No Good Deed... (OtherCoraline)


Not a bad idea for soft Abuse.

Saddle the healthy one with a depressing friend. Sad or not, they’ll be aware their situation can always be worse.


Do you mind if I draw the lil potatoe? He’s just so darling and I love him


If you wanna rescue him from the garbage pile, be my guest.

Just know, that I’ll always be able to produce more fluffies suffering than you’ll be capable of saving. As is the case for hugboxers in my headcannon :hugs:


You are a true inspiration
Mostly for the hugboxers

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I wouldn’t have it any other way! Cryings good for the soul, and you my friend have a talent for misery

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Aw, come on man, at least abandon him remotely close to a shelter so he has SOME form of a chance.

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Exquisite! :kissing_smiling_eyes::ok_hand:

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Well it’s your unlucky day. So we don’t care.


Roll it in batter n set it afloat in a roiling oil bath. Spin it in circles with tongs for that all over crisp then dice up and feed to the fluffy you actually love

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Oi can i have him? (Procedes to stalk the alley)

Is it just me, or does that little butthole in the last panel make you want to do brutal things to it? :smile:




My thoughts exactly. :laughing:


TBH, it’s natural for babies to whine. A punishment would have been wise. No need to add more filth to the streets

Its common. Fluffies get kicked out for meager reasons and people ranting “he deserved it” is common. No 2nd chance is given

Oh myyy, the nurse mare drawing is still there! I wonder if this is the replacement foal for the pink one that died

Well the shitrat wasn’t a good shitrat.

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Oh my sweet lord… just when I was getting ready to sleep I find this wonderful comic and get a rush of bliss! I absolutely love the pain and suffering pillowed fluffies go through.


Hope you have a good time being ravenously torn apart by a cat. Have fun, fluffy!