He better be saying “hewwo an pweddy mawe” soon if he wanna have a house and a good" life again.
Random midnight thought:
Some ppl from time to time, tell me that they don’t really like these kind of “single shot drawings”, like they wanna see and ending, a conclusion etc. I really love to draw such pictures, specially since everyone can use their imagination for it. Hugboxers can imagine a good ending for it, abusers, something worse or etc, the point is that everyone can have your happy ending, since it’s not explicity shown how it ended sometimes. What’s your opinion about it ? Does single shots bother ya ? I’m open to hear your opinion, don’t worry!
For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!
I like both single shots and longer, more drawn-out stories, but it honestly depends on my mood at the time. When I want to settle down for a nice, long reading session, I prefer to read one or more long stories rather than a bunch of single shots. Conversely, if I just need something to clear my head/look at a little art/get some emotions out, single shots are my go-to.
I like the one-shots. They’re like super-short fiction. Just little bites you can take any direction you want.
Ralph should have known better than to think he’d get to keep his anything.
He better run faster next time he thinks he can be a smarty leader of a feral herd next time… Or in next life
I love single shots, they’re very versatile. They always leave me wanting to turn it into a full comic though 
I like the single panels from a storytelling perspective, but generally prefer to see a conclusion. Let me explain what I mean.
Like you say, the single panels set out all the information needed for the reader to piece the story together themselves. Although they show relatively little, they are a complete story packed into one panel. I do applaud that, but as an abuser, I still prefer to see the ending. Seeing the anguish, fear, and sadness in a fluffy’s eyes as it is mutilated is always sweeter than simply imagining it. I definitely got a kick out of Ralp- I mean Butterfly’s suffering in this panel, but it would be far sweeter if I could fully see it from beginning to end.
At the end of the day, it’s your art and you can do whatever you want, especially since my way would certainly make more work for you, but that’s my two cents. Love your stuff, you’re one of the most consistently active artists making quality abuse in the community, and I definitely appreciate your work.
I like the idea of impending doom/abuse so I’m all for it.
Although the occasional ending panel or story would be greatly appreciated
As a consumer i like the open ended nature. Writing my own feels like a cheap copout
Fuck em, I love these, they’re short and sweet in a place that is full of extremely long borderline novella tier stories it’s nice just to get a quick fix
I totally respect your reasoning, I just personally have never liked ambiguous endings in anything lol I am the kind of weirdo who will research every character and every detail of any show, book or movie and look for details not shown originally. So yeah, details and conclusions are good to me, but obviously you do what works for you. Your stuff is always great
I see you put your own spin on the one shot. Anyways, I like them but I mean, what’s the alternative? You do a two shot showing the aftermath? You make a little comic story? You do (insert thing)? Idk
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all alternatives are possible. If people wanna imagine this smarty here was actually rescued and took to a new house, but suddenly it was abducted by aliens, that would be fine too xD
Sometimes I do like to show the aftermath, but in most cases I like to explain the story using small details in the picture itself, some hints here or there
I became a fan, though the brutality of your abuse stuff. Always enjoyed seeing your images of fluffy destruction, and the folly of hope series.
That being said, I like your single shots. They provide an avenue for the reader/viewer to interpret their own meaning and outcomes over having it explicitly spelled out. Beauty in ambiguity.
I would rather you pursue you artistic inclinations over catering to specific preferences.
Hey I recognize that foal being squished from your profile picture
It’s the foal alice killed from one of spoosh’s story, isn’t it ?
Spoosh is the biggest inspiration I had around here, and still up to this day, the best artist I could ever see stuff around here 
Single shots can feel like the setup for a punchline that never comes.
For example in the Folly of Hope series you see the fluffy’s initial life (setup), then you see how it’s all gone wrong (punchline).
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I like the single shots and the two-shots like Folly of Hope. You are a great artist and you draw some tragically funny stuff that tickles my brain.
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Single shots are great, I’m always here for good abuse art. I’ve always liked how the fandom doesn’t shun you for being bad at art, but I still see mostly MS paint level stuff.
You have a lot of commishes left (I would know
), but once you clear those you could do whole comics or 2 panels again.
I don’t think I’d complain about single shots because at the end of the day I just like there being more fluffy art out there. That being said, my favorite things that I’ve seen have been big stories with satisfying character developments like “You’re a Bad Mummah”, or even just extended abuse comics like Explorin’ Babbeh Comic. I found out about the community and became a fan in no small part because of how good and prevalent your stuff is though, I like the extreme range of emotions that your fluffies can show. When they suffer they really suffer.
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I’m fine with single shots as much as longer comics/projects. I do enjoy coming up with my own end that satisfies me and only me. Plus, I feel like it’s good inspiration.
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