Odyssey of an SBS fluffy by that1hugboxer

Odysseus is your foal. He’s not like other fluffies , Odis as you call him is a special fluffy, he can’t talk ,he’s easily overstimulated by lights and sounds, but so are you.you and Odis are kindred spirits , Odis gets scared very easily so you made him a thunder vest, Odis sometimes has accidents but you simply smile and clean your little green and brown buddy because after all Odis shows you unconditional love, Odis unlike other fluffies doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. Whenever Odis sees you he rushes up and starts cooing . When you first found Odis he was just 10 days old, his eyes were still shut ,he chirped nonstop and got spooked by everything. You had followed his hoarse little chirps to underneath and park bench. There he was cold, Malnourished and sitting in his own excrement.

You picked up the terrified creature making sure you didn’t cause any harm. His fear subsided as he began sucking on your thumb. You swaddle him in your scarf , he’s overjoyed to finally be warm eagerly gumming the edges of the scarf. You get your new fluffy home and immediately start researching for prepping. Through your research you come to the realization that you have taken in “special baby” you will have to do almost everything for him and for the rest of his life. There was one person online that had successfully raised a special baby, you got in contact with them and through your combined efforts managed to keep your little friend healthy, it was a lot to keep track of and even the smallest error could be fatal for your fluffy. You had to feed him every two hours like clockwork.and then the day came when he opened his eyes from that moment forward he became extremely overwhelmed and would tire himself out quickly from all the sensory overload. Your contract recommended stuffing some cotton buds in its ears and making a “Happy Hat,” basically a little white balaclava without the eyeholes. It blocked out visual overload, and the white color kept your fluffy from being afraid of the dark. This worked wonders significantly reducing your fluffies stress , eventually his eyes got accustomed to the light and only needed his happy hat every once in a while but his ears were still extremely sensitive and required the cotton wads almost 24/7 .

Thanks to your contact you were more easily able to get your fluffy to use the litter box after replacing the sand with newspaper. Your little fluffy would never be able to eat solid food but as he aged milk alone wasn’t cutting it , once again your contact saved the day with his half milk half kibble slushy recipe. You decided to name your fluffy Odysseus Odis for short. Odis was always happy to see you , he looks at you like you are the best person in the world, letting out a coo or a bubbly chirp every time he notices you after drifting off into his own little world. You wonder what such an innocent mind could be pondering.surprisingly after much positive reinforcement Odis actually began to walk to and from the litter box on his own. He still stumbled sometimes but he was genuinely trying. You made sure Odis got the right amount of exercise and maintained a healthy weight. When the time came you got.You got Odis to wear a diaper and thus were able to take him with you around town in a baby carrier . Walking down the street During one of your outings you feel something thump your leg . Looking down you see a yellow fluffy with a red mane. The creature lets out an arrogant snort “ Hewman be smarty nw daddie , giv smarty nice howsie , wots ovpwiddy maws and wots ov sketties” you think for a moment and get an idea. “Ok little guy you can come home with me but” you bend down your face mere inches from the fluffie’s . You look at him with the most foreboding expression. “You Will make good poopies! You will behave! And you will be nice to my other fluffy! But most importantly If you hurt or even so much as look at Odis wrong I will make sure you eat nothing but fluffy mush for the rest of your life! Do you understand?!.

The once confident fluffy slunk down like a scolded dog.” His expression said it all. He would (for the time being) comply with your rules. You name the smarty Atlus, immediately taking preventative measures to curb bad behavior before it starts. You buy a collar programmed with certain phrases and begin what will most likely be a long and difficult process of behavioral training , training a normal fluffy is difficult enough but it’s said to be impossible with smarties. Despite this you are determined not only to train the smarty without harming it physically. The process begins with a collar, this collar is programmed to react to bad phrase said by fluffies . Every time the fluffy says something bad the speaker on the collar plays a recording of a fluffy saying “u am bad fwuffy” if the fluffy calls themselves a smarty, the collar plays a separate recording “ u can be gud fwuffy or u can be bad smarty”. Because of a fluffies low intelligence they can not understand where the fluffie’s voice is coming from and in frustration will continue to insult the unseen fluffy. Eventually the smarty will associate certain phrases with being bad due to constant scolding after each the phrase is said. You put the collar on Atlas. Almost immediately he calls the collar “Dummy nekwace” the recording plays “u am bad fwuffy” atlas in shock at the accusation of being called a bad fluffy. Responds with “atlas am gud fwuffy.!Atlas am smarty!” The second recording plays “u can be good fwuffy or bad smarty” . And thus the correction process begins without you needing to harm the fluffy. The collar also comes with a remote to play the two different recordings at the push of a button. You can monitor atlas from hidden cameras while you are in a different location either in the home or while away from your residence. You give atlas simple instructions on using the litter box and staying out of trouble. There’s also a third feature of the collar a second microphone.a blue tooth microphone connected to the same app as the hidden cameras . You can speak to atlas even when you are not there. While you are in another room atlas decides to not use the litter box. You catch him on the hidden camera . You play the 1st recording “u am bad fwuffy” . You come into the room and ask atlas if he popped outside of his litter box. Atlas is stunned that you already found out.

You clean up the poop and put atlas in the sorry box for 45 minutes which to a fluffy feels 3 or 4 times as long.once the 45 minutes are up you remove atlas from the sorry box. And tell him if he doesn’t want the sorry box he needs to make good poopies and pee pees in the litter box and no where else. Atlas calls you a dummy daddy, triggering the recording to play “u is bad fwuffy”. Atlas panics “daddy hu call atwis bad fwuffy?” He’s played right into your hands. You tell atlas that the voice he hears in his conscience “cawchin?” Atlas says confused “wut dat?” You explain that the voice tells will tell him when he’s being bad and that the voice is only quiet when he’s being a good fluffy. Atlas seems to grasp the idea. “Wen voicy tawky atlas am bad fwuffy? When voicy nu tawky atlas am good fwuffy?” You nod your head. You tell him all has to do is make good poopies and peepees in the litter box, be nice to everyone even daddy and odis and not call himself a smarty. If he can do those things the voice will stop. also put Atlas through a professionally run fluffy training camp. Progress is slow but atlas kept the most important rule of being nice to Odis. You explain to atlas that even though Odis is big but he will always be a baby,

he needs a strong and kind big brother to look after him to keep him safe from bad fluffies. You explain if atlas can be obedient and kind that he will be not just a good fluffy but the best fluffy. Good fluffies don’t call themselves smarties , the trainer explain that atlas can either be a good fluffy or a smarty fluffy. Good fluffies use the litter box, they don’t say do mean things to daddy or Odis or anyone else , good fluffies don’t give hurties or heart hurties . Good fluffies can have nommies sometimes even sketties and toysies and howsie . Smarties get no housie , no sketties ever, no toysies no hugs no nommies and no daddy. You ask atlas if he wants to be a good fluffy or a smarty . Atlas hesitates for a moment before deciding on being a good fluffy. Atlas has his bad days but he always acts as Odis’s big brother. The collar helps reinforce both your lessons and the lessons learned at training camp. Atlas has even learned to stop himself mid word to avoid saying words such as “smarty”.

After several weeks Atlas graduates training camp. You celebrate with sketties and a movie night. Atlas now focuses his “smarty” energy into loving you and Odis . Atlas snuggles up to Odis. “Bruba is good fwuffy odis giv biggest heart happies to atwis” atlas had transformed from a mean, entitled, self centered fluffy to a loving and protective older brother for an SBS fluffy. Atlas now accompanied you and Odis on your walks. With the collar atlas is so obedient that he doesn’t even try to get a special friend or special hugs anymore not after the collar called him a bad fluffy right in front of the mare he was trying to make his special friend . Atlas will never live down that incident. On your next visit The vet is in pure disbelief that this is the same atlas she had seen months before,atlas even called her “nice wady”Both atlas and Odis got a clean bill of health . You swing by the grocery store on the way home and get some ingredients . When you get home the preparation starts immediately. Soon the house is filled with the smell of freshly cooked pasta. “Am daddy make sketti?” Atlas asked with eager anticipation. You tell atlas you are making something even better than sketti , you are making “special sketti”. Atlas is flabbergasted that there could be something better than sketti. the “special sketti” in actuality is home made ramen noodles in homemade broth. The ramen takes a good 8 hours for the broth to finish.

All the while atlas shows just how patient a well trained fluffy can be. Finally everyone’s patience is rewarded. You let atlas try the “special sketti” and he looks as if everything he thought he knew about sketti was shattered. “Atwis wuv spesaw sketti!” . Odis was Making marginal progress, he now walked a lot more, he still fell down from time to time but it was significantly less often though you still kept a close eye on him . Months pass by in the blink of an eye. Odis despite being old enough showed no signs of going through though puberty. He simply desired to be with you and atlas at all times.your coworkers at the fluffy daycare adore odis and atlas , however the other fluffies at the daycare don’t like him…at all. It started with simple things life “why dummy poopy fwuffy nu tawki?”

This alone made your blood boil but were able to keep your cool and explain that he was a “sensitive babei” this answer satisfied the other fluffies for the moment, the trouble started when the hell spawn known as Debbie started staying at the daycare.

Debbie wasn’t just entitled she was a spoiled “bestist babie” who not only had never been told no but also had been kicked from her last daycare for nearly killing another fluffy simply for not giving Debbie a toy she wanted to play with. Debbie was a baby blue unicorn with a cotton candy pink mane.you bend down to introduce yourself to Debbie. Debbie sees Odis in the baby carrier on your chest and stomps her hooves “debie wan upsies now!”

You tell Debbie that Odis is special and he needs to be with you at all times.the little devil puffs out her cheeks “Debie nu caw dummy hoomin giv upsies nw!”Debbie loudly and proudly declared “dat dummy poopie fluffy nu get upseis only foweva sweepies”. The other fluffies stare in shock as Debbie lifts her hind legs and kicks Odis. Atlas lets out a wail of pain as Debbies hooves slam into his head. Atlas had taken the hit instead Odis . In a single rage filled moment your vision goes red as you grab Debbie by the tail all the while she sprays poop on you and shrieks about.”bad upsies” you drop head first into the sorry box. You tell Debbie she can come out when her mom picks. You unhook Odis from the baby carrier inspecting the damage done to atlasBy some miracle Debbie had only bruised his scalp .

Debbie had knocked atlas into Odis startling him severely. Odis cries letting out a series of distressed chirps in between each breath. You hold him close and gently place his happy hat on his head. Around that time atlas comes to check on his brother. “Atwis am sorry atwis nu keep bwudda safie fwum debie atwis no mean huwt bwaba odis” you remove atlas’s collar and tell him he was a very good fluffy and a good brother. Atlas stay comforting his brother . Eventually Odis tiers himself out and calm down. You remove the happy hat and return him to the baby carrier around your mid section. The rest of the day goes relatively smooth. You have a chat with Debbie’s mom during pick up time and she is very unhappy “Debbie I told you before I dropped you off that this was your last chance to be good.” Debbie shrunk backwards. “Debie am good fwuffy debie n…” her mom cut her off

“I agreed to look after you while my sister was out of town. Your mama let the first incident at the other daycare slide. But this time I’m in charge and you won’t escape punishment this time.” Debbie’s eyes were wide as saucers “nu! Nu! Pweas mamma Nu take debbie weggies! Debie sowy !DEBIE SOWY!” You interrupt telling Debbie’s caretaker that your other fluffy atlas used to be a smarty and how you used the collar to help train him. You inform her that if she allowed you to work with Debbie that you could turn her into a good fluffy without her having to lose her limbs. Debbie’s caretaker excuses herself for a moment to use the phone. Upon returning she looks at Debbie “ you are the single most lucky fluffy in the world. Your mama is willing to give this nice person’s training a chance”

you ,Odis and atlas are now tasked with training Debbie . You meet with Debbie’s actual mom and is willing to pay a ton of money to transform Debbie life you did atlas. You begin by teaching Debbie empathy you put the collar on her and ask her “who is this?” Pointing to Odis. “Dat dummy poopie baby!” The recording starts playing “u am bad fwuffy” Debbie looks around for the source of the voice “debie am nu bad fwuffy Debie am bestis babie!” The collar repeats the recording .

Debbie gets more and more angry “Debie am good fwuffy!” You look debie directly in the eyes. “Good fluffies don’t hurt other fluffies” Debbie puffs out her cheeks. “Dummy poopie ba-“ you hold her mouth closed with one hand

“you hurt my fluffy.a fluffy who did nothing to you !” Debbie tries mumbling something. “I’m the one talking right now Debbie! And you better start listening before everyone and everything you hold dear is gone forever! I stepped in and convinced your mom to give you one final chance! After you hurt my fluffy I made sure you didn’t lose your legs!”

Debbie’s eyes were filled with terror “ I am going to make you into a good fluffy . But how that happens is up to your behavior.”

You call in Debbie’s mom and explain that until Debbie graduates the training program that she is only to be fed fluffy mush , she is not allowed to watch tv or play with toys either . Debbie’s mom agrees to the terms. You let go of Debbie’s snout,

“Debbie you officially have nothing except your food , your litter box and your bed. So unless you enjoy playing with turds I highly suggest you start proving that you can be a good fluffy”

you spend the rest of the training session trying to instill empathy into Debbie by making her watch atlas play with odis . You see a molecule of improvement towards the end of the session but by no means anything substantial

. You return the next day and Debbie greets you with a spray of poop. Time for phase two. You put a diaper on Debbie and she begins to cry flailing her two front legs “nu wan diapy Debi am nu babie ” you look at Debbie as you clean up the mess she made and explain that you will change her diaper before you leave but she will wear a diaper for the rest of the day as punishment.

Debbie’s toughy attitude shows kinks in its armor as she realizes you aren’t backing down. That brief momentary show of weakness is broken when Debbie in an attempt to regain control runs over and takes Odis’s ball away from him.Odis lets out a series of “peep peeps” as he desperately tries to get the ball back from Debbie.

Atlas try as he might just can’t reach Debbie in time

“dummy poopie babie no play with baw Debbie giv u bad hoovsies”

Debbie strikes odiis with her front hooves. Odds let’s out a series of distressed chirps and runs to your side. You put Debbie in the sorry box “I’ll deal with you in a moment!”

You calm down Odis through a combination of boo-boo kisses , the happy hat and singing. You tell atlas to stay by Odis’s side at all times now and if Debbie comes near Odis again he has permission to fight back.

You turn your attention to Debbie picking her up by the mane and carry the screaming hell spawn to the bathroom. You close the door behind you. You still weren’t going to hurt Debbie but given what you had planned she might actually prefer it if you did.

You pull for your backpack a fluffy sized muzzle and a homemade straight jacket. Debbie first tried intimidating you . then tried insulting you and finally as you secured the muzzle she tried apologizing.

“Too late “ you say as you tighten the final strap. A series of muffled “hu-hu” came from Debbie as you put her in a carry kennel looking the bared metal door. Debbie is now sobbing as all she can see is you and atlas eating sketti. You give Debbie’s mom instructions to only remove the muzzle during feeding time and Debbie’s only other interaction is to be a silent diaper change . That night you put together a series of lessons and punishments for tomorrow. The following morning you arrive at Debbie’s mom’s house and remove Debbie from the kennel and take off her muzzle.Debbie’s eyes are bloodshot from crying and her once arrogant expression has been replaced with one of complete terror.

“Good morning Debbie” you say with a happy tone. You remove the straitjacket and diaper. Debbie’s expression becomes slightly more hopeful . “Are you ready to apologize to odis?” Debbie gives a terrified “yus” “Debbie am sowy fo giv du…” you give her a glare as Debbie stops herself from saying something that would dig her self a deeper hole.

“Debbie am so sowy fo huwtie odis debie pwomis nu du it evah agin”. You make her apologize to atlas as well and Debbie does so without a single hesitation. Her apologies seem sincere but just to be on the safe side you continue asking questions. “So Debbie are you still bestist baby?”

Debbie bites her lip. You repeat the question again and Debbie still bites her lip. You shake your head in disapproval. “Too bad. I guess you didn’t know that bestist babies are also bad fluffies” you pick up a fresh diaper and pretend as if you are about to put it on Debbie “debie am nu bestist babie nu mow!” She shrieks .

“Debbie pwomis Debbie nu be bad nu mow” you still believe she might be genuine but continue testing her just to be sure. “Really?” You ask in an uncertain tone. “Yus” Debbie says crying. You turn to atlas and tell him to stay by Odis while she plays with him.”you know what to do if she stops being nice?” Atlas puffs out his chest “yus daddie!” .

And so you,atlas, Odis and Debbie play.during this time you explain the importance of sharing and waiting for your turn. Debbie seems receptive. Odis seems to have forgotten about what happened the day prior as he joyfully plays and even snuggles with Debbie all the while Debbie gives him hugs and head pats.you leave for the day and call up a friend to ask if you could bring their fluffy with you to training tomorrow. Your friend obliges.

The next day you introduce Debbie to rootbeer a brown female alicorn with a straw yellow mane. Debbie runs away “EE MUNSTA FWUFFY!” Rootbeer has a look of “seriously?” On her face.

You go over to Debbie and explain that Rootbeer isn’t a monster she just looks different . “It’s not nice to call someone a monster just because they look different” “Debbie scawd doh” you ask her why she’s scared. “Dat fwuffy hab pointy pwace an wingy pwac!” You ask Debbie why is that scary. Debbie face goes blank as she tries to come up with an answer. “Debbie look over there”

you point to rootbeer who is singing the mama song to Odis. “Would a monster be that nice to Odis?” Debbie is shocked that rootbeer is so nice. “Rootbeer came all the way here to play with you guys today and you called her a monster.” Debbie for the first time ever has a look of shame on her face. “I think you owe her an apology” Debbie timidly walks over to rootbeer and apologizes.

The rest of the day you teach Debbie about the importance of not calling people or fluffies monsters. You explain that it makes people and fluffies hurt on the inside when you call them monsters. The day ends without any other incidents. You take rootbeer home and plan for the next day. On the way to Debbie’s house you pick up some formula and two bottles. Along with a foal in can . You arrive at the house at open up the can revealing a tiny poop brown Pegasus chirpy baby to Debbie . “Widdiw chirpy babei!” Debbie says excitedly. You explain that this little chirpy is named bonbon and he needs to be taken care of.

Obviously you have no intention of letting Debbie keep the foal you will be doing all the important stuff,this was simply a test to judge how Debbie would react to one of her babies being a bad color . You explain that he’s too little to play right now but he someone to him make good poopies until he’s old enough to use the litter box himself. Debbie looks at bonbon with curiosity as she tilts her head trying to work out a “nice” response. “Debie hewp babie” she said confidently.

“Good” you say with genuine excitement. Debbie helps bon bon to and from the litter box. This is where you reveal a second foal in a can that you had purchased the same day, “this is mango” Debbie’s eyes light up upon seeing the reddish pink unicorn chirpy baby.

You explain that that mango also needs to be taken care of just like bonbon. “Bonbon is a sweet baby so I named him after a candy” you feed Debbie a home made bonbon candy. “Yummy” Debbie squeals with excitement. “Mango is a sweet baby too so I named her after a sweet fruit” you feed a slice of mango fruit to Debbie “mmm” Debbie wags her tail.

“All babies are good babies . Just because one might have wings and a horn or is darker color doesn’t change that they all need their mamma, they all love their mamma.”

Debbie looks down at mango and bonbon in amazement. The two chirpy babies snuggle up to Debbie. The day ends and you explain to Debbie that you will be taking the babies back to their mother and father (a little wire lie to help both Debbie and the babies) but she did a great job talking care of them. Over the next few days bonbon and mango open their eyes and start calling you “dada”. You speak with Debbie’s mom about Debbie adopting them once he gets them on a feeding schedule .Debbie’s mom agrees loving the idea of Debbie practicing motherhood. You set up a milk station and tell Debbie that she is their new mama. Mango and bonbon already see Debbie as their mamma so the transition is seamless.

Debbie does such a great job that when the foals start eating solid food, Debbie’s mom proposes that she and I open up a breeding operation. The name of the company made you shed a few tears. The odyssey fluffy husbandry .

The star stallion of the company was none other than atlas. Atlas got what he had wanted since the first day you met him in the alley. Because atlas was a feral it was difficult to sell his babies ,that was until it was discovered that his partners produced a high percentage of alicorns .

Debbie became the foster mother for any abandoned foals.,

and Odis well Odis was still your buddy a special fluffy, he can’t talk ,he’s easily overstimulated by lights and sounds, but so are you.you and Odis are kindred spirits .

.( huge shoutout to [FederalChemical1728] who’s sensitive little guy story inspired this. He is meant to be the anonymous contact in this story



Please put line breaks in. The wall of text is too much.


Sorry about that I’ll fix it when I get a chance

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Awww, Odis! I do wish more of the story was about Odis and his care, though it’s an interesting look at training and conditioning. I love Sensitive Little Guy and the concepts in that too, would love to see you expand on them some more. :slight_smile:

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Thank you. I’m currently working on (and I can’t believe I’m saying this) expanding the lore of my fluffies🤣

Letting a SBS go to daycare seems like a disaster waiting in the wings for anything but a true hugbox story. Little dude’s got to have plot armor thick enough to withstand a nuclear bomb lol.

Pretty interesting story since most SBS don’t do anything beyond what a chirpy could.


Looking back I should have given odis a few more scuffles . You live and learn

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Maybe in a sequel.

A sequel. Called ( the hurdles of raising Odis) is out

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