“We need a safe room.” Strawberry said as their eye twitched. With Cherry starting to walk and with her having the ‘splorin’ drive he needed to keep her in one place. He could not risk another episode of… whatever that was. He barely came back from it. But he also didn’t want Maxine to know about it either. He was going to have to improvise something.
Strawberry got his story together. Something about not wanting Cherry to find things she’s not prepared to see or along those lines. It ultimately didn’t matter, Strawberry overestimated how much work he’d have to do to convince Maxine. He asked for a safe room and she went, “Oh, ok. Totally forgot about that, sorry!” She left Eclair with him and wandered off to her ‘projects’ room.
“Hewwo fwuffy mummah…” Eclair said even more pathetically than usual. She was wrapped in a fresh set of bandages and nestled in her carrying basket.
Strawberry looked down and patted Eclair reassuringly on the head. Cherry was annoying and terrifying in equal measure but Eclair knew her place. The bottom. As far as Strawberry was concerned, Eclair was about as good as fluffies got. Which wasn’t much.
“Nuh sad wawa. Uwe ams toughie. Nuh dummeh wawa babbeh.” Strawberry said in an attempt to be encouraging.
Eclair sniffled and nodded, “Nuh sads wawas…”
Strawberry turned his attention to the baby latched to his teat. This thing was a menace. He wasn’t sure if it was just a matter of him not knowing where she was or a fierce bit of separation anxiety… he wasn’t really willing to test it. Just half an hour of not knowing where Cherry was nearly turned him into a baby crazed mare.
He regretted not getting spayed but a stifled whimper from Eclair changed his mind. He bopped her gently on the nose, “Nuh wawa.”
Eclair sniffled, “Can Ecwaire haves miwkies pwease? Haveses tummy hurties…” she did her best to quash any outward signs of weakness for her fluffy mummah. It wasn’t at all convincing but Strawberry appreciated the effort to please him.
“Yuh.” He replied tersely as he picked up the foal and led it to his milky place. He didn’t enjoy feeding them but at least it shut them up for a good while. Cherry was still going at it like she hadn’t been fed in weeks. Fine by Strawberry. Cherry’s real mother had a litter of 5 and Strawberry’s body was a duplicate of. Far too much milk for two foals to drink. He made a note to suck it up and ask Maxine for a milker; he’d already accidentally dripped milk on his floorboards and he was not looking forward to damaging them further.
Just had to last 5 more months. Just had to make sure Cherry lasted 5 more months. He wasn’t sure what Maxine would do to him if he failed but he’s positive they’d be some kind of fucked up nonsense.
As if on queue Maxine walked on by with a wave as she put down a large piece of hastily painted plywood. She left just as quickly. Strawberry had to admit, the woman was handy. He thought back to his night in the Penance Cube and his good pal Billy Bob. Funny in hindsight but annoying as all hell to sit through.
He sat there waiting for a good while. Both the foals kept at it. Maxine kept hauling in more planks of wood. He tapped his hoof impatiently. It was boring, but at least his tanks were being emptied. Next time he would make sure to set up in front of the tv. Maybe bug Maxine for a tablet.
Eclair was the first to finish. She let out a tiny burp and somehow managed to get a milk mustache on her snout. “Tankies foh nummies mummah, Ecwair wubs uwe.” The foal gave the best hug she could muster with one leg. Strawberry gave a curt nod in response.
Maxine was back once more, this time to stay. She had a neon pink toolbox and her hair tied back in a ponytail. She caught Strawberry looking at her hair and grinned, “Hey, we match!”. Strawberry scowled as she swayed her ponytail.
A makeshift enclosure was soon erected. Plywood was painted and sprayed with laminate to keep the foals from getting splinters. There was a double door airlock so that Strawberry could enter and leave at their leisure without worrying too much about escapees.
“Anything else they need, my good mummah fluff?” Maxine asked cheerfully.
“A good pillowing so I don’t have to worry about them.” Strawberry thought to himself. He waited a moment for Maxine’s response. Nothing. Ha, she has her guard down again. He thought several rude thoughts he’d been suppressing and what he’d do to the woman if he ever got back to being human. Felt good. Being a prisoner in your own body was one thing, having to worry about your thoughts too? Nightmarish.
“Nuh. Mebbeh sum toysies. Gib Ecwair ecwairses teddies beaw. Mebbeh stuffie foh Chewy as weww. Weashies foh babbehs.”
Maxine nodded, “Good ideas. I need to take Geoff on a test run so a trip to fluffy mart wouldn’t hurt. Geoff! Come!” Maxine yelled for the homunculus. It lurched slowly into the room. Strawberry looked at it with clear disdain.
“Yeeeeeesss Missss-tresss” the thing said.
“Stwawbewwy askies, uwe makes it talkies wike dat on puwpoise?” He wasn’t sure. Maxine may be the only magic person he knew, but she was also the worst magic person he knew.
“…yes?” she replied as she gave Eclair her teddy bear. The foal cheeped happily as she snuggled her stuffy.
Strawberry smiled smugly. Yet another fuck up on her part . “Weww, haves funsies wiff yur speshal fwiend. Uwe wook wondewfuw togetha.”
Maxine got flustered and left with ‘Geoff’. Got 'er. Strawberry heard the car start and pull out of the garage. For the first time in three days he was actually alone. Annoying as she was, Maxine was a fairly solid lifeline. He’d have to be careful.
Cherry had been exploring the bounds of her enclosure and had judged it wanting. She puffed up her cheeks and stomped at the wall, “Chewwy wan… 'spowe!”. The uncoordinated foal bounced onto her back from the recoil. Her legs flailed in the air as she tried to right herself. From what Strawberry could see, she was getting kept on her back by her wings.
“Dummeh babbeh. Nuh can hurties waww. Ams waww. Dats da pointies.” Strawberry trotted over slowly, letting Cherry stew in it for a bit. “Stwawbewwy hewp dummeh babbeh.” He let her squirm for a few moments longer and then rolled her over with his hoof.
“…tah-enks mums-ah…” Cherry said, embarrassed. She fought the waww and the waww won.
“Babbeh ams splore safe woom.” Strawberry said authoritatively. “Needs 'splorin”
Cherry puffed up her cheeks and then acquiesced just as quickly. She waddled and stumbled around the enclosure chirping and giggling as she explored the same room she’d been living in for 3 days.
Eclair was trying to keep on her back, the scars on her belly likely hurt more if she didn’t. She gripped her teddy bear tightly with her leg and tried not to cry. The pain killers were starting to kick in and Strawberry could see the foal’s head start to waver and then collapse right into sleep. A passed out fluffy was easy to manage.
Strawberry let himself out of the safe room and got a drink from the pet fountain and a few mouthfuls of kibble. Maxine had sprung for the expensive stuff so it wasn’t all that bad. Kind of good, if he was being honest.
He trotted over to the bathroom and took care of business. Come to think of it, Strawberry and the foals had to poop a lot less than most fluffies. He’d have to ask Maxine about that when she gets back. He wiped on a dispenser that Maxine had rigged for him out of a coat rack. He hopped onto a stool and flushed. It was a small thing, but using the toilet was a well appreciated moment of dignity.
Strawberry galloped around the house to keep his fitness up. He wasn’t sure if he had to but he didn’t want to lose any ground on his gains when he turned back. Cherry cheered him on every time he passed the safe room which he admittedly found kind of cute.
With his exercise done he picked up the remote with his mouth and let himself back into the enclosure. If he stood on his hind legs he could see over the walls well enough. Cherry was still earnestly exploring the enclosure and Eclair was zonked out on pain meds. Not much else to do but watch tv.
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