Would you adopt this little family?
If I had room, yeah.
“Wean” out the bad, keep the well behaved.
Save the poopies, and when mum starts going off at me, punt the bitch down the street like a football
Leave the “pretty” foals to starve
I think I’m seeing double! 4 poopie babbehs!
I would probably reintegrate the rest of the fluffies with the nest, seeing that there is already a blue tail peaking out and the idea that a fluffy just used a carcass of its own kind to build a nest is more fucking brutal than anything I could come up with on the fly.
You could save yourself some trouble and just take the brown ones. Maybe the green one, too.
But you can for sure leave that blue one pooping on the brown ones. And the one on the mare. That one definitely has some bestest baby complexes.
didnt notice the dead yellow alicorn.
I’m a fair dude.
They’d all get a chance.Tell them the rules and rulebreakers get killed.
The dancie baby in the bottom left would be exempt from this of course.
And look at how small it is…
He got treated rough before the end.
- I’m keeping the poopie babbehs, not because their life sucks, but because they know humility.
- I’m killing your best babbeh.
- I’m giving the rest of your babbehs to a no-kill shelter.
- I’m neutering you and selling you to an abuser.
- Why? Because fuck you, that’s why!
this cements her fate. she will live. blind, mute, unmoving. she will be trapped within her own body til the day she inevitably dies. as must all criminals. I don’t enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it’s just a chore, like any other.
Yeah, but taking care of a totally potato-ized pillow fluff seems like a huge chore.
look i didnt say i would take care of her, she could very well only live for a few days.
I always love seeing your art style roomie! Keep up the good work!
There’s gonna few not coming to the new housie
Sure, I’ll give them all a new house! I’ll gather them all together, lower a large laundry basket over them and place a heavy rock on the top. There! New housie!
Great work @Bad_Roomie! The coloring is especially well done! I love the detailing you put in!
I’m thinking shelter myself. I don’t think I’ve got the space for one (that’s up to the landlord and my cats), nevermind all of them.
Sure why not, the mother would take a great stress reliever.
Ten foals? I have to wonder if this is a super fertile fluffy, multiple broods, or a “babysitter” left to watch a herd’s foals while the rest are out foraging.
In any case, even a hugboxer would be hard-pressed to take on that much responsibility all at once.
No, but I´ll take the poor little alicorn, so you dont have to worry about a “monster” being close to your pretty babbies.