Poll on Paid Adoptables

If anything, the concept of adoptables is ripe for satire, and fluffy pony is an excellent vehicle for it.


Personally, to me, paid adoptables are, really, no different than commissions just mass produced and without input from the buyer. I don’t know, using the term “paid adoptables” just doesn’t sit right with me maybe if you just said that they were for sale :shrug:. But that’s just my 2 cents worth.

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As a matter of fact, it has been done! Here and here

That said, there’s a certain level of sincerity involved with paid adoptables. However, an exchange of real world money is involved in the transaction. Which makes it more similar to a commission or, more definitely, a “packaged” commission.

To take Nix’s point a steps further, NFTs are tied to a blockchain. Basically put, an NFT is a receipt for a placement on a blockchain. Since these adoptables are not associated with any form of cryptocurrency or blockchain, the statement is misleading, perhaps even grossly so.


I see adopts as a missing link between commissions and nfts. It doesn’t involve any blockchain or market manipulation like a normal commission, but the price/effort racio is already somewhere on an nft level

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Why not just have this sentiment be a disclaimer in the rules, and make it so that sellers need to include this whenever they announce sales.

And let the NFT stans buy their NFTs if they really really wanna burn some cash.

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Please, we need a specific tag for Adoptables; they’re flooding the adoption tag with trash and there’s no way to filter them out.