New Fluffies-Day One[Created by Roanne]


Two women walk down a busy street, the one to the right a brunette named Luisa, the other a blonde named Willow. They soon are inturrepted by a red fluffy with a bright cyan baby, the mare says “Ma’am, be mummah fo fwuffy an babbeh?” Her facial expression looks different from other fluffies trying to be adopted. Not bad, just unsusally calm, especially for a feral with a baby. Luisa and Willow just keep walking, then Luisa says “Ugh, fluffies, so annoying.” Willow looks back to the fluffy, then turns back to Luisa and says “Eh, they’re not bad, just annoying to see in the streets.” Luisa then replies “All of them aren’t good either, some are bad, but none are ‘good’. Honestly, I don’t know how you handle owning two fluffies.” Willow pauses then says “Oh! Speaking of owning them, expect a lot more at the house, I got like twenty of them.” Luisa, shocked, yells “WILLOW WTF! Uh-uh, you better return those bitches, we are not owning TWENTY-TWO fluffies.” Willow giggles then replies, “Relax, i’m not keeping them. I’m selling them to Matthew when we get to Houston.” Luisa pauses, then asks(semi-sarcastically), “And how do you expect to get 22 fluffies into a plane, with no deaths?” Willow unusualy quickly, replies “No deaths, really? I got 20 because these things die easy as hell, i want to at least end with 5 of them.” Luisa then asked, “Ok but are you sure they’ll even allow fluffies on a plane?” Willow then responded, “Yes, I asked before booking the flight. Don’t worry Luis, I asked literally every question possible about it.” The two then fell silent for the rest of the walk to their house.

A few minutes later, they arrived to the loud peeping of twenty babies, the scent of shit those twenty babies produced, Lapis’s groaning, and Cookie laying on the floor near the babies with her hooves covering her ears. It was now late and dark.There were some suitcases with wheels around the house. When Cookie saw them, she jumped up to greet the two. Willow walked over and patted the very pregnant Lapis, talking softly to comfot her. Willow then went over to the foals, and moved them into a cardboard box. She went into an open suitcase, and pulled out a scooper. Luisa grabbed the scooper from Willow and told her, “I’ll clean the litterbox, you feed them.” Willow paused, then went to the kitchen fo grab fluffy food. Luisa cleaned out the litterbox, then set it back where it originally was. Meanwhile, Willow poured some food into two bowls for Lapiz and Cookie, then fed the foals with some fluffy milk she bought yesterday. After they were all fed, the two girls then went to sleep, since they had a long day tommorrow.


Since I can’t edit most of these posts anymore- I wanted to mention on each post i can’t edit that this series better fits into the Non-Fluffy category, and that from now on that is the topic i will use for this series

I feel like she should have ordered another ten just in case. Fluffies die like hamsters who don’t want to live.
This is a good establishing story.