Poll on Paid Adoptables

A while back, @FederalChemical1728 put up a post where she intended to sell her adoptable for a price. Now, and as a disclaimer, I have nothing against adoptables, and in fact see adoptables as a positive thing. I’ve been really fond of the adoptables that @Gal-with-pastels has been creating that she gives to different people for free, though on a “first come first serve” basis. However, Federal’s adoptables differed by virtue of being “priced” with real world money.

I’ve seen arguments both for and against the idea. Both @ThatWelc and @ripoffMcgee have pointed out that selling adoptables is entirely between the artist and the buyer, and whoever buys the adoptable does so willingly out of their own money. In short, we shouldn’t have to infringe on how people spend their money as its their own business. But some other people have expressed concern that allowing paid adoptables could lead to people potentially flooding the site with cheap mass-produced “paid” adoptables that don’t require much effort to them.

So we’re putting up this poll, to gather what we pople think about paid adoptables, and whether we should allow them or not.

  • Should paid adoptables be allowed?
  • Yes
  • Yes, but it needs regulation
  • No (adoptables should remain free)
  • Undecided

0 voters


My only problem with paid adoptables is as was mentioned before – people mass producing them. I’ve seen this one hell of a lot over on FA and it bugs me to no end. There’s zero moderation for it, and it’s just “quick, easy money” for people who want to put minimal effort into the designs and rake in a few easy dollars. Quickly gets out of hand and becomes a spamfest.

I’d say yes, but with heavy moderation, as artists (being one, myself) do deserve to get some money for their works. But if moderation can’t be enforced, then I’d go on a hard no. It’s one of those things that feels like NFT farming and… Yeah. I’m personally not okay with it.


with high standards would be cool
being honest ?
Never thought of doing adoptables for selling them (Tbh never thought ppl would actually buy them lel)
being honest again ? I voted wrong and now I basically can’t change it xD


This is just me throwing my thoughts out there. Take it for what it’s worth.

I kinda figure one adoptable per month, twelve per year is an acceptable amount of For Profit adoptables. As this is a money making endeavor, a share of the profits should go towards fluffy-community as service fee. Or something along those lines. Any For Profit adoptables should have the permission of a moderator to ensure a fair, evenhanded exchange.

Anything over twelve per year should be checked by multiple moderators and be situationally approved. { For example, sudden unforseen emergencies requiring an influx of capital. Y’know, hospital visits, car repair or replacement, stuff that blindsides you. }

If you wanna throw a batch of fluffies out there for free? Don’t worry, someone will take’m. After all, free fluffies. ( chuckles in an unsettling fashion. )


“show vote” → change the vote?

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I can’t believe I lived long enough to see fluffy pony NFTs

I dunno man, I’m all for artists getting paid, but also… ya know… NFT Fluffys.
I’d prefer it people just had tip jars and took commissions, but if people wanna pay to own the rights to draw a picture, you do you I guess?
Unless these adoption things also come with full like backstories and pieces of art, then I’m more in favor of them because that is just a commission which is fine.


shiet, I’m getting old for internet I guess


this is the power of pressing every single unknown button


You already allow commissions advertisements and requests, adoptables are simply an extension of that . That being said can we get a specific tag for this phenomena for those of us who would like to filter them out of their feed


So long as people remember Caveat Emptor (let the buyer beware) I don’t think we need to put regulations on what people do with their money.
It’s no business of ours.
But we also shouldn’t be held liable if something goes awry between the buyer and seller.

There should probably be a way to review buyers/sellers so that multiple people don’t get burned by a single user


i feel so bad that i was the one who opened pandora’s box with the paid adoptables :scream: :scream: :scream:

i created each of those adoptables with the intent to inspire whoever bought them, they’re not meant to be bought as designs, but as “characters.” they’re like toys, they’re meant to be played with, so i include more than just a character’s appearance to get the ball rolling
(which is why i was so thorough with the lore of the Pillow Farm & personalities & histories, to give people a jumping off point for what happens/happened/will happen to that character)

i kept prices to $5 ($10 if i was having trouble letting go) bc i didn’t want to price out somebody who would otherwise make something cool out of an adopt. i know $5 might still be too much for some people, so if someone is absolutely overflowing with ideas for a particular one i’m 100% okay with waiving the adoption fee. I put heart into these things, i don’t wanna taint them by harping on the money aspect.

the Real Earth Dollars pricetags are partly to give ppl pause to make Really Really Sure they want the character, and also so i could make at least something back on 3 weeks of work. im so lucky that everyone here values artists and their work so much :sob:

i’m probably not going to do many more pre-designed adoptables (i dont have many ideas left after birthing 22 of the fucking things) i’m planning to do more custom designs where i can help put other ppl’s ideas on paper for them.


the pandora’s box was opened quite a long time ago actually (with not that much of a success, but still). you just reminded us that it’s still open and we didn’t made any decicions in regards to it


Adoptables seem harmless enough in themselves, though I agree there should be a tag. Paying for adoptables sounds like a bit of a self-regulating market - if they’re generic low-effort fluffies you’d find on the street, nobody buys them anyway, right?

Personally I’d just make Mystery Bag adoptables, gimme five bucks (and a box) and I design you a fluffy on the spot. … That sounds fun actually…


I see no harm in allowing artists to sell pre-made adoptables. There’s no limit on commissions, I see no reason to limit pre-mades (although if it gets out of hand we can always group it and have people opt in or out).


I actually like that idea, depending on how many fluffies are in the batch someone could make a fair amount of money from it :slight_smile: So one sheet of paid fluffies a month would be a fair play imo~

I disagree with the opinion of comparing adoptables to NFTs. I see where people are coming from, but adopts were a thing long before NFTs, hell - they remember the earliest days of DeviantArt, if not even older times. They are not inflating any markets or paid a ridiculous amount of money, they are just pre-made little designs that people choose to buy if they don’t have ideas for their character designs or backstories, which is very cool if you ask me~


Either people can try to make money off fluffies or not . This people will spam low effort paid adopted shits is ludicrous dose any really think people will churn out adopted shit if no one is buying, what is keeping people from spamming low effort posts to advertise commission. If mods are to lazy to mod make a tag to put all advertisements for money making posts and not just signal out one form of money making because you think it is easy to spam

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You shouldn’t feel bad this is just mods tilting at windmills, there is no sign of a gluttony of low effort paid adopted if anything there is an over abundance of free adoption shits that no one cares if they are spammed but make a buck off of one and everyone gets the vapors


I clicked the option “Should paid adoptables be allowed?” :derp:


a wise man never stops asking questions

