PotatoFluff 2 ( by: FallenAngel )


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So they fertilize their own soil? That’s handy.


I love them so much


Awww cuite


Yup but as a plant farmers do put additional organic around them just they tend to complain of “nu smeww pwetti”


God damn it your style is so cute i wish could afford to get something commissioned

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But what if you never plant them? Keep watering them and give sunlight, but never dirt?


Normal potatoes are produced one of two ways, growing them from the tubers, which produce clones of the host plant, and from the poisonous fruit they can make from their flowers, which is how they breed hybrids of two different plants/types. The first is primarily how potatoes are done since it guarantees a desirable product. Also, many times potato plants don’t even go to flower so that method is only used when trying to create a new type of potato.

I say all this because I noticed in the first one that the plant had flowers. Maybe that is a way two potato fluffs can reproduce if they decide to be special-friends? Maybe they only grow the flowers if certain requirements are met?


They would nag wanting to be planted they keep naggin until you do. Also keepin them away from soil wont hold out as they begin to be depressed wantin to be planted into the soil. Noted a stressed non planted Potatofluff will produced poisoned potato foals which are highly poisonous to human consuption.


Oh i just have the flowers as sign of of the potatofluff having “wooty babbehs” under her main tuber. Also those small fruit from the flowers are edible to birds which they let em eat it.


Can you cut them up like a normal potatoes and get multiple potatoes fluffies in the ground?

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Hehe assassination poggers >:3

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Yeah but it grows slower bout a month before you have a full grown potatofluff, you have to clean them quickly before they start by instinct to go deeper into the soil to grow its roots.

does foals grow like potatoes and crowl out the soil or stay there until young plants?

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Some begin to crawl out to “splowin” need to catch them or they would get lost and might plant itself at bad ground. Or worst get eaten.

But most stay underground and have to be dug up. Like its biotoy counterpart potato foals would start crying for its mother when u pluck them from the main tubing.


Oh that’s actually pretty awesome! Taking the “explorer foals” as the ones who do get out the soil. Nice!!


Look at them, they’re so cute, I want at least 15 of those :heart:


Self Fertilizer? Man, now that’s a bargain.
Would need like 4 pounds for a good Smashed Potatoes

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Can I eat it when it’s big, or do I gotta get the children?

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The potato foals are for consuption they dont feel much pain wash them and skin them almost like brushing to them. They will be very talkative most chef just chop off their heads to stop them talkin.

Chop parts can be planted to grow another potatofluff just make sure it have enough parts to grow roots and it will take two months .