My OC Lucifer and a new breed: Halloween/Satan Fluffies (By Simon The Weirdo)

I didn’t know that! I hope it doesn’t look like I copied someone else’s idea


You’re free to indulge in anything you want.

I don’t care to detract from what you enjoy, nor do I actually care about the specifics of your preferences. You do you, as they say.

I was mostly making humor of this recent decision, though:

The community was given a wide open field to play upon
and now each day there are people finding the boundaries of what can be called “A Fluffy”,
and also what can be allowed in the name of decency.
We are now dealing with stories about tiny dragons (not fluffies)
stories about demons (not fluffies)
stories about jellenheimers (not fluffies)
and more.

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They’re obscure, and yours are different enough. There’s only so much to do within the demon aesthetic, too.

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Oh yeah, it makes sense. Though these aren’t really demons or fantastical creatures. They’re just fluffies that were genetically altered by adding other species DNAs to look more spooky to be sold during Halloween and this had some side effects in their bodies and behaviour. They don’t even have any special powers aside from nocturnal vision, which is just something some animals have.

Alright, thanks. I was worried I had ripped someone else’s idea off for a moment

I think this is the main work that features them. Notable differences are: most of them have feathered wings, full horse tails, and have unicorn horns not goat horns. And they’re meant specifically to prey on normal fluffies.

I think I read something similar in the past but didn’t pay much attention to it. It seems like an interesting idea, though. And I’m really relieved by how different they are.

Be that as it may, a sizable chunk of the community has been vocal against drastic alterations to fluffies.

Even the breaded ones.

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Yeah you’re in the clear by my metric! The fic raises some interesting issues, like the fragility of bat wings (one demon fluff has them) versus bird wings. I imagine with goat and cat rolled into their dna, your demons also instinctively climb EVERYTHING.

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It’s kinda odd to me considering how this is all just for fun and people might come up with their own ideas that might deviate from “cannon” as with any fandom. I don’t even know if the fluffy community has any cannon rules considering it doesn’t come from a specific media. But there’s always people like that on the internet. It kinda seems gatekeepy to me, to be honest.

It’s nice to know that.

Makes sense, bat wings are skinnier and trey have more articulations, but they have also stronger muscles since bats use them to climb and walk, not only to fly. So there are some differences.

Oh yeah. You gotta keep them away from your curtains lmao

I think I need to ask a mod if this is allowed now… I’m kinda scared lmao

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It’s allowed.

No one is trying to force content to adhere into a certain mold.

But it is unfortunately timed in light of the paradigm shift.

I reiterate that I am in favor of doing whatever regardless of the reaction of others, but I aim to inform your decisions going forward.

Godspeed. Your art is very aesthetic!


As far as I understand, if your content is at odds with the guidelines, they’ll have a word with you. That said, this is just an aesthetic tweak, like plenty of other variants.

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Alright, I’m glad it’s allowed, then. Thanks for telling me about this so that I can be more aware of it in the future.

That’s a relief

It’s the difference between pissing people off by accident, and pissing them off on purpose.

Fuck em.


Yeah I understand. Some people can be pretty shitty

That is honestly something we’ve tried our best to avoid, but when every other newcomer has no interest in making fluffy stories, and they just want to make stories about their awesome cool thing and just kinda scotch-tape the word “fluffy” to it, that’s where it becomes a problem.
While we are trying not to gatekeep, a minimum level of such gatekeeping is going to be necessary.

Fluffies are perfectly imperfect creatures.
Without inherent flaws in all the different species, it simply doesn’t feel like a fluffy.
And even with them, if you stray too far from the original concept, many people are not going to accept them.

I personally like telling stories about failed attempts at making different fluffy species’, or failed attempts at improving the standing variety of species’.

While I enjoy your art style quite a bit, I am left wondering why your species should be lumped among fluffies.
But I’m willing to hear you out.