[Edit: bro i accidentally posted it(i didnt even press a post button:sob:) and almost lost the entire thing from the first sentence to "BABBEHS!!?"
[Edit edit: bro the amount of times this bitch accidentally posted is actually insane- like i’l just be typing and out of nowhere it posts(i had to type this else where and copy it back to here)]
The ‘Mummahs’
Willow- and the two fluffies, were woken to the ringing of a phone call. It was from Matthew. “Hello…?”
“Oh, did i wake you?”
“Yea, it’s fine, haha.”
“Haha, not so fine, is it?”
“No no, my dumbass fluffy just woke up.”
“Huu-” “Shut up, Wapiz.”
“So, how was the flight?”
“It was nice, i slept through it. Poor Luisa though, she had to put up with the fluffies and a kid kicking her seat.(she snickers)”
“Ah, damn, haha. How are they doing?”
“Luisa’s slepping, and thirteen of the babies survived.”
“Oh, yay! That’s nice.”
“What are you doing up right now?”
“Settling purchases of those new fluffies, but i figured i’d call you on my home number whilst on hold with them.”
“(Sarcastically) Oh, you’re into them too?”
“Yea, they seem pretty cool. And they’d increase the customer amount. ^^”
“Honestly, i don’t get the hype. They’re just re-packaged fluffies.”
“(Sarcastically) I thought you liked fluffies?”
“I do! But it doesn’t chage the fact they’re annoying, haha.”
“(Sarcastically) Speaking of annoyance- those foals weren’t too much trouble, were they?”
“Nah, they were with the luggage(she snickers). Ugh, i should probably get to unplugging them; shit takes forever.”
“Can we facetime?”
“(Teasing)Why? You wanna watch me unplug foals?”
“A- no! I just want to see your face, crazy. (He snickers)”
She hangs up the call, then gets out of bed and finds the restroom to use it and brush her teeth. Afterwards, she gets on facetime and gets herself mentally prepped to unplug foals(and most definetly get shit on by said foals).
“Hey handsome.”
“Uh- welcome back.”
“Mummah!?” “Wapiz, i sweaw- if you don’t shut up-”
“Cookie, stop cussin’ at your sister.”
“Nope, no buts.”
As Willow begins the long, tedious process, of unplugging the foals- she notices that Luisa had left two of them unplugged. The foals directly behind them were completely soaked with shit and urine, and also dead.
“(She snickers) That piece of shit…”
“Haha, oh no, what happened?”
“Luisa left two of them unplugged, and- (she snickers)- they drowned their siblings in shit!”
Luisa entered the room, saying “What’d i do?” with a smirk.
“Wow Willow, i thought you liked foals!”
“Oh come on, i can’t have some humor?”
“Maybe i did… What happened?”
“Two of them drowned in their shit.”
“No fucking way!”
Luisa quickly moved over to the corner, peeking into the box. Two directly behind the ones she left unplugged weren’t peeping like the rest of them. They weren’t the only ones, a few others seemingly died overnight as well. Such sensitive creatures. One was so backed up it had exploded rather than just vomiting like the others. Speaking of vomit; each foal had been vomited on by another foal and vomited on another foal. It looked like only a few of them had survived, though it would still be a while until they were unplugged; do it too fast and the sensitive fuck will die.
“Damn, that’s harsh. And how do you handle the smell? Gosh.”
“Hey, uh, Luisa can you feed Lapiz and Cookie; they’re already awake.”
“Yeah, sure.” She walks over to the room and brings them out. Both immediately take note of the stench of both dead foals and shit-vomit. Cookie just stares blankly, meanwhile Lapiz’s motherly instincts kicked in. She’d probably have ran over to ‘sabe the babbehs’ if not for how pregnant she was(lol, stupid fuck).
“They’re fine, eat your breakfast.”
Luisa set the bowls down, then carried Lapiz over to her bowl. Cookie went the opposite direction, choosing to sit close to Willow whilst she finally got the second live foal unplugged
“No, Cookie c’mon. Go eat your breakfast.”
" . . . "
“Cookie, go.” She then nudged Cookie away, but she just remained blank. By this point, Lapiz had stopped eating and was watching Cookie with fear in her eyes. “Ugh, Luisa, can you get Cookie; don’t wannna touch her with my shit-hands, haha.” “Yeah.” Luisa came over and carried Cookie away.
You wake up to the sound of Mummah’s fone-toysie ringing. Mummah was ‘on the fone’ with someone. She sounded sleepy
“Yeah, it’s fine, haha” “Mummah?” “Shit…”
“No no, my dumbass fluffy just woke up.”
Why does Mummah always call me a dummeh in the early bright time? :<
“Huu-” Cookie woke up, interuppting with “Shut up, Wapis.”
Everyone is so meanie in the early bright time.
“It was nice, i slept through it. Poor Luisa though, she had to put up with the fluffies and a kid kicking her seat.(she snickers)”
“Luisa’s slepping, and thirteen of the babies survived.”
Babbehs? Where am babbehs? No see babbehs.?
“What are you doing up right now?”
“Oh, you’re into them too?”
“Honestly, i don’t get the hype. They’re just re-packaged fluffies”
Pakaged? Why am pakage fluffy? Mummah?
You open your talkie place to ask about the babbehs, but Cookie nudges you with her hoofie and you lay back down.
“I do! But it doesn’t chage the fact they’re annoying, haha.”
“Nah, they were with the luggage(she snickers). Ugh, i should probably get to unplugging them, shit takes forever”
“Why? You wanna watch me unplug foals?”
Unplug babbehs? That am for fonie, no am for babbehs silly Mummah!
Mummah put her fonie down, then left the room. “Cookie, Cookie…?”… No response.
Some time later, Mummah returned to the room. She paid you no attention, grabbing her fonie instantly. It’s kinda odd how she talks to her fone. Doesn’t she know you and Cookie am right here?
“Hey handsome.”
“Mummah?-” “Wapis, i sweaw- if you don’t shut up-”
“Cookie, stop cussin’ at your sister.”
“Nope, no buts”
Mummah steps out, shutting the door. This makes it almost impossible to hear anything going on outside. Why no can hear Mummah? Am supposed to hear Mummah.?
Later, Meanie Luisa came in and brought you and Cookie out of Mummah’s room. Immediately, you knew what babbehs Mummah had been talking about earlier. The smell was unbearable, yet- Luisa was smiling! Without seeing them, you knew the babbehs were dead. Cookie likely knew too, she had had her own babbehs once. But she just… sat there. She watched while Mummah played with the babbehs. WHY AM SHE JUST STARING? MUMMAH- MUMMAH WHY AM YOU PLAYING WITH NO-ALIVE BABBEH…!?
“They’re fine, eat your breakfast.”
That came off cold… Cookie’s still just staring. Why doesn’t she care? She was a mummah once, she has to care!
Meanie Luisa picked you up and carried you to your bowl, facing away from Mummah. You hear Cookie walk the other way…
“No, Cookie c’mon. Go eat your breakfast.” Cookie stayed silent. How could Cookie just… watch that?? You turned to look at the two.
Cookie is insane.
“Cookie, go.”
“Ugh, Luisa, can you get Cookie? Don’t wannna touch her with my shit-hands, haha.”
Meanie Luisa carried Cookie over to the bowls, then pushed you to face yours again.
A long time later(about 4 hours later), Mummah finally got up from the bad-smelling box. She had 7 babbehs in her hand. 7 non-moving babbehs… You’re unsure as to why they don’t call out like the ones in the box. You move over to the box from your position by the litter-boxie. They called out to you. You wished you could give the babbehs huggies so no more saddie wawa. Before you could wish more, Mummah comes over and scoots you over. You don’t even notice the sir-ringe(syringe) in her hand until she had already picked up a babbeh and put it into the babbeh’s mouthie. The babbeh immediately calmed as it drank the white substance with gusto. After feeding it the substance, Mummah would wipe off it’s poopie place with a babbeh wipe, then put it into a cleaner- thought smaller- clear boxie. Mummah would do this another 6 times, until all the babbehs were calmly cooing in the new boxie.
“Mummah, wat am doin’ wit’ babbehs?”, you asked. She replied, “I’m, uh- giving them to a friend of mine so he can raise them.” “Wai babbehs no can be hewe?” “We don’t have the room.” “Buh-” “It would be un-ethical to keep them, we can’t take care of yours and them right. So it’s best to give these ones to Mat so yours and these can be properly cared for.” “Otay. Am unnerstan.”
You watched as Mummah walked off with the babbeh-boxie. You took note of the kitchen in the corner, with Mummah ‘on the fone’ talking to the fone again.
But you failed to notice the problem in the other corner…