need brutal abuse ideas

This made me chuckle, I can’t believe it’s not been done before lmao. Now I just wonder if the pillow should be blind or not, on one side it’d be funny as hell, on the other if they could see that this toy is only pain…

Also everyone commenting, don’t worry, I’m reading all replies! This thingy was made mostly for GoA (the video creator) but I might include Nero as well, to spice things up

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It could be fun if they’re not blind and it’s the only stimulation they have.
Then again, blindness means they’re trying to cringe away from the pain, only to run into another form of it.

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For the bestest babbeh and mummahs who neglect their other babies…

Get some lumber. Position it diagonally (so it looks like a diamond shape). Get something pointy on the face and the back of the wood. Put the wood on some stands. Take the fluffy mother and rip its head of in front of her bestest babbeh. Jam her head into the face of the lumber, neck side first. Jam the rest of her body at the end of the wood, neck first. You can decorate it with her entrails if you like. Tie some weights to the bestest babbeh’s back legs. Then, sit the foal on the sharp edge that’s facing up, legs dangling, and with its ass and genitals resting on the sharp side. Then, rattle the contraption so that it slowly saws the bestest babbeh’s genitals apart. Show the other foals, they’ll think it’s a fun ride.

They call this the wooden pony. Or in this case, it’ll be called the wooden fluffy. The rattling of the torture device is supposed to simulate straddling a horse. I thought of this one based on how the bestest babbehs get to ride on their mother’s backs while the other foals are forced to walk.

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welcome to FC lol

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probably really late to this but I thought of some things

as for physical abuse, fire or anything of a really hot temperature is good, since it produces a radical amount of pain (like, an almost instant “wan die” cheat or something) and can linger for a long time and produce things like blisters which produce even MORE pain. just be careful that they don’t die or the nerves aren’t burned, takes away all of the fun

and the basic stuff like flaying, crushing, sorry sticks or whatever can be good though common things for fluffies (not sure how a fluffy would react to a nerve ending being twisted, but good to give it a shot at least)

and since sci-fi is allowed… things like Diavolo-type death loops are an extremely good option if you dont want it to ever end, and any kind of robot overlord could probably produce some wild torture methods (read I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream).

and as for the psychological side, you could perhaps kidnap a random fluff, kill/make its entire herd or any fluffies they know suddenly dissapear, then lock it in a cellar or something and convince it that it and its herd were the last fluffies on the earth (ridiculous but these things are extremly stupid) and make it die via starvation or something slow with the thought that the entire species is dying with it

induced miscairrages are also good since these scumbags seem to only be concerned with babbehs. also since this is allowing fantasy you could always just magically find a way to ship one to epstein island since i am VERY sure that whatever the sickos over there could think of could extremely outweigh that of an average abuser

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Lift eyelid, deposit finely ground glass

De-shelling hooves

Paper rotary saw for easy paper cuts, get every membrane (neck, sides of mouth, under tongue, the connective tissue under the armpits and in the crooks of the hips, the skin connecting the tail to the body, genitals and surrounding areas, corners of the nostrils, etc.) treat occasionally with a spray of 90% alcohol solution.

Every time they fall asleep, drop a few grains of sand in the ear. It will build up. If they complain of itchiness, strip a cotton swab of it’s cotton and use the stick to ‘help’. Vigorously.

Tugging on the skin roughly over long periods of time, causing painful stretch marks and eventually stretching the skin so much that infection festers in the folds and movement becomes painful and difficult.

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I’m really late to the party on this one, but I had an idea I wanted to share.

When I was a kid riding my bike to and from elementary school, I would pass by this long, split rail fence. It looked a lot like this:
rough cut split rail fence

Going to school, I would be riding on the right hand side of the path, and the fence would be well off to my left. Coming home from school, I’d be close to the fence on my right.

When I say the fence looked like that one, I mean right do to the rough protruding grain in the wood.

I had this absolutely irrational fear that I would tip in to the fence and ride along for twenty or so feet, continuously embedding wooden splinters in my arm, side, and face as I fell.

Never actually happened to me. But it would be a real tragedy if somebody on a bike upsie’d a fluffy with one hand, and just held them to that sort of surface as they ride alone, driving more splinters and wood fragments in to it.

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Broly Gohan

First thing that came to mind.

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Yeah, pretty much. But, you know, more spliters.

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