"Not Always Working" by NobodyAtAll

Warning: spoilers for the Spirits of Sin Saga.

Note: read “Not Always Right”, “You’ve Been Trolled” and “I Can Do Anything!” first.

In the city so many of the ChaotiX call home, the sun rises on Flufftopia, the store of choice for fluffy lovers across the globe, and now, even beyond the globe.

Flufftopia stores have opened on several other planets, such as Mars, and Lumix.

And Hydrox, where Flufftopia only sells aquafluffies.

If you know anything about Hydrox, and no, we are not talking about the cookie, you know why.

But this store is one of the most notable ones. Not only do a number of ChaotiX members work here when they aren’t busy being superheroes, this was actually the very first Flufftopia to open.

This city has served as a testbed for many of FauCorp’s brilliant ideas, after all.

Kyle Jones, illusionist, feeds the fluffies waiting for new owners, one of his regular duties here at Flufftopia.

“Grub’s up, little dudes!”

As he fills the bowls in the toon fluffies’ pens, one particularly ravenous monochrome unicorn stallion swallows his bowl of kibble whole, the bowl comically deforming his throat as it gets lodged there.

ghk-- ghk–



Then the stallion spits the bowl out, now empty.

“Wuz yummy.”

He’s fine. He’s a toon fluffy. They can walk off a lot of injuries, if it would be funny.

Kyle grins as he keeps filling bowls.

“Gotta learn to chew before you swallow, buddy.”

Cheech, Kyle’s fluffy, had a sleepover at Calvin’s place last night, and is probably still asleep. He’s not a morning pers… fluffy.

Several other employees, all normos, are doing the same thing as Kyle.

If you’ve forgotten, they feed the fluffies by hand at Flufftopia. Auto-feeders may be faster, but this way, the fluffies will be accustomed to being fed by humans.

Or humanoids. It’s not just humans working here, or buying fluffies here.

By now, you should know how crowded this headcanon is.

There’s enough time before the store opens to change the litterboxes, clean out the pens emptied yesterday, and escort the new arrivals to said pens.

With the technology available these days, if one store has an excess of fluffies, and another store has a deficit of fluffies, it’s all too easy to transport those fluffies from A to B.

And the same is true for the fluffies living in FauCorp’s breeding facilities, who are responsible for providing Flufftopia with their fluffies.

So don’t worry. FauCorp can find a place for any fluffy, and it’s never an incinerator.

Over in the GameFluff section, Dwayne Sinclair moves boxes containing the video game console for fluffies onto the shelves.

With his strength, they might as well be empty.

And Aziz Bayat is putting boxes of GameFluff cartridges onto the shelves.

The GameFluff, one of Flufftopia’s biggest sellers, uses cartridges because they’re safer and easier for fluffies to handle.

There’s new games, developed by Faucheuse Games (also known as Sega), and old games licensed out from other studios. Classic arcade games like Pong and Pac-Man are big hits among fluffies for their simplistic, repetitive gameplay.

And recently, FauCorp began partnering with Nintendo, to bring their games to the GameFluff.

Of course, in many stores, those boxes would be empty, and the actual contents would be kept in the back to prevent theft.

But shoplifting is extremely rare at Flufftopia, especially this Flufftopia. FauCorp’s ties to the ChaotiX are public knowledge, as is the fact that multiple ChaotiX members work here.

Just look at how jacked Dwayne and Aziz are. You think anyone’s got the balls to shoplift with them around?

And Kyle could easily trick a shoplifter into “stealing” an entirely illusionary box full of equally illusionary… well, whatever nasty surprise occurs to him at the time.

There’s a cardboard cutout in this section, near the demo units, of a fluffy playing on a GameFluff. A white and purple earthie stallion, wearing red and blue 3D glasses to make him extra radicool, and bearing a symbol on his flank.

Four colored dots in a diamond pattern: blue on top, green on the left, red on the right, and yellow on the bottom.

That’s Gamer Fluff, the GameFluff’s mascot. He’s on the console’s box, too.

There’s even a bundle: a GameFluff, an extra controller, five games and a Gamer Fluff stuffy friend.

A second cutout shows Gamer Fluff, sharing a hoofbump with Captain Fluffy. Similar to a certain magazine cover of a certain blue hedgehog shaking hands with a certain super fighting robot.

That cutout is advertising the upcoming Captain Fluffy game, already available for pre-order, like ChaotiX: Battle X-travaganza.

Speaking of, a third cutout, displaying Calvin and Marley squaring up with Bad Chris and Umbra, is advertising the GameFluff version of Battle X-travaganza.

It was tricky, simplifying the controls so a fluffy can play.

And that version probably won’t be tournament legal.

At 9 AM, the store opens, the first customers quickly arriving.

As one customer walks in with his fluffy, Kyle beams at them.

“Wayne, my man! What can I do you for, dude?”

Wayne Brown, a new friend of the ChaotiX, shares a fistbump with Kyle, and Clover, his fluffy waves at him.


“Sup, Kyle. We’re just picking up some kibble and stuff.”

“An duin a bit of win-doh shoppin.”

As a friend of the ChaotiX, Wayne gets a discount.

ChaotiX members, however, get their goods for free. One of the perks of the leader of the ChaotiX being friends with the CEO of FauCorp.

Wayne grabs a cart, and pushes it towards the fluffy food section, Kyle and Clover following him.

Flufftopia has high standards for all of its products, and the fluffy food is no exception. You’ll find no kibble made of fluffies, milk harvested from milkbags, or cheap noodles in ketchup here.

The shelves bear bags of ÜberFluff Bestest Nummies kibble. There’s ÜberFluff Bestest Babbehs kibble, for pregnant and nursing mares. There’s Tuff Fluff kibble, for the fluffy who wants to build some muscle. There’s Bestest Fishie Nummies fish-flavored kibble for aquafluffies, the pieces being fish-shaped too, and Bestest Rockie Nummies for stone fluffies, which is gravel, albeit very nutritious gravel.

There’s boxes of skettie treats, in a wide variety of flavors. The garlic flavor ones aren’t the best seller. Garlic’s a bit too pungent for most fluffies.

And there’s coolers, full of cans of ÜberFluff spaghetti and bottles of ÜberFluff formula for foals, and Bestest Wawas brand bottled water.

As has been pointed out, that spaghetti isn’t just noodles and ketchup. It’s genuine spaghetti, made specifically with the average fluffy’s palate in mind.

FauCorp will always go the extra mile for fluffies and those who love them.

But that’s more than enough flavor text.

Wayne lifts a couple of bags of kibble into the cart, and opens a cooler to grab some cans of spaghetti too.

“Alright, I think that’s enough to last us until payday.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask, Wayne. What do you do for a living?”

“I work at a comic book store, man.”

“Really? Groovy. Y’know, I make comic books in my spare time. Maybe this was meant to be. Could you ask your boss to take a look at my stuff?”

“Sure, dude. What are you working on right now?”

“Well, me and James are working on a comic based on Cal’s adventures. I’m doing the art, he’s writing.”

“I think my boss would love that.”

“But wai du mistah Kywe nu jus haf Faw-Cowp pub-wish it?”

“Yeah, they own Marvel too, right?”

“…I didn’t even think of that.”

Dwayne, having finished stocking the GameFluff section, raises an eyebrow when he sees a man wearing a hideous, stained sweater walk in, scratching himself.

He walks over to the man, addressing him in a cautious tone.

“Can I help you, sir?”

The sweater-clad man’s jaw drops when he sees Dwayne towering over him, but he composes himself.

“Uh, yes, you can. I’d like to buy a lot of shi-- fluffy toys.”

“…Sir, I don’t know what you’re planning, but I feel the need to remind you that fluffy abuse has been illegal in this state for a few years now–”

“I know that! Look, I’m just going to donate those toys, okay? Because being nice to shitrats is the only thing that makes this damn sweater less itchy, and if I stop being nice to those little fuckers, it’ll start getting itchier again…

“What was that, sir?”

“Never mind. I’m just… I just need to donate a lot of toys to fluffies. Let’s say I’m working off some bad karma.”

“Oh! Well, in that case, I’d be happy to help you. In fact, you could simply buy the toys, and deposit them over there.”

Dwayne points at a large box near the checkout counters, half full of toys. If you’re thinking of the Toys for Tots program, yes, that’s the general idea.

“We’ll make sure those toys go to fluffies who need them.”

The sweater-clad man shakes his head.

“No, I don’t think it counts unless I give the toys to them myself.”

“You don’t think what counts?”

“The… good karma. And I’m, uh, not so sure how much bad karma I have to work off, I just know it’s a lot.

“Okay then? Grab a cart, and I’ll help you pick out some toys.”

In the toy section, Wayne and Clover browse.

Kyle’s over at the tanks now, helping another customer pick out an aquafluffy.

Obviously, the tanks of aquafluffies aren’t near the pens with the other kinds of fluffies.

You know how scared the average fluffy is of water.

Wayne looks at one shelf, laden with Fluffigotchis. Yes, like a Tamagotchi with fluffies. There’s models for humanoids and fluffies. The buttons on the ones for humans are too small for a fluffy’s hooves to operate.

The ones for fluffies are a bit larger, with a handle that can easily be gripped by a fluffy’s teeth.

A Fluffigotchi, like a Bestest Babbeh Friend, is a good way of gauging a mare’s parenting skills. If she can’t take care of a virtual foal, she can’t care of real foals.

And there’s lots of people who want a fluffy, but just don’t have the space for one.

That’s why the original Tamagotchi was created, after all.

There’s also special ChaotiX tie-in Fluffigotchis, each one based on a different fluffy ChaotiX member. Wayne grabs one, a green one with red and yellow accents, the box bearing a cartoon image of Marley, wreathed in flames.

“What do you think, Clover? Think we could take care of an Omega Class fluffy?”

Clover looks up at another item, a purple Fluffigotchi, the box bearing a cartoon image of Lavender levitating a rock.

“Wut abowt dis wun, daddeh?”

“I didn’t know Lavender got one of those.”

Naturally, the fluffy members of the ChaotiX receive royalties for the use of their likenesses in merchandise.

Umbra, as a, ahem, guest of the ChaotiX, was offered royalties too, but refused, mostly out of stubbornness and pride.

Wayne notices Dwayne arrive with the sweater-clad man.

This isn’t their first meeting, and they’ve already had a good laugh about the similarity of their names.

“Hey, Dwayne. What’s with him?

Dwayne shrugs.

“I dunno, he wants to donate a bunch of toys to fluffies because he’s got bad karma.”

Wayne eyes the man’s sweater.

“It’s a bit too warm for that, dude. Maybe you should take it off.”

The man narrows his eyes.

“Don’t you start with me too. I don’t even know you. Let’s just get this over with.”

He starts grabbing balls, blocks and stuffy friends off the shelves, putting them in the cart.

When he sees the stuffy friends of Calvin and Marley, he groans, and reluctantly puts some of those in the cart too.

Hate those guys.


“Nothing, uh…”

The sweater-clad man eyes Dwayne’s name tag.


And only then does he notice the ChaotiX logo badge next to it.

“Wait, you’re ChaotiX too?”

Dwayne nods.

“Yup. I’m with the Swole Patrol, and so is Aziz over there.”

He waves at Aziz, walking past while carrying a stack of Fluffmobile boxes with one hand, and Aziz waves back.

“So, y’know, if you’re thinking about doing something stupid, don’t. Just don’t.”

“I think I’ve done enough stupid things.”

Dwayne pats the sweater-clad man on the back, a bit rough.

“Hey, you’re on the right track now! You’re working off your bad karma! Doesn’t it feel good?

Of course, Dwayne knows the man’s story, and has been playing dumb this entire time.

He’s a ChaotiX member. He works for the Harbinger of Chaos. Chaos happily told his Harbinger about his meeting with the man in Detroit, and Calvin was just as happy to spread the word among the ChaotiX.

This isn’t anywhere near Detroit, mind you.

Chaos lied about sending the man home, too. At the last second, Chaos decided to send the man here instead, reasoning that there would be plenty of ChaotiX members to keep an eye on him.

The sweater-clad man has found himself unable to escape from the city and return home. He can leave, but as he’s learned the hard way, he can’t stay away for long.

After every plane, train and automobile he tried to board suddenly left without him, the sweater-clad man attempted to run home to Detroit, and ran all the way to the town near Blueberry’s Forest without anything bad happening to him.

Then he checked in at the same cheap motel which the Gurus and a certain group of Dutchmen both sought lodgings at, so exhausted that he fell asleep the second his head hit the filthy pillow, thinking he’d gotten away scot-free.

The next morning, after spending all night dreaming about being crapped on by a gigantic rainbow-colored fluffy wearing a harlequin mask, a cap and bells, and a purple and yellow scarf, the sweater-clad man woke up back in the city, in the same alleyway off Bang Street that Bad Chris once woke up in, his face in a fluffy turd, a letter pinned to his hideous sweater.

The letter bore only three words, in rainbow-colored ink: “NICE TRY, BOYO.”

And a drawing of the man drowning in a giant mug of hot chocolate, desperately clinging to a marshmallow bigger than him.

He got the hint after that.

As Kyle finishes ringing up the happy Hydroxian customer leaving with her new aquafluffy, he sees Wayne and Clover approach the counter with their cart, and a couple of seconds later, Dwayne approaches with the sweater-clad man and his cart.

As the sweater-clad man steps up to pay, Kyle points at Wayne and Clover.

“Sorry, dude. They were here first.”

The sweater-clad man groans, but moves out of the way when Dwayne gives him a meaningful look.

He has the feeling that he could just go to another counter, but that he’d find them all mysteriously unmanned until he gives up and goes back to waiting for Kyle.

There is a Flufftopia in Detroit too, and the sweater-clad man has been banned from there. And a ban from one Flufftopia is a ban from all Flufftopias.

Known abusers are banned from Flufftopia by default.

So he knows that there are reasons that his presence is being tolerated, isn’t going to push his luck, and is really just waiting for things to run their course.

Kyle starts ringing up Wayne’s purchases, starting with the bags of kibble.

“I get off work at 5, if you wanna hang out, Wayne.”

“Sure, I’ll bring the ganja. We gotta stop by Fluffy Auschwitz later, pick up some Kitchen Island Kush.”

“Daddeh stash am wunnin wow.”

“I know Dave and Andre, they’ll give you a discount too.”

“Man, I’m lucky to get all these discounts.”

“Dude. Dude! Don’t sweat it! After what happened with Acedia, this is the least we can do for you! If you ever need help again, the ChaotiX has got your back!”

The sweater-clad man raises a hand.

“Uh, I have a question. What’s an Acedia, and where can I find one? I want some of that sweet discount action too.”

Dwayne rolls his eyes, putting on his best customer service voice.

“With all the toys you’re buying, sir, we could knock a few dollars off. As a bulk discount. Take it or leave it.”

That time, Dwayne says the word “sir” in the way most people would say the word “asshole”.

“…I’ll take it, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Wayne, Kyle’s right. A lot of people got dragged into that whole Spirits of Sin thing because the ChaotiX wasn’t careful enough. Cal isn’t happy about that. So we’re doing what we can to make up for it. Like that Locke guy, his new dentures look great.

Wayne nods.

“Yeah, you don’t see a lot of dentures made of diamond. Where’d the ChaotiX even get all of those diamonds, man?”

Kyle laughs as he scans the canned spaghetti.

“From the Stoneheads, dude. Ask Vic, he’ll tell you more.”

A gravelly voice laughs, sounding like a small earthquake.

“Yeah, dem Stoneheads ‘ad dat comin’, no troll cares if yer make dentures outta Stonehead teef.”

Kobul the troll steps up with his stone fluffy, Slate.

And Kobul’s hefting a big bag of stone fluffy kibble.

“Mornin’, lads. Oh, dere’s a line. Eh, we can wait.”

The sweater-clad man finds his jaw dropping at the sight of Kobul, seeing the patch on his leather jacket.

“Aw shit, he’s ChaotiX too. Korkea hires anyone, doesn’t he?”

“Yer say somefing?”

“Nope! I didn’t say anything!

“Dat is wot I thought.

The sweater-clad man starts humming, pretending that he’s back in Detroit.

Meanwhile, Dwayne leans on the counter and grins at Kobul.

“So, Kob. How are things going with you and Rhoobee? I saw you two the other day, sharing some rock fries at McDonald’s.”

Kobul bashfully rubs the back of his stony head.

“We bin goin’ out fer a bit, it’s nuffin serious. Mum an’ Dad already bin askin’ about dat, an’ den dere wuz Vic, who asked me if I played Hide der Stalagmite wif Rhoobee yet. So I punched him inter der wall.”


“It’s Vic, Kyle, 'e wuz fine later.”

Slate giggles.

“Weaw gwoo-faw angwy, foh.”

“Really gettin’ der hang o’ Trollish, Slate.”

Kyle scans a Marley Fluffigotchi, and a Lavender one too. Wayne and Clover couldn’t come to an agreement, so they decided to just get both.

“Long as you don’t punch anyone who can’t take it, Kob.”

“I know dat, Kyle. Yer know Constable Carter? Yer know what he like ter do in 'is free time? He go ter der gym in Little Silics, ter box trolls.

Dwayne gasps.

“Crazy-ass son of a bitch. He’s not even X-Positive, is he?”

“Nope, but 'e’s one tough bugger. O’course, ‘e wuz adopted by dwarfs. Me, Kaun, Gilly an’ Reiny know 'im fer a long time, 'e grew up in a mine, den 'is family moved ter Little Nidavellir when ‘e wuz like eight. Livin’ in a mine must make yer strong. I dunno, I stay outta mines.”

Clover looks up at Kobul, radiating curiosity.

“Wai, mistah Koh-buw?”

“Well, er, as yer can see, I is a troll, I is made o’ rock an’ precious metals, an’ in a mine, dey dig through rock ter get ter der precious metals. One time, me grandad sat down in a cave ter have a good long fink in der dark. Ten years later, some dwarves moved in an’ started minin’, an’ Grandad woke up wif a pickaxe in 'is back. Grandad never trusted dwarves again after dat. Good fing ‘e never met Gilly. One o’ dem dwarves wuz Gilly’s grandad.”

Dwayne laughs.

“Yeah, it’s good that things aren’t so… hostile between dwarves and trolls anymore.”

“It help a lot dat we don’t gotta hide from der humans no more. Livin’ all bunched up in der magical neighborhoods wuz no… uh… yer know, wif der blankets an der baskets o’ food…”

Kyle scans the last of Wayne’s purchases, a bag of skettie treats.

“A picnic, dude.”

“Thank yer, Kyle. It wuz no picnic.”

And Wayne pays up for his purchases.


“Thanks, Kyle. I’ll see you later.”

“Take care, dude. I’ll pick Cheech up at 5, and be at your place in no time.”

“Oh, Cheech am gunna be dewe tuu? Dat am fine, Cwo-vuw nu mine…”

Kyle and Wayne flash grins at each other, knowing that Clover has already developed a crush on Cheech.

Wayne and Clover live nearby, so he’ll be pushing the cart home, unloading it, and bringing it back.

Calvin’s having a blipper prepared for Wayne. It needs to be locked to his biometrics, so it can only be used by him.

As Wayne leaves, him and Clover waving goodbye, the sweater-clad man steps up next with his cart, still scratching himself.

Finally! This has been taking way too long.”

Kyle starts scanning the toys.

“What’s the rush, dude? It’s not even 10 yet.”

He’s a ChaotiX member too, wearing a badge like Dwayne’s, so he also knows the man’s plight.

The sweater-clad man has already guessed that the ChaotiX members around him are playing dumb, and the fact that Kyle is scanning his purchases as slowly as possible is the final clue.

“This is going to be a very long day.”

Dwayne claps a hand on the man’s shoulder, smiling a clearly fake smile at him.

“Ah, you’re almost done here! Once you’ve paid for all of these toys, you’ll get to the fun part: giving all of those toys away to fluffies in need! Doesn’t the thought of seeing the happy looks on all those fluffies’ faces when you surprise them just fill your heart with a warm, fuzzy feeling?”

The sweater-clad man sighs, feeling resigned to the experience, knowing that he has no way off this wild ride.

“It’s either that or the urge to blow chunks. God, I can’t believe I’m spending so much money on this.

“Hey, making a sacrifice like that shows you mean it!”

“Okay, I have to ask: do you ChaotiX guys know? Do you know how I got this fucking sweater?”

Kyle shrugs, still scanning toys with all the speed of a narcoleptic sloth.

“You didn’t get it from Goodwill?”

Kobul puts the bag of stone fluffy kibble down behind the man, and gives him a million dollar smile.

“Yer bin wearin’ dat fing fer a few days, eh?”

And Dwayne keeps fake-smiling at the the sweater-clad man.

“Yeah, it needs a wash.”

Then he laughs again.

“Of course we know, buddy! Chaos told Cal, Cal told us. So you better behave while you’re involuntarily staying in our city. If you feel tempted to abuse more fluffies, you should fight the urge to… scratch that itch.

“Oh ha-ha! Very funny! You know, it’s not fair for a bunch of guys with superpowers to gang up on me like this.”

“You mean like how it’s not fair for you to bully fluffies just because they’re smaller and weaker than you?”

Kyle laughs too, still scanning toys. The sweater-clad man didn’t know how many was enough, and erred on the side of caution.

“Dwayne’s got a point, dude. And technically, Kobul doesn’t have any powers.”

Kobul nods.

“Yeah, I is jus’ yer average troll. It’s 'ardly me fault if yer squishier den me. I can’t help der way I is made.”

Grrrrrrrrrr. Look, stoner guy, can you at least speed this up a bit? I know that you know that my sweater gets itchier the longer I stand here doing nothing, so if you could please stop screwing with me, and finish scanning those toys so I can pay up, get out of here, and get to work throwing good money away, that would be greeeaaaat, thank you.”

“Sure, dude. You just had to ask.

Kyle starts scanning faster.

A bit faster, exactly as the sweater-clad man requested.

When he realizes that he’s been had again, the sweater-clad man facepalms.

“Walked into that one, didn’t I? Fuck, I really do need to watch what I say.”

“Yup. Here, I think this will help.”

Kyle stops scanning toys for a moment, and reaches under the counter, pulling out a bottle of camomile lotion.

Dwayne, Kobul and Slate all realize what’s happening, and start trying not to laugh.

When the sweater-clad man reaches for the bottle, his fingers go through it, and Kyle grins, dismissing the illusion and resuming the scanning.

Gotcha again. C’mon, man, it’s public knowledge what my power is.”

Then Dwayne, Kobul and Slate start laughing, and so does everyone else who witnessed Kyle’s trick.

At this point, the sweater-clad man starts banging his head on the counter.

thud thud thud

“I’m in Hell. I died, and I’m in Hell. That explains everything.

“Dude, if you break that counter, you’re paying to fix it. Trust me, you do not want to piss the manager off.”

“Is the manager Korkea in a wig? Oh God, he is, isn’t he?!?”

“Calm down, he’s not Cal in a wig. And look, I’m done scanning, you just gotta pay and you can go. Cash or credit?”

The man holds up his credit card, his face still pressed against the counter.

“Credit. And I want a receipt too. Hopefully, I can make a tax write-off out of this.”

Kyle takes the credit card, processes the transaction, and hands the card back with the receipt.

“Alright, donezo, and thank you for choosing Flufftopia for your fluffy needs today! So, uh, how are you gonna get all of these toys out of here? You didn’t drive here, did you?”

It’s only at this point that the sweater-clad man realizes one small flaw in his plan, his eyes widening.

Ssssshhhhit. I didn’t even think of that. Goddamnit, and my car’s all the way back in Detroit.

Dwayne turns towards the glass doors, looking out at the parking lot.

“Hey, uh, this is a long shot, but… you wouldn’t happen to drive a black Pontiac Aztek, would you?”

The sweater-clad man stands up straight, glaring suspiciously at Dwayne.

“How’d you know?”

Dwayne points, and the sweater-clad man follows the finger.

In one of the spots closest to the store, a spotlessly clean black Pontiac Aztek is now parked, a purple and yellow jester at the wheel, waving at the sweater-clad man with one gloved hand, and honking the horn with the other.


The jester disembarks, drawing everyone’s attention by skipping into the store, and as he tosses the keys to the sweater-clad man, he speaks up in a cheerful, flamboyant voice.

“I took the liberty of cleaning it for you! It was full of fast food wrappers, and when’s the last time you washed that thing?”

The sweater-clad man pockets his car keys with a look of dread on his face.

You again? You’re not here to dunk me in hot chocolate, are you?”

“No, no! Well, maybe. I just figured that you deserved a small break. You haven’t tried to run again, and look at how much you’re spending today! Is it possible that you’ve committed yourself to a change of heart?”

“More like I’ve committed myself to a change of clothes. I’ll do anything to get this sweater off.”

Chaos chuckles.

“It’s good to know that you’ll do anything. Keep up the good work, and I might have some more rewards in store for you!”

“At this point, I’ll settle for being allowed to take the sweater off and go home.”

“I was going to give you infinite riches, eternal life, and unearthly power, but if you don’t want any of that…”

“Aww, maaaan! Wait, are you screwing with me, or were you actually going to give me those things?”

Another chuckle.

“You’ll never know, now.”

“…This isn’t going to be the last time you screw with me before this is over, isn’t it.”

“Nope! But I’m giving you a grace period. For the rest of the day, I’ll leave you alone. You may notice a correlation between your actions and the amount I screw with you. For now, though…”

Chaos turns towards the counter, seeing Kyle, Dwayne, Kobul and Slate all laughing their asses off. Dwayne has already bagged the toys, in at least a dozen bags, and placed them in the cart.

“I’m here to pick up some delectable skettie treats for my own fluffies. Eh, I can wait for those guys to finish.”

This baffles the sweater-clad man.

You have fluffies. You. Chaos.”

“Yes, I have fluffies. They live in the boring part of my domain. And in the fun parts of my domain, I have people like you. Keep that in mind, boyo.”

“I… will.”

“You need some help carrying all your stuff to the car? Those guys will be laughing for a while.”

“I’m good, thanks.”

“Suit yourself. Have fun, boyo.”

As the sweater-clad man wheels his cart out, Chaos skips further into the store, to pick out treats. He knows Loki and Eris’ tastes.

He could just manifest treats, but he’s got a lot of money from his side job as a milkman.

If he likes someone, he’s happy to buy stuff from them instead of manifesting it.

He’s a very generous tipper, too.

And he doesn’t have to manifest stuff if he doesn’t feel like it.