Peep (nessie)


For the non-Spanish speakers:

Fluffy mummah: wastest babbeh am so pwetty, babbeh am so sof’.

Babbeh nu has fuw? Babbeh fowgot fuw? Hehehehe nu saddies, babbeh, bes’ mummah wiww giv fuw to ou’.

Nu be saddies, babbeh, mummah wiww keep ou’ wawmie.

Hoomins wiww nu take babbeh fwom mummah.
Mummah wuv babbeh, babbeh wuv mummah.


Este es inesperadamente lindo


Te amo nessie


Huh, don’t think I’ve ever seen that before, fluffies being born without fluff. You mind if I use that for a story?


is usually when they are born dead or just excesive breeding
i read about them in some stories,they really dont last unless they get a shitton of external heating


I dunno, I might be wrong but to me that looks more like a misscarriage/stillborn foal, could be the latter than the first tho but again, it all depends on what the OP has to say about this, if it’s either stillborn or was born but with a ton of defects.

for instance, by the soft part I infer that the flesh is not even… finished? I don’t know medical terms.

Looks like a giant gummy foal to me, hahahahaha.


Full developed is the term you’re looking for.


We need a “treating fluffies like the THINGS they are vs. pets” renaissance.


Nevermind maybe I actually should have read.
Thanks AE.


It seems like that’s common for humans. I was one of those mutant abominations with the full head of hair. :wink:

More of my translations for the poor Spanish folk trying to read mullida palabras. And again, I’m not Larur, so it might be a bit rough. :wink:
Último bebé ser muy bien.
Bebé siente muy suavecito.
Bebé no tiene pelaje?
Bebé se olvidó de pelaje?
Hihihi. No te preocupes bebé. Mamá te da da un poco a de su pelaje.
No te preocupes, babé. Mamá te da da calorcitos.
Humanos no te alejan de Mamá.
Mamá ama a bebé. Babé ama a Mamá.

About ‘last babies’. If a fluffy mare has one baby only, and it’s an alicorn, will it automatically reject it, assuming the ‘monster’ ate all her babies?

Depends on the headcanon.

Awwwwwwwww cosita leeeenda <3

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depends on the headcannon there is 3 main ways
-it blames everything on the monster and kills him
-tries to “fix” the baby by eating his wings and making it a pointy baby (most rare case)
-motherly love defeats the programing

… i get the feeling its still born :frowning:

Nah cuz its cooing so its alive