Not Your Bestest, Pages 1 - 3 (TG_89)

owner spells out that Lilac needs to love all her babies or she’ll fucking die. Lilac immediately starts plotting to let her bestest fuck the poopie babbeh when it’s older

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I like the start a lot and your art is awesome, keep going please!


Your artwork is so beautiful, wow!

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I sense a mangled bitch mare in the future~!

There are less messy methods of blinding, you know. Why bother with cleaning up blood and finding a bin to dispose of the eyes when pouring bleach in works just as well?

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The visceral thrill of plucking the eyes from a fluffy’s head.

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It’s literally a poopy babbeh since it’s sitting in shit lol

Shes doing a fantastic job as both a mummah and as a pet! :heart_eyes:

she could of just looked after the bestest and neglected the other but no, shes looking after the other two and making sure they grow up big and strong for daddeh!

As for the Ugwy poopie one… if its ugwy its gonna use up resources, its gonna make the whole group look unsightly, daddeh woudnt want his best pets looking off because of one bad egg, shes a excellent mummah and pet tbh, she would make a good breeding center sorter.

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