I know this is kind of an odd answer but I’ve always assumed that even abusers have to on some level think they have feelings otherwise what satisfaction is there ? You may as well smash a furby with a sledgehammer
Gta npc’s doesn’t have feelings either. Doesn’t stop me from driving on sidewalks
Headcanon can vary on just how “Programmed” a fluffy is but in the vast majority of cases. Fluffies have very real feelings but some humans write them off as “Programmed” due to the way Hasbio promoted them as toys which is why fluffies are seen as just disposable toys to be used up.
The typical headcanon most use is that the “Programming” Hasbio gave them is really “Ingrained Knowledge”. If they see a ball. They know what to do with a ball. Same with a litterbox. They know to do their toilet there. They don’t have to spend time figuring things out because they can put 2+2 together instantly on items. And this also was a feature to help Hasbio breed them out much quicker because the parents would just know what they needed to do and how to raise their foals. But all their feelings, hopes and dreams are all real.
It grows back. But the risk with shaving a fluffy is they get very uncomfortable and potentially freeze to death without it because their skin is very sensitive and can’t regulate heat (Which the fluff is designed for) so they need to be kept in comfortable conditions if you aren’t going to destroy them afterwards.
There’s significantly less shit to clean up in gta when you drive on the sidewalk as well
Apart from that ancient 4chan greentext story, is there any real reason as to why fluffies have such an obsession with spaghetti?
Supposedly it’s something they added to their programming, because one of the most important sponsors of the"fluffies pony" program was a canned pasta company.
No. Every single explanation, like “they tried to do a sneaky promotion during develpoment stages” is just to explain the green text
Do you consider the fluffies extermination patrols excessive? I personally don’t, far from how helpless they are as individuals, their exponential growth rate They are considered a potentially dangerous species for the ecosystem due to resource consumption.
Because of the old 4chan meme of spaghetti falling out of your pockets. People put fluffies in their pockets to eat the spaghetti.
Some people argue that the decision to do that didn’t come until later, and their like of spaghetti was just an arbitrary decision. Hard to tell nowadays tbh.
Being excessive is what we are all about
What I do consider nonsense is that in all the canons where furry animals are a dangerous pest for the environment, there are still places to buy them without sterilizationWhere I live you can’t even sell unsterilized ferrets in the “probable” case that a breeding pair escapes and wipes out the local species.I can’t imagine a species that is 100% proven to be bad for the environment.
A foundation of real feelings, with programming built on top of it. Strip away the programming, and what you’re left with is very basic but completely real.
feathered. as for if they’re articulated multi-joint bone structures or essentially big feathery ears is up for debate.
real emotion. some old old stories had predefined responses spoken based on emotional value. real enough for the individual but externally up for the observer to decide.
mostly yes though some patches may remain bald same as double coated dogs. never shave a husky.
You could go somewhere in between where where their programming causes them to feel certain emotions in response to certain stimuli. Like associating humans with love and safety. Technically the emotion is artificially produced, but the emotion itself is real. Also depending on how you look at it, its not really much different to how emotions are triggered in hunans.
If a fluffy shits in the woods but there’s nobody around to smell it, does it still stink?
Yes, because nature always observes their bullshit so it can find a perfect moment to strike them down with divine punishment
They naturally spread rapidly so regulating the sale of fertile fluffies wouldnt stop their wild spread whereas polecats arent migratory. They also tend to experience depression after being fixed.
I’d imagine travel restrictions like no fluffies on international flights and cruises to keep them from escaping geographic regions like north America.
I’d also imagine sueing local government regulations specifically because the laws apply go animals, not toys, or the regulatory agency doesnt have the authority to regulate fluffies like with Fish and Wildlife or Department of Agriculture. Many kneejerk laws are poorly written and easy to challenge by those with money and financial interest.
The old Gamestop greentext is the reason. Though traditionally it was potrayed as “This is something a company that designed fluffies absolutely would do”. Think of pets you have in real life. They all have an incredibly “motivational” treat that they love and would do anything for which you use to train them with. Particularly with training dogs. So Hasbio wanted a food that would immediately be motivational for fluffies as a way to train them. And Spaghetti was that food
For Fluffies, Spaghetti is an incredibly motivational treat which is why you always see “If you’re a good fluffy, you can have Spaghetti” as an incentive to reward good behavior. Why Hasbio specifically picked spaghetti, it mainly came down to a scientist in joke when designing that “Motivational Treat”. But Hasbio executives loved because they could invest in canned pasta companies and make a killing selling fluffy specific spaghetti. People tended to go with that lore as it was both an in-joke for the community and also a way to flesh out fluffies as being designed to be a pet.
That’s mainly because It’s easy to write a really gory and brutal “Exterminator” story if you have fluffies as pests who breed rapidly and those were really popular because it’s easy to do a really brutal one. The problem is when fluffies are written as weak, slow and ineffective but also capable of massive crop destruction. Then it starts to make less sense and becomes an excuse for one sided curb stomping
My favorite “Exterminator” stories are the ones by Mayclore (Fluffy Pony Judgement Squad) and Swindle (Bill the exterminator) where the reason fluffies are hunted is not because they are inherently destructive and go after crops. But they are incredibly cute forces of chaos who could potentially cause accidents and emergencies to humans through their own naivety and need to be moved if not destroyed. Also humans just being plain uncaring and wanting the fluffy ponies out of their sight.