Mother Mare 12: A walk around the neighborhood (qwertytf)

Strawberry meticulously carried the foals to the litter box and had them both empty themselves out. Going on a walk? Really? His stubbly legs made getting around the house an endeavor, walking outside seemed daunting.

“Aww done!” Eclair said as she wiggled about to clean her rear on the litter, “Uppies pwease!” Eclair had been feeling a lot better since getting her medicine and her mummah’s fixie hands. A resilient fluff, as soon as the pain subsided her mood improved significantly. She giggled as Strawberry lifted her by her scruff and rinsed her off in one of the designated cleaning fountains.

“Ams d-done!” Cherry exclaimed. Strawberry repeated the process with the little fluff and gave a lick on the forehead for good measure. Cherry waddled over to Eclair and gave her a big hug, “Si-tah! Ams go auw-seid!” As far as she knew, Cherry hadn’t been outside for more than a few minutes; just long enough to go from Car to building and back. The little fluffy was very excited to see what it was all about.

“Yu! Auside!” Eclair cheered back, returning the hug as best she could. She looked at her leg gratefully. She might not be able to do the walking this time, but soon enough she’d have all her leggies back. Human magic sure was something, taking leggies one day and giving them back another.

Maxine changed into something more casual, sweatpants, a hoodie, and a bandolier for carrying her little fluffs. She tied her hair back into a ponytail and picked up a neon pink harness. Between taking care of the fluffies and covering up for Strawberry’s disappearance she hadn’t really had a chance to get a feel for this place. Taking a walk was easy enough and hopefully she’d get to know the neighbors. Teasing Strawberry a bit? Just a nice little bonus.

“My little fluffs ready to go?” Maxine opened up the gates to the saferoom and strode in.

“Made good poopies and ams aww cweans!” Eclair said proudly. She giggled as Maxine picked her up, “Wub uppsies!”

“I’m glad my favorite pastry is feeling more like herself again.” Maxine put the foal into a pocket of her fluffy bandolier. Made out of stretchy nylon, the pocket would keep her warm, snug, and secure enough.

“Ooooooh! Ams upsies buh mummah nuh howds?” You could almost see the gears turning in Eclairs head as she tried to decide if she liked the holster or not, “Ams wawm ans snuggies ans smeww wike mummah ans mummah wight dewe…” she said to herself, deep in thought, “But ams vewy vewy upsies…”

Maxine moved to pick up Cherry while Eclair was still pontificating, “And how’s Cherry?”

“Chewwy ams… ams goodeh! Gots tu 'splowe!”

“We’re going to do some special exploring, but you have to promise not to leave your special nestie, ok?” Maxine showed off Eclair who was still deciding if she liked it or not, “You’ll be right next to your sister.”

“Otay! Pwoms!”

As Maxine knelt down to pick up Cherry Eclair was brought down with her mummah. She experienced the movement like a woman being taken on a joyride by King Kong and gulped. She was glad she already went poopies. Another tally in the “Do not like” column. “Mummah! Pwease mobe cawefuwwy! Ams hewe!”

Maxine bit her lip as she stuffed Cherry into the bandolier. She didn’t consider the difference in perception. Bending down wasn’t a big deal to her but it was moving five times the foal’s body length in less than a second. “You make a good point, I’ll be more careful.” Maxine ruffled Eclair’s mane, “Sorry if I scared you.”

“Ams otay. Knowses mummah diden means tu.” Eclair had gotten fairly good at reading humans after dealing with weeks of abuse from a particularly cruel fluffymart employee. Between her and the other humans she got a solid grasp on whether someone was intending to hurt her or was just not thinking things through. Bestest mummah wasn’t a dummeh, but she definitely fell into the “Not thinking things through” category. Being stuck as a pillow fluff gives you a lot of time for introspection as it turns out.

“Ok, just gotta get Strawberry sorted and we’re good to go! Strawbs, c’mere.”

Strawberry grunted and trotted over to Maxine, “Wat want.?” She wordlessly raised up the neon pink harness. Strawberry rolled his eyes, “If yu tink dat wiww bovah Stwawbewwy, yu ams dummeh.” Seriously, that’s like one of the least of his many indignities. Besides, watching a little bit of Maxine’s enthusiasm deflate from her failed teasing was worth covering up any uncomfortable feelings.

Maxine knelt down slowly and strapped the harness onto Strawberry. It hugged between his armpits and ribcage giving a solid grip on the fluffy without the possibility of choking them. All in all, it wasn’t too bad.

“Ok family! We’re off!” Maxine exclaimed as she opened the door.

“Wat 'bout dummeh Stwabewwy?” Strawberry pointed a hoof at the Homunculus Geoff who was standing motionlessly in the hallway.

“That’s a good point. Geoff, please clean the litter boxes and fountains for me.” The horrible mimicry of life lurched toward the saferoom and began cleaning.

“Nuh wot Stwa- whahevah.” Strawberry gave a shrug as Maxine gave the leash a gentle tug.
It was a bright day in late fall. Strawberry’s house was located in a small suburb just outside of a mid sized city that Maxine didn’t care to learn about just yet. Distinctly lower middle class, the houses were nice but nothing notable about them good or bad.

“Waow!” Cherry said as if this was the first time she’d ever been outside, “Su… bigs! Mums ah, fambwy splowe?”

“Yeppers, just a little walk around the neighborhood.”

The Cream family had made it to the sidewalk. Strawberry was keeping up ok, Maxine thankfully didn’t have much of a stride and his legs could move surprisingly fast with someone competent operating them.

“Suh mans hausee!” Cherry was dazzled by the sight of so many houses. She never got to see outside of the truck during their car rides. It was a whole new world. “Ans hooms! Hewwo hoom mawe!” Cherry waved her tiny hooves at an elderly woman raking up leaves in her yard.

“Haha, hello there little one.” The old woman said as she took an excuse for a break, “Friendly little thing, aren’t you.”

“Ams Chewwy! An dis ams… sis-tew! Ans mums-ah ans mums-ah!”

Maxine chuckled, “Hope we arn’t bothering you, it’s such a nice day that I thought I’d take my fluffs out for a stroll.”

“Not at all, dearie. Name’s Margret. You must be Geoff’s mystery woman.” Margret took a moment to look over Maxine. No signs of bruises except a small one on her shoulder. No signs of distress. She sighed in relief. Nobody on this street liked or trusted Geoff and a woman suddenly moving in with him raised all sorts of alarms for folks.

“That’s me! Mysterious Maxine, they call me.”

Margret looked at the fluffies with an approving smile, “Can’t believe he’d let so many fluffs in his house, let alone any!”

Maxine smirked and cocked her hip, “Oh, I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be.”

“I’ll bet, pretty lil’ thing like you.” Margret walked closer to the woman and looked her dead in the eyes. Margret’s face turned serious, “If you ever need anything, I’m right next door. I don’t want to bad mouth your boyfriend, but he hasn’t gotten the best reputation around here. Not the most social fellow, and I could swear I’ve heard screaming.”

“Ah.” Maxine said as she understood what was going on, “No, he hasn’t tried to hurt me or anything.” She paused for a moment. That was actually a lie, come to think of it, “Mostly sweet if a bit standoffish.”

Strawberry grimaced. The old hag next door was seriously talking shit about him? “Stwabewwy ams wite hewe.” He puffed up his cheeks and stomped the ground in annoyance.
“Oh, sorry little lady. Don’t mean to be mean to your daddy, just want to make sure your mommy is safe.” Margret said as she stroked Strawberry’s mane soothingly.

“Ah, yeah. I met Geoff when I rescued Strawberry and Cherry. He’s been very helpful with the two of them. I suppose Strawberry is a bit defensive of him, they’re very, very close with each other.” Maxine giggled at that one.

Margret stroked her chin, “Well, I wish you the best young lady. Hopefully I’m just being a pest and there’s nothing to worry about.”

“I appreciate the concern, really. If I need help you’ll be the first place I go.” Maxine gave a genuine heartfelt smile. She picked up a lot from that short conversation, and most of it good. “I’ll leave you to it, this little lady is itching to explore.”

Cherry had been wiggling about with growing impatience, there were so many things to see! “Wan 'spowe!” she cheered at the mention of the word.

“Buh byes nice wady!” Eclair waved her off as Maxine started walking again.

They walked in silence. Strawberry was grumbling about his unfair treatment by his dumb neighbors, Cherry was taking in the sights and Eclair was ruminating over the conversation.

“Mummah, wai dat wady think yu hab huwties?”

“Ah. The housie we’re living in used to belong to a very mean man and the nice lady wanted to make sure he didn’t hurt me.”

“Mummah… wiww meanie mistuh huwties fambwy?” Eclair had begun to tremble.

“Oh no, he won’t be hurting anyone for a long while. Your mommy took care of him real good.”

“Oh. Otay.” Eclair settled back down, “Dat wady ams good wady.”

“Yes, very kind of her to put herself out like that. It’s good to help when you can, very nice lady.”

Strawberry grumbled even louder and puffed up his cheeks. Seriously. He was right here. He glared up at Maxine and all she did was grin. He had half a mind to shit in her heels.

The Creams kept walking around the neighborhood, stopping a few times to chat and show off the fluffies. It was the same story nearly every time. A warm welcome and a serious warning. Maxine knew Strawberry was a monster but apparently the whole neighborhood knew too. As they were walking back up to the house she frowned. Him killing Cherry’s family was clearly not a one off thing. Could she allow him off the hook even after Cherry grows up?

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Story Master List of things I done wrote


bro must be FUMING lmaooo


He had half a mind to shit in her heels.

My god, his mind is becoming more fluffy like


Suck it Geoff! Nobody likes a man baby!