Navigation links on long stories

Lately you may have noticed that we’ve been ramping up the re-posting of older stories and comics. Many of these were in a multi-page format. Not everything from the days of Fluffybooru was in such a long-form style, but there were a fair number of popular works that were.

You probably already know that we do not yet have a way to sort a creator’s gallery, nor even the main feed of fluffy content, chronologically.
Yes there are tricks you can use with the advanced search to get around this problem,
but we’re looking at more elegant solutions.

Over the past couple of days, the moderation team and I have been working to add navigation links to the most popular of long-form stories.
They look something like this
<<Prev | >First< | Next>>

You will notice these at the bottom of each chapter of Abandoned Angel, The Eyebright Stories, and tonight I added navigation links to the chapters of Hornlarry’s reuploaded stories “Abandoned” as well as “Jelly and Snowflake”

If you’re wondering whether we have some automatic tool at our disposal to make these links…the answer is No. We’re having to make them all manually.

But the fact of the matter is, we’re willing to go through the process of doing this if it makes longer stories more easily readable for our community.

What we need is to know where we need to focus our efforts.

If you have a story that is need of navigation links, and you are unable to place them yourself, if you tell us about the problem, we are willing to help.
If you know of someone else’s stories that are in need of such links, please let us know.
If you simply want instructions on how to create your own links, we will try to help you.
no matter what you decide, we will not judge you for it. That’s not our job.
Our job is to make this community as accessible and as accommodating as possible.

If you’re making your own, no they do not have to look exactly like this, but we would like to see some kind of navigation tools on stories that have multiple parts.


Sounds sweet. Was just thinking how great being able to organize your gallery would be. The Next/Previous option sounds absolutely sweet as well.


I’ve seen how you’ve been handling the problem, and it’s a legitimate method.


this reminds me i still gotta update my storys index X_X’ lol


I do apologize that we don’t have a solution to this problem yet.
It’s quite high on my to-do list for the coming year.


I’ll continue to link my related stories and pieces as usual. Helps me get more validation from strangers on the internet anyways, so win-win.

Glad to see that you guys are putting so much work into making the site navigable. It’ll help me get through the 60 chapters of the Eyebright stories that much easier. Win-win-win, I guess?


Think I’ll convert my series to the same format tomorrow

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Question: How feasible is a basic template for someone who wants to implement this as they upload old stories?

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The basic template is just this

<<Prev | >First< | Next>>

Highlight each word, and click the chain links in the post composer. That opens a field where you can enter the URL of the previous, or first, or next chapter

Once you’ve done this once, you can finalize your editing, then highlight and copy the navigation links you just made, carry them over to the next chapter, paste them in, edit the Previous and Next links, and save it again.
I like to work in chunks of ten posts, if I’m working on a really long story.


Thanks Virgil. I saw that you did this and it’s very helpful. I should be able to copy and paste and update the links myself for the next parts of my story. It’ll also help with the later stories so people know how they fit together, as the Jellyverse was described as a bit sprawling back in the Booru days


I didn’t want to step on your toes, but there are a lot of people who have been dying to re-read your work. I merely wanted to assist.


No worries dude it was really helpful :+1:


suggestion for lazyness - make a index under a spoiler and dump a list of your pages on the begining of each page

That is one way. It’s acceptable. It’s easy.
I would rather dedicate some hours of my time to do these things better, but I will not complain if people take this path instead.

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Thanks for the hard work, it’s a huge QOL boost!

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You lot are a bunch of legends, @Virgil :star_struck:

Hey, I’ve already been doing that, putting links at the bottom/top. So I’m not entirely sure I’ll need this, but it’s still handy to have.


(psst, who wants to be fancy can use this little guide)
also @Virgil if I can help, tell me o7


Awesome to hear! As a newer member it can sometimes be difficult to find the next part of a story, especially those that are being reuploaded from FB, when the writer has multiple other stories going on.


Woohoo, story had been updated with the navigation format. Those I added a spot for my index link.

<<Prev | >First< | [Index] | Next>>