All this time, I’ve worked on comics at the same size I post them at, and I’ve always wondered how people fit so much detail into their art. Well it turns out, you can just…work at a bigger size.
I never made this logical jump until I saw someone offhandedly mention it. This happened about halfway through page 2, so if you’re wondering why the first page is, shall we say, lesser, there’s your answer.
// You can skip everything below here if you’re not interested
Figured I’d give uploading a story in parts a try - usually I try to finish something entirely before I post it, which always ends in severe burnout by about page 4, and a burning desire to finish quickly rather than enjoy working on it. We’ll see if this approach is any better.
I apologise, but I can’t really commit to any sort of schedule for this. Sometimes I’m busy, sometimes I want to work on other stuff. Sometimes I anticipate a page will take me a few hours and I end up stuck on a single panel for days trying to figure stuff out.
tl;dr i’m lazy and stuff
as always, feedback and/or critique is both welcomed and invited
If you won’t properly care for all of these little fluffbeans, then I’ll just give them to another mare who will. And you can just sit there and watch, helpless, as they grow up happy and healthy under her care, never knowing or caring that you even exist.