, and did send a foal in to pull the bait out bit by bit for the herd which gave enough time for the entire herd to gather at the trap and every one of them had some to eat. The poison was slow enough that none caught on, and so slow that the mares fed poisoned milk to the foals who couldnt eat solids yet.
I’d think mice and rats have much better options. Easier to scurry up vertically with their little feet/claws. I’d think with micros they start at ground level and go down. Rats and mice? Start there but go ANYWHERE.
I really dig this concept, because always found micro fluffies too much unbelievable even for fluffy standards, although fun.
you reminded me that if you serve rats a mixture of cemente + cheese, they’ll eat it anyway, and then when they drink water, cement is gonna kill them by forming rocks
Ive never heard that one, suppose you could do the same with sketty… a little bit of “parmesan” on top
Kinda shocked they didn’t all run when the saw started cutting through the boards.
Yeah, I don’t see Fluffies as being worse. If anything better since they’d be so much easier to poison, or even just lure out.
You could literally just convince them verbally to come out using a plate of spaghetti, promises of love, and a recording of some songs.
I’m going to try to remember the story despite being a little faded… I could swear there was a setting by a really spiffing author that involved this idea.
Like, there were even cases of exterminators who had to deal with it in cities, where realistically, fluffies would be too large and hapless to thrive but micros could possibly fit.
Umm… the main character of the story was a kid whose parents sent him to boarding school after his background role abusing a fluffy in an earlier story. With a sexual angle to it. But he lived in a trailer so he got caught. It fucking owned. Anybody know what I’m yammering about?
Just be glad it’s not Petra fluffy infestation because a small infestation is between 80,000 and 240,000 but is easy to find in ghettos because they clean up after themselves.
Because of the alcohol content 40% in their saliva and naturally very clean they can live close to humans without being detected because colonies in infesting houses have been recorded only talking in 10 dB volume but usually they like to make colonies under big bushes.
And Petra fluffy’s immune to almost all household chemicals so poisoning them is practically out of the question.
they kinda don’t have where to run xD
Also, idea and picture are awesome, obviously. Nearly forgot to say that.