Orange and Greenie - Part 1 (Faggot)

It had been three months since little Orange had been weened from her momma fluffy and given a forever home in the hands of Silvia. Now the little orange mare with the brown mane had the perfect fluffy life. A playroom, lots of toys, a spaghetti meal weekly, a litterbox to make good peepees and poopies in to make new mummah happy. But sometimes Orange got lonely by herself when mummah needed to go to work, and sometimes Orange wished she had another fluffy to play with. Then one day, when FluffTV played a commercial with fluffy foals in it, the reproduction lightswitch in her brain flicked on and now Silvia had to deal with her young mare begging for babies.

She knew this day would come, however, which is why she never got Orange spayed.

“Mummah, pwease can owange hab babbehs? Owange wiw be gud mummah!”

“Having babies is alot of responsibility, Orange. You need to promise me that you’ll take good care of them.”

“Owange pwomise mummah! Owange be bestest mummah an hab bestest babbehs!”

“Will you give them milk?”

“Owange onwe make bestest miwk fo bestest babbehs!”

“You’ll teach them to use the litterbox?”

“Owange babbehs onwe make gud poopies an peepees in wittabox mummah!”

“And you’ll play with them every day?”

“Mummah owange haw wots ob fun wunning an pwaying wif babbehs!”

“I also want you to know that after a month your babies will be all grown up and will get new forever homes. When that day comes, I don’t want to hear any complaining.”

Orange looked at the ground a moment. She didn’t like the sound of that one, but knew it was momma’s rules.

“Otay mummah.”

“Lastly, I should mention that some bad mommas will reject or neglect their babies for being a color she doesn’t like, or being an alicorn. She’ll love all her other babies but refuse to feed that one until it starves. If that happens, we’re going to have an issue. You’re going to treat all your babies with respect because that’s what good mommas do.”

“Owange pwomise tu gif aww babbehs huggies an miwkie an wuv mummah!”

Orange was dancing in one place and bobbing with glee. She finally gets her own babies to give milkies and huggies and love to just like the good mommas on the teebee.

“Well, Orange, I’ve got one more thing to ask you.”

“Wha mummah?”

“I was going to just take you to a breeder, but then I realized you need a companion. So I’m going to adopt a male fluffy for you to make special friends with and give you tummy babies, and keep you company when momma isn’t around. Is that ok with you?”

“WUB SPECIAW FWIEND! Owange wan haf wots ob pwaytime an speciaw huggies!”

She quivered and accidentally dribbles out some pee.

“Oh nu! Bad peepees! Sowwy mummah, owange get su cited tinking about speciaw fwiend nu can stop peepees!”

“Oh I’ll wipe it up Orange, you’ve never done it before. Then I’ll head out and get you a special friend.”

“YAY! Fang ou mummah!”

It was love at first sight when Silvia spotted the little green camo-patterned stallion at the pet shop. He was two months old and his relatively new sexual feeling were hitting him hard. His balls were swollen to twice the size they should be, he clearly hadn’t busted a nut in a while, if ever. When Silvia selected him he was humping his stuffy friend, the only toy in his cage. After paying she pulled the horny little guy with the light green coat and dark green mane off his stuffy friend while he complained about uppies, and put him in a carrier box.

“I’m your new momma little guy, and I’ve got a pretty mare at home for you to have lots of special huggies with and start a family.”

“YAY! WUV NEU MUMMAH! Wan meet neu speciaw fwiend mummah! Can has sketties?”

“Well first let me think of a name. Does Greenie work for you?”

“Fwuffy wub neu name! Am Gweenie nao! Wan see neu homsie!”

Silvia took Greenie home to the playroom and opened the box to let him out. He sniffed the floor a little while Orange waddled up to meet him.

“Hewwo neu fwuffy. Am Owange. Be neu fwiend?”

“Am Gweenie! Wub neu fwiend! Am pwitty mawe! Be neu speciaw fwiend? Wan gib speciaw huggies!”

“Owange wan speciaw huggies! Speciaw huggies feew gud!”

She eagerly turned and lifted her tail. The already erect stallion sniffed her backside before mounting. Only 10 seconds of enfies before Greenie was shouting “GUD FEEWS” and collapsed to the floor to curl up for a nap. Orange waddled to Silvia to brag about her new tummy babies.

The next month went along smoothly. Orange and Greenie got along almost perfectly. It took a little longer than Orange to get Greenie litterbox trained, but after only three bad poopies accidents and one unnecessary encounter with the sorry stick Greenie knew not to piss or shit outside the litterbox again. On spaghetti night, Orange would sometimes get greedy and try to devour Greenie’s plate too, since her pregnancy made her hungrier. This made him upset and led to a little fighting, but nothing Silvia couldn’t correct with a little feeding separation. By the end of the month Orange was so fat she was immobile, and needed to call on Silvia to take her to the litterbox. But one day Silvia was at work and Orange needed to make good poopies. Thinking fast, Greenie rolled her to the litterbox and pointed her ass inward.

“Fank ou gweenie! Can make gud poopies nao!”

She was due any time now. And at 3am one night Silvia was stirred awake by BIG POOPIES in the other room. When she opened the door Greenie waddled up to her quickly.

“Mummah! Owange haf babbehs nao! Gweenie su happi!”

She knelt down by Orange to see her first foal had come out. It was orange and had a brown nub for a tail that would grow in with it’s mane in the next few weeks. It was male and looked just like his mother. Silvia put him beside Orange’s teat and he bagan to wiggle in and suckle.

Orange turned her head to look.

“Owange babbeh? Babbeh wook wike Owange! Wub babbeh su muc!”

Greenie sniffed the foal he fathered and started licking the slime off.

“Gweenie hewp cween aww widdwe chiwpy babbehs. Gweenie am daddeh nao!”

Out slid the next foal. This one was a girl, and she had a dark green coat with a little light green nub. She chirped and peeped and squirmed blindly in Silvia’s hand until she found another teat with sweet sweet milk to drink. Greenie got to work cleaning her too.

“Babbeh wook wike Gweenie! Gweenie am bestest babbeh!”

Next foal was another filly with a light blue coat and pink nub. She got the same treatment as her siblings.

As the next foal slid out, Silvia already saw problems brewing. Brown coat, and same colored tail. Silvia knows how some fluffies treat their “poopie babies” and almost dreaded showing her to the parents, but sure enough neither Orange or Greenie seemed to mind, and cleaned and cooed over her anyway.

The final foal was a real shocker. Orange and Greenie were both earthie fluffies, but somehow managed to produce a foal with two wings and a horn. A rare alicorn! And with the most beautiful white coat with a hint of gold and a red, blue, and green nub which she knew would grow into a gorgeous rainbow mane. Silvia could get good money for this when it grows up. And he was a colt, prime candidate for breeding stud in the near future. She put him with his siblings. Greenie sniffed the foal and grunted.

“Babbeh am funni mummah. Gweenie cwean weiwd babbeh aniwae.”

Silvia really hopes they don’t give that one trouble. Some fluffy mothers will outright kill an alicorn foal if she believes it to be a monster, but right now it looked like Orange and Greenie were still giving him positive attention. Orange’s belly was already retracting to normal size as she cooed and sang to her new offspring while Greenie licked them clean.

“Owange an Gweenie am mummah an daddeh nao mummah! Hab pwitty chiwpy babbehs tu dwink miwkie an guf huggies! Owange am happiest fwuffy in whowe wowld!”

“I’ll give you guys some privacy. In the meantime, keep letting them drink your milk and try to think of some good names.”

“Otay mummah. Owange an Gweenie take gud cawe ob babbehs!”

Silvia took one last look at the squirming chirping newborn fluffies greedily suckling their mother’s milk before closing the door.


Aww babbehs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sob::two_hearts: