Morning time (TheBigBrother)

Thank you everyone who voted nearly 100 votes is amazing and much more than I ever would have though I would have gotten. I’m so Happy with this amazing community and thank you.
I’ve been drawing daily even if I haven’t been visiting or posting daily still and here is a dump of last weeks drawings the first in a trilogy for the foals. I don’t know if all three will take a week, but this is the idea I was most exited for.
Orange is next and boy do I have some plans for him :slight_smile: . Thank you all again it’s been a ton of fun creating with all of yall I missed coming her and chatting so I’m happy to be back after some travel.


Huh. Honestly, it’s a better fate for that foal than the alternative.


That was … Something else.

I can understand what shadow did, after all he didn’t knew what would happen to the special one.

The last panel, he doesn’t regret what he did… Right?


This is fantastic. Good show, good show!


oh my, shadow loved his baby to the end, he wanted to keep him from any pain, such a loving dad doing the best he can
Ah, i wonder who would have bought him for $4000? if it was a loving owner they may do an investigation and hear from shadow why he did what he did
the plot thickens ohhhhhh i love this!


I didn’t expect to like a non-abuse ending for the sensitive babbeh but this is really good, great work!


I know Sadbox won the vote but god damn that is tragic.


Thank you I was going for tragic I’ve had a Idea for something like this for a while. Expect a couple of iterations on it too :slight_smile:


I appreciate it, and don’t count yourself out for abuse just yet I have some fantastic Ideas for little orange :slight_smile:


It’s a classier sadbox then I was expecting. ~tips hat~

Well done.


I didn’t have any plans for an investigation, but you brining it up does make the gears in my head spin. the only real problem with that is that I suck at drawing people lol so I would have a hard time with a investigation. if there was work around that would be ideal :slight_smile:


The father killing his son to spare him from abuse and pain, only for the son to find his voice right before death, is very The Mist. Very, “You meant well, but didn’t actually have to do that awful act and no benefit arose.”

I like this.


he got away too easily


Who pays 4 and a half grand for a kid who can’t talk?

Either an abusers overpaid or a Hugboxer just got done out of a good deed


What stupid fuck Shadow doesn’t realize is that EITHER WAY his child is dead. Who really won ya shitrat.

Aside from that great story, love the concept!!


Counter point imagine how nice a fluffie would be if it couldn’t talk, no begging whining or lying ah bliss :wink:


True I guess. I guess it depends how they’re perceived in your canon


Shadow still won. His kid may or may not have been tortured, but the sensitibe boy was killed decently fast and maybe not too painfully. Less painful than any abuser I’d think.


I wonder what happens to Shadow. Definitely didn’t like him calling his kid bestest, but it’s better than going full fluffy discrimination that they do with babies they don’t like.


the continuity confuses me. The purple one, that’s the mummah mare ? She’s just not in any of the subsequent panels. But the SBS isn’t in the intro panel. Its not clear that Shadow is a stallion until several panels in. Someone donated thousands of dollars to… what ? a a rescue mission ? So the hooman daddeh runs a “Happy Farms Recovery” etc thing but is a semi-abuser at heart ? And what’s with the last panel, shadow has been pillowed and is on a shelf with other pillows and they’re all… what are they doing, drinking milk from little … I don’t know. And he’s singing a daddeh wubs song because he’s gone mad ? Is this his punishment ? The text needs some grammar editing.
I do like the killing-the-babbeh before it can be tortured, that’s some good sadboxing there.

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