New tag suggestion

I believe it’s high time we make a tag for the poopie babbeh justice league genre, since it is so prevalent these days. The suggestion I hereby offer as a tag is scatbox, because they centrally feature talking pieces of shit that eat shit and are covered with shit, which are then ‘saved’ by all-powerful human shits who won’t even give a mummah her damn spaghetti to make bestest miwkies fow bestest babbeh who would normally leave a fluffy to rot and suffer but through the power of scat fetishism somehow in an unknown way are hypnotized by peepee poopoo baby’s particular and specific shade of fecal brown.

Also, most of the content itself is shit, and it generates other scatbox-adjacent shit content like this post.


If I could block poopie justice I’d be pretty happy since it’s virtually all the same exact thing repeated over and over.


I mean, yes, and worse, it’s not even the fun kind of repetition. Like getting punched in the face by a drunken homeless Venezuelan man versus getting slapped on the ass by a six foot four linebacker


A poopie-justice tag might be nice, actually. It’d certainly get a lot of use.


I don’t mind Poopie Justice as I feel it’s simplistic nature allows newer creators to use it as a jumping off point into understanding their process of Fluffy stories, plus it’s always fun to see how far people will take the shitty parents and the justified abuse that follows.

That being said, a tag to help those who don’t want to see that type of story does sound like a solid idea, it is a prevalent enough story type that it could warrant such a tag existing.


Poopie babbie is mistreated
Mare/siblings are doing exactly what they’re designed to do
Human dipshit goes 'Ah this is morally questionable, I will now rape and nuke everything
Brown fluffy is shown to be rescuing orphans, baking delicious cakes, and never doing bad

What a story, repeated a million times


You could make a whole genre off just justice boxing the poopie justice, like as soon as a poopie justice comic comes out immediately make a sequal comic where you just fuck it up again. :shrug:

Its super petty, and cringe… but we out here so. :martinidrink:

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I swear to Christ the poopie obsession both pro and (honestly mostly) anti is really starting to chafe. It’s like fuckers can’t help themselves and have to reply in the most schizo ways. That being said we do need a new tag;
Steel Doughnut for every time someone makes another edgy ass Hasbin Hotel reject and calls it a fluffy


But like, taste is subjective, or something. Until the person claiming taste is subjective doesn’t like something you made, at which point they can question you but you still can’t question them, because they’re right and you’re wrong, shut up

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They could at least be morally grey about it. But they never are. Like if that’s how all fluffies act, it follows that the poopie babbeh would act accordingly if it’s a programmed response.


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Donut steel is already a tag

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Can’t we just, y’know, agree that all fluffies inherently suck? Regardless of colour.

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I see a fat hacky sack and a bony hacky sack.


No because some of the people posting here are secretly fluffies.


For what it’s worth, I agree that poopie justice is boring and overdone. I wouldn’t mind it having a tag


Needs to be used more maybe an emote, maybe a little shame will set them right


Kind of the argument. They all suck. If you’re making an abuse story, make it abuse. Fuckin’ mulch 'em. You don’t need a moral justification.


How the hell did fluffies learn to type?