Migration #1 (by:Flug)

Well perhaps I’m not as advanced a gatekeeper as you. Your skills must be legendary in the gatekeeping community for advance gatekeeping math socery like that. :smiley:

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Again with your petty labels?
How a common argument stalemate is related to gatekeeping anyway?


I’m just following your example. You slap petty labels on people, so im just trying to communicate with you in a manner you can relate to since you react with anger otherwise. Im trying new things :smiley:

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What label did I put on you or flug? My only crime is that I put a label on a smarty in the comic, which doesn’t count because he is not real


Here you go again with arguing things that I didn’t say. I never said you labeled flug anything. I’d say nice try but this is like the 2nd spurious argument you have tried to float.

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He just asked you to explain in what way he put labels on anything.


So who did I labeled than, if it’s not the only two people I was speaking with here?


Hey your buddy is back. I’m glad you have some help. You need it :smiley:

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I’m just trying to understand wtf you are even saying. I’m simply confused at this point


There are 2 pending questions to you btw


1 Me, repeatedly, which is fine, but don’t deny it. I’m sure you probably do this with others given this strong of a response you made here.
2 You seem to keep wanting to push this as a stalemate, i disregard the question because its a false premise.
You can’t seem to keep this going without a pal helping you. You both seem to not want to acknowledge anything that you said above. Can you make a simple coherent point without arguing things I never said, or trying to pretend you are somehow the victim here? A bogus line of reason your pal keeps trying to float. I’m sorry you had feelings about my original statement, but your feelings are your problem.

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I didn’t asked him. It just so happened that he somewhat agrees with me. Does anybody agrees with you?


Thank you, Discourse, you are hilarious.


Well given your love of bogus arguments and denial of basic things we can read by scrolling up, i don’t believe much of what you have to say including that bit. I’m sorry you need other people to help you for your own personal validation.


Should I tell him to go fuck himself then?

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Then explain. Properly. That’s what we’re trying to have you do. That’s it. It’s simple. If you do that, I’ll be glad to fuck right off. I’ll even apologize for getting involved ffs.


Well that is about the level I expect from you now. I’m going to exit now and since I’m sure you are both probably last word freaks I’ll give that to you as I’m done with your circular logic and nonsense. Have fun with your future Gatekeeping adventures.

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no veo el momento en el que ese smarty se muera :+1:


Yeah, thank you for this unforgettable toxic gaslighting experience


@Flug we are deeply sorry about that argument