Mummah's Little Babbeh Ch. 3 (by fluffysomething)

You are Sunflower, and your mummah made you watch this black and white weird circle thingy in the sorry box! She let you out, and you try to talk, but-

“Chirp! Peep! Chirp! Peep, peep!” You peep, covering you mouth at the sudden chirping. Why can’t you make talkies anymore?

“Looks like it worked! Wlecome back to chirpie-hood, Sunflower.” Your mummah smiles, leaving you downstairs with the ball-spikey-baby.

“Wai footuwe housie-fwiend make bay-bee noisie?” The ball-spikey-baby asks, tapping you gently with its oddly-shaped arms.

“Peeep! Chirp! Peeeeeeeeeeep!” You peep worriedly. What’s a housie-friend, anyways?

“FV-0446, for mommy’s plan to work, you can’t accidently or otherwise get Sunflower infected. Sorry, you’ve got to wait upstairs until mommy’s done.” Your mummah sighs, picking up the vall-spikey-baby and leading it upstairs.

“What am en-fek-ted?” You hear the ball-spikey-baby say, trying to move out your mummah’s arms.

“That means you make a fluffy your “housie-friend”. Now, wait up here and play with the housie-friend toy.” You hear mummah say to the ball-spikey-baby, coming back downstairs.

“Chirp! Peep! Chirp!” You chirp, waving your arms at mummah.

“Sunflower, you’re still not a baby enough. Babies can’t walk, and you can.” Your mummah grabs a small pokie-thing, and injects you with it.

“Peeep! Chirp! Chirp! Peeeeeep!” You peep, trying to move away from mummah. Why don’t your leggies work anymore?

“There, now you’re a baby. This is what bad babies get from mommy. Sunflower, just because you’re mommy’s baby fluffy, doesn’t mean I have to love you.” Your mummah whispers, flashing you a grin and kicking you by the couch.

“Chirp! Chirp! Peeeeep! Peeeep!” You try to talk and run away, but it doesn’t work. You just make huu-huus.

You are Dr. Harriet Roseman, and you’re not done with Sunflower yet. You want her to regret ever asking to be a baby again.

“FV-0446, stop trying to eat your housie-friend toy. That’s right, I see you. Housie-friend toys are are attaching to only, not for eating.” You sigh, taking the fluffy-shaped toy out of its small mouth.

“Sunflower, what are you doing? Are you trying to walk? You know babies can’t walk!” You fake-gasp from the stairway, attracting Sunflower’s attention.

“Peeeeep! Chirp! Chirp!” Sunflower chirped.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you! Babies don’t have teeth, either.” You laugh, holding a set of pliers.


Is this the end?

Nope, i’m currently working on Ch. 7 which is the end of the series

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