Mummah Knows Best [By BFM101]

You are Mummah, and you are currently having the biggest poopies of your life.

You thought that being the special-friend of the Smarty leader would be better than this, better than rummaging around in the tree-place, covered in dirty and Fluff knows what else.

You thought having babies again would be the best thing that ever happened to you, but this time you never felt the need to sing the mummah songs, you never felt anything to your babbehs as they grew inside you.

Now all you feel is pain as the useless creatures failed to crawl out of your special-place.

Your special-friend tries to comfort you, rubbing his purple fur against your pretty Fluff. “Fwuffy am su pwoud of speciaw-fwiend, gun hab bestesh babbehs.”

You scowl at him, he’s just rub his dirt onto your pretty Fluff, your Fluff that you work so hard to keep clean in this sorry place for a home.

Behind you The Nurse-Mare steadies you. “Babbehs comin, be weady.”

Of course you were ready, you had babies before you came here, none of them were any good of course but you had them. You knew what to expect.

The agony in your special-place hit you unexpectedly and you cry out as the first chirpy-babbeh is pushed out of you.

“UUGGGHH. BABBEH MOVE!” You scream at the child as it refuses to come out of you.

You feel the Nurse-Mare gently bite down on the foal and help pull it from you, you don’t even ask for it to be given to you for lickie-cleans.

The Nurse-Mare strokes your back. “Wewax mummah, wet babbehs come natuwawwy. Tuu mush push an babbehs git huwties.”

You don’t care about the babies, you just want them out of you so it stops hurting. You push again, another bad baby refuses to come out, the Nurse-Mare helps again.

And again.

And again.

For all five of your babies, the Nurse-Mare had to help pull it from you, her face is matted with blood and fluids from having to do your job for you.

You don’t apologise.

You turn round to look at your foals, and you are horrified at what you see. Two poopie babbehs, a dull purple colt, a white munstah babbeh and the only good one of the lot, a pretty pink Pegasus filly, was born with forever sleepies.

It’s not fair, you deserved the best babies, why were you stuck with monsters and poopies? Not that that mattered to your mate, he was already cooing over the babies.

“Babbehs su pwetty, hewwo babbehs, am daddeh. Hab biggesh heawt huwties fow nu-wakie babbeh bu wiww wememba yu awways.”

He gently stroked the pink filly’s fluff before the Nurse-Mare takes her away to be buried. Your mate then turns happily to the rest of your foals, already smiling at them all.

He might be the Smarty but he’s fucking idiot.

“Ha ha, Bwown babbehs gun be su gud at hidies, and wook, wittew puwpew babbeh wook jus wike daddeh. An wingie-pointie babbeh gun be so tuff, daddeh wub aww babbehs.”

He loves monsters and poopies? If he was the leader you would have nothing to do with him, he clearly doesn’t know that monster and poopies need forever sleepies to protect the herd.

Reluctantly you feed the babies, not wanting to draw attention to yourself, you literally shake with fear when the monster latches onto your teat to drink. But you hide it with the best smile you can muster, everyone is fooled.

You think everyone is fooled, not seeing the Nurse-Mare return and look at your smile, unconvinced to how genuine it was.

That night you hatch your plan, while your mate is sleeping – you won’t even refer to him as your special-friend anymore – you put your foals onto your back and carry them out into the woods, once you’re far enough away you drop them to the ground, they immediately start chirping and crying for their mother. But you’re not interested in helping them.

“Dummeh babbehs gu foweba sweepies, Fwuffy desewved bestesh babbehs.”

You raise your hoof and stomp on them, killing the munstah first, he’s so small that your hoof covers his entire body. He feels nothing when squish him, you feel nothing either.

The smell of boo-boo juice is scaring the other babbehs, you work quick, killing the two poopie babbehs and leaving the purple colt for last, he might have been ok, but he was part of a bad batch, too likely to be contaminated.

Plus his colours were too dull.

Suddenly you hear a voice behind you. “Munstah.”

You turn and see the Nurse-Mare, she’s followed you here, and she looks furious.

“Fwuffy knyo dat mummah nu wike babbehs, bu nu fink she gib dem aww foweba sweepies. Yu am wowstesh mummah eba.”

“Fwuffy am BESTESH mummah eba, nu wan dummeh poopies an munstahs, wan gud babbehs.”

“AWW babbehs awe gud babbeh, yu tuu dummeh tu knyo dat. Gun teww Smawty, he deaw wiv bad mummah.”

No, you won’t lose your position of power because of a fucking Nurse-Mare. You leap forward and crash on top of her, she’s too dazed by the collision to see you standing over her.

With your hoof raised high.

It takes three stomps to kill her, another two to crack open her skull, blood has coated your pretty Fluff and you have bits of brain stuck to your hoofs, but you’re safe from her. You look down at the broken mess of Fluffy beneath you, and you get an idea.


Your cries alert the other herd members to come running towards you, you cover your face and start crying, pretending to be upset at what’s happened. You hear the other Fluffies crying at the violent sight in front of you, your mate pushes forward, seeing the dead Nurse-Mare on one side of you, and his dead babies on the other.

“Ba… babbehs? Wha happen, why babbeh gu foweba sweepies.”

“Fwuffy see Nuwse-mawe take babbehs, she nu wan poopies an munstahs in hewd. Fwuffy twy tu stop hew, bu she gib babbehs foweba sweepies befow Fwuffy can weach. Am mummah nu mowe, meanie nuwse gib wowstesh heawt-huwties.”

You throw yourself onto your mate, still pretending to cry, he looks at the blood and gore in front of him, and holds you tightly.

It’s a sad day for everyone.

A few bright-times later, your babies are buried next to their no-wakies sister and the herd has tried to return to normal, the Nurse-Mare’s body was taken deep into the woods and thrown into the river. Water is bad for Fluffies so may she never find peace for what’s she’s done.

You have to be careful with the next part of your plan, you risk losing your mate and your place in the hierarchy if this goes wrong. You put on your best sad face and approach the Smarty.

“Speciaw-fwiend, Fwuffy knyo it tuu soon afta babbehs, bu wan knyo if yu wan twy hab babbehs gain.”

“Day nu sound wike gud pwan specaiw-fwiend, wong bwite-times awe coming soon, hoomins bwing bawkie munstahs ousside, wook fow Fwuffies.”

“Bu Fwuffy wan hab babbehs gain, am mummah wiv nu babbehs, pwease speciaw-fwiend, hewd need heaw gud fings.”

Your mate sighs and nuzzles into your chest, your hold your breath as he gets dirt on you again, but you nuzzle back all the same.

“Speciaw-fwiend wight, hewd need gud fings, Smawty an mate hab babbehs.”

You don’t need to fake this enthusiasm, you’re sure this time you’ll have the bestesh babbehs eba.

If not, then you’ll find someone else in the herd who can give them to you.

You are Mummah, and you’re currently having biggesh poopies again.

It has been many bright-times since you killed your last foals, and your herd seems to have gotten over the loss quite well. Most of them probably got distracted and forgot you ever had them to begin with.

Not you, you remember them every day, you remember how little you cared for them, how you never sung to them, how you felt nothing when you stomped them to death.

This lot was different though, you felt better with these babies, these are good babies, you just know it.

Your special-friend helps behind you, since there isn’t a Nurse-Mare anymore to help instead. “Wewax mummah, babbehs awe coming.”

You push, but not as hard this time, in your heart you know these are good babies so you don’t want to hurt them. The first one comes out, you hear it start chirping as your mate licks it clean.

“Nu taste gud, bu du it fow babbeh.”

“Speciaw-fwiend, gib babbeh tu mummah, wickie-cweans am mummah wowk.”

“Mummah hab mowe babbehs tu gib, daddeh cwean babbehs.”

God he was insufferable, if you didn’t have more babies coming you’d smack him for thinking he could do your job.

You deliver three more babies that day before you’re done, your mate cleans all of them except the last one, you make sure that’s your job. When he leaves to set up the nest and make sure nobody harms this brood, you once again turn and look at your foals, and once again you’re disappointed.

No monsters this time, and no forever-sleepies, but another poopie colt, a dull grey unicorn filly and a dark red earthie colt. None of them look good.

Except for your last baby, the one your mate hadn’t cleaned yet, this is your good baby, this is the one you felt growing in your tummy.

It’s a colt, a Pegasus one at that, his fur is a rich purple colour, his mane showing signs of a vibrant orange, he looks almost just like his father, but he’s better than his father, and you’ll make sure of that.

You pick up your bestesh babbeh and lick him clean. “Hewwo bestesh babbeh, am mummah, an mummah wubs you su, su mush.”

You place your favourite foal to your teat and let him drink as much as he wants, the best babbeh deserves the best milk, even over his dummeh siblings who are already crying out in hunger.

You will teach your bestesh to be the best Smarty ever, he will take over from your mate and he will be the new leader this herd needs, and you’ll be right behind him, making sure he does what he needs to do.

Because you are Mother, and with your guidance, the Technicolor Smarty Herd will find greatness, it’ll find a place of warmth and comfort. Then they’ll understand why you waited until you had the best baby ever in your tummy to be a good mummah, then they’ll see.

I’ve been toying with the idea of a prequel to the Technicolor Smarty Herd for a while but with none of the characters having names yet in the canon, it be too difficult constantly referring to 20 different characters as ‘Fluffy’ all the time.

So instead I wrote this little number focussing on one of my favourite villains that I’ve written, that self-righteous bitch Mother. Not that anyone needed another reason to hate her, but it’s fun to get into the mindset and really go to work with a villain, I may do it again some day.


What’s hilarious is I’ve been pondering a story that’s not super far off from this…




oh fuck


hopefully many wonderfully horrible adventures will ensue before things canonically reach the start of the technicolor herd story arc


For the moment this is a one-off, I might return to it at some point but I’ve no plans to currently.


I just enjoy your writing.


Gotta say, I already like the Smarty and miss the Nurse.


Fuck!!! This is the bitch with a mamas boy smarty!!???

She is worst than I though fucking ego maniac!! :grimacing::triumph: Killed her smarty and the nurse mare, sheezz her death now with Josef seems to need more before she died with this revelation.

I was expecting the nurse mare and the babies would haunt her and drive her mad,until I read the part of the revelation.




really. u should get back to it. it looks great. plenty of stuff to be had there

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I love your universe

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its too bad the good smarty, the mate has to die but then Mother and smarty’s punishment wouldn’t be as deserved.

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Damn, as far as fluffies go this bitch is an evil genius. I haven’t read your Technicolor Smarty Herd story yet but I’m gonna check it out now


I half expected someone to notice ‘If nurse mare kill babies, why are you the only one with blood on your hooves?’

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