New Fluffies-Day 2-Part 1 [Story by Roanne]

(Day One)

You are Luisa, you just woke up, and it’s about 5:30. You, Willow, and her pets have to get to the airport by 6:50. You go to Willow’s room, and take the box of foals. They start peeping the moment they are in your room. You go back to her room, and grab the plugs, syringes, and formula. You then return to your room. You pick up one of the foals, feed it, plug it up. Rinse and repeat 19 more times. Willow gets out of her room at around 6:00, Lapiz in hand with Cookie following. Willow turns to you, holding a box of cheeping, full, plugged foals. She says, “Thanks for plugging the foals, Luisa, i’m going to start putting everything into the car.” She then walked out the door, using her foot to keep Cookie from running out. You then put the foal-box onto the counter, then take a luggage bag out and to the door. Willow grabbed the remaining bag and settled it into the car, then went back inside. You grab the foal box, while Willow grabs Cookie, the box is put onto the floorboard of thd back right seat, Cookie on the left floorboard.

You are Willow. You and Luisa are currently on the plane, with Cookie and Lapiz with as carry-on. You’re currently on a 2.5 hour flight to [enter city] in Texas. Barely 30 minutes in and Cookie is already complaining about being ‘hungwy’. Luckily for your ears, Cookie doesn’t complain for long, nor is she loud with it. Unlike Lapis. She just keeps fucking whining. Throughout the flight, she complained about ‘tummeh owies’. About an hour in, you fell asleep untill the end of the flight. Outside of your fluffy whining, the crying baby, and the kid kicking Luisa’s seat, the flight went smoothly.

You are in your crate, Mummah is walking you up some steps, Luisa in front holding Cookie(also in a crate). There are people sitting in seats, and you can faintly hear chirpie babies cheeping and human babies crying. You see two empty seats to your left. Luisa sits down, then Mummah. You don’t really like Luisa, she isn’t very nice to Cookie. She calls Cookie meanie things, she never calls Cookie by her namie. This makes Cookie very sadies, which makes you sadies because you don’t like seeing Cookie upset. Your train of thoughts is interrupted by a sudden pain in your abdomen, from your tummy babies. Your tummy babies aren’t very nice. You’re not sure how much time has passed, but it has to have been at least 2 hours! [CREATOR NOTE: it’s literally been 30 minutes loll] You are feeling very hungry, and your tummy babies are squirming a lot. Cookie is hungry too, she just asked Mummah, “Hey Mummah Wiwwow, wen can we hab nummies?”. Which Mummah responded to with, “I’ll feed you when we get off the plane. It’s just another 2 hours.”. Cookie silenced for a while. At somepoint, you asked Mummah for nummies, same result. Cookie started whimpering silently for a moment, then was quickly told to ‘shut up’ by Luisa. Some time later, you fell asleep.
You wake up. Before you can even think, a sudden wave of hunger hits you. Your tummy rumbles, and you can feel how empty it is. You try to put your hoofie onto your tummy, but it won’t reach. You ask Mummah for some nummies. She doesn’t respond, so you ask again. Shs still doesn’t respond. Maybe she wants you to be more polite? You ask again, politely this time. She continues to ignore you. Why wont Mummah let me have nummies? You were really polite, you said please, and you didn’t yell at her(not that you ever do), you were very very calm about it. You did it right. You ask her again. Mummah doesn’t respond, but Luisa does. She groaned, you asked again, and she got really mad. She yelled something along the lines of(you weren’t paying attention due to fhe sudden noise), “Dammit you stupid fluffy! She said no earlier to Cookie! That means you don’t get any either!” Then, at talking level, she said, “Shut up. No one gives a fuck. Deal with it.” You then replied with(very scaredey),“B-Buh just wanted n-nummies fo’ make tummeh owies go 'way.” Luisa then hit your carrier, making you tumble into it’s wall. You let out a scaredey “EEP” sound. You wanted to tell her to stop, but you knew from past experience that it wouldn’t work. Cookie also let out a scaredy “EEP”, which made Luisa mutter under her breath. Cookie then said, “Nuu! Nu huwt Cookie! Cookie du nothin’ wong!”. Luisa then reassured her that nobody was trying to hurt her. Cookie then asked, “So, what was dat Wuisa? And wai am Wapis cwyin’?” Luisa answered with, “Her babies are causing her some painful cramping that’s all.” Cookie didn’t respond. You went ‘huuhuuhuuu’ once more, then switched to humming silently to calm yourself. You heard Cookie’s tummy growl, then a shuffling noise as she readjusted herself. Soon, you were both humming tunss to yourselves. Sometime, your meanie tummy babies made your tummy hurt more than hunger alone did. You let out a little “hnngh” sound. You quietly told them to stop or they would be bad babies, but they didn’t listen. They kept giving you tummy hurties and there was nothing you could do because you couldn’t even readjust yourself to be more comfy. Cookie stopped humming, then you heard as she readjusted herself again. Cookie then sighed. You feel bad for her, and you want to give her huggies.
The rest of the plane trip is uneventful.


Since I can’t edit most of these posts anymore- I wanted to mention on each post i can’t edit that this series fits into the Non-Fluffy category, and that from now on that is the topic i will use for this series going forward