Mummah's Little Babbeh Ch. 6 (by fluffysomething)

You are Sunflower, and mummah is trying to giving you the worstest hurties! She’s taking your leggies!

“Okay, first leg, Sunflower.” Your mummah warns, cutting into the soft flesh of your leg.

“SCREEEEEEEEEE! WOWSTEST HUWTIES!” You screech, flailing the rest of the legs around worriedly. You can talk again!

“Now, the second one.” Your mummah says, again chopping off your leg.

“WOWSTES-” You scream, passing out soon after.

When you woke up, your leggies were all gone. Now you’re a no-leggie fluffy! You don’t like it at all!

“Hmmm, you can talk again. Maybe you can just be mommy’s talkie baby.” Mummah sighs, placing you on your back and lighting up a metal stick. What is that for?

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” You shout, crying as your wounds are burned closed.

“All done! Me and FV-0446 are going to play a game. Using our leggies, of course.” Mummah laughs, leaving you on the table as you cried.

You are Dr. Harriet Roseman, and this is working better than you thought. Sunflower really is your baby now. You even give her milk, but that’s about everything you do for her. You want her to survive on as little attention as possible.

“FV-0446, come here and I’ll roll the ball to you! Come here!” You smile, holding a light-blue ball.

“Oh-tay! Wan pway baww wit mom-mee!” It runs over to you, looking at Sunflower stare at the both of you longingly.

They stare at each other for a few seconds until you hear those godforsaken words.

“Wan die.” Sunflower mumbled ro herself, crying once more.

“Wha’ that meen?” FV-0446 asks, visibly confused.

“That means that Sunflower is very sad since her leggies ran away from her. She’s so sad, she wants to go forever night nights.” You explain slowly, making sure it understands what you’re saying.

“Wai hew weggies wun way?” FV-0446 questions, touching Sunflower’s burnt stumps.

“She was a bad baby. Bad babies have no leggies. FV-0446, bad babies give mommy the worst heart-hurties. We don’t like bad babies.” You say, loud enough for Sunflower to hear.

“Sunfwowew am bad bay-bee! Bad bay-bees gib mom-mee inside-huwties. Wai gib mom-mee inside-huwties when mom-mee hab inside-baybee?” FV-0446 asks, hitting Sunflower on the nose.

“Because WAN BE BABBEH! SUNFWOWA WAN BE BABBEH! Wan be onwy babbeh, tuu! Sunfwowa am bestest babbeh eba and desewbe tu be onwy babbeh! Wan die!” Sunflower yells, again getting another slap across the face.

“Sunflower, you went through all of this for nothing. I don’t even have tummy-babies.” You reveal, taking off the fake belly and laughing.

“Wan die. Wan die. Wan die.” Sunflower repeats, bashing her head into the floor.

“You don’t get to die just yet, you have to make a choice! You can be a enfie-baby, a housie-friend toy for FV-0446, or mommy’s personal stress toy. You have 2 days to choose, Sunflower!” You laugh, pointing at Sunflower as you pick her up. All three choices were horrible, she just needed to choose one.

A/N: This time, you guys get to pick what happens to Sunflower! I’ll check in 2 days, and whatever gets commented most is the choice!


Housie-friend sounds interesting!


Ehhh since she really is an adult, let’s give her enfies and see what becomes of the bad "baby"s babies.


Housie-Friend for sure!


Housie Friend


Virus enfies pls


Personal stress toy


Housie friend! I really want to see how that works

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