POV: you are the "nice mistah" (Bad_Roomie)

This is the crux for me. I love my cat to death. Seeing sick or malnourished cats makes me sad. But the thing is, cats can survive in the wild, fluffies weren’t meant to. So now imagine helpless, sad kitties, sick and malnourished with kittens, and rather than running away from humans, they come up to you, speaking broken English to save their babies.

Fuck, I wouldn’t be able to handle that. I’d prefer they go extinct before they hit a state where they are that miserable and SMART enough to know that’s not meant to be their lot in life. They’re SUPPOSED to owned and loved by humans.

Man, this is why I think hugbox is way more depressing than sadbox or abuse. Those are just silly throwaway gags. Hugbox has this entire hidden world just below the surface. Intelligent, created, sapient pets designed to be emotionally hypersensitive yet physically pathetic is practically lovecraftian. Fluffies 100% rely on humans (they were designed as such), but most headcannons have supply exceed demand to the point that the VAST majority of these thinking loving creatures will never have a loving comfortable home.

I feel like hugbox ends up being bleaker than WH40k.

Ughg. Now I need to go draw a pillowfluff begging for weggies to get back into the “point of fluffies is nonsensical fun” mindset to cheer up :sweat:


Oh yes, I can think of very interesting things that could happen. I mean a mom with 9 babys? (Although one looks dead and another may not last long.)

OR you could draw a happy family of ferals who live in tame, predator free countrysides like where I live. (Biggest thing are rats and other rodents. And dogs, but stray dogs are rare af.)

If you truly love animals, you’d give a shot to fluffies aswell if they were real. Going “just die sooner so I don’t have to feel bad” is probably the most selfish thing I’ve heard today.

By the way, it’s also the reason there’s artists pushing for a more realistic POV, where there’s not a rampant overpopulation where streets are flooded with fluffies despite abuse pieces always decimating the popolation of uganda everytime an abuser farts. Sure cute aggression is fun at the start, but it’s like a joke I’ve heard for the n-th time, it just doesn’t do anything.

Besides, it’s not bound by law to portray fluffies as useless dumb bricks. They’d be the perfect companion for lonely people who still enjoy chatting or watching a movie with someone, but get tired quickly of human interaction. Their being naive is simultaneously their exploitability on abuse pieces and the characteristic that makes a character feel better when overthinking a problem. Or actually clever and crafty/brave and kind creatures. Just like men, not all are created equal.


You’re not. But that’s where we differ. Why would I draw hugbox with no conflict. Why create a headcannon where fluffies are just talking pets. There’s plenty of fandoms that have that. I can go there when I want some cute wholesome brain bleach (and I do).

The fluffy fandom is wholly unique where it combines the despair of WH40k with the hopelessness of a Lovecraftian story. With the twist that humans are Cthulu and the vitims who suffer (which are workshopped to tug at your heartstrings with how adorable, trusting, and naive they are) absolutely do not deserve it and are (arguably) our moral superiors as they know only love.

I cannot think of another fandom like that. I know plenty of feel good wholesome fandoms, and bleak but justice-fueled fandoms. And I don’t want to dilute what makes this fandom so unique. I already know where to go when I want a dose of reality or adventure or horror or comedy. Fluffies provide a wholly unique experience.

And no, I’m not saying others can’t make hugbox or weirdbox or comedy or drama. All I’m saying is that the unique building blocks of the fluffy fandom combine in such a way that I (emphasis on my opinion) find hugbox more depressing than the other boxes.


Let the mare and her foals in your house. But the deal is you can do what you want with her and her foals. So you can sell each foal for a profitable price. The mare become a breeding pillow. She make a lot of good collors and breed a lot of foals. So you have an extra income.

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I’d take the brown ones of course and the green one on the left looks scared I can use that. I don’t care for the dancie babbeh and i would tell them their dancing sucks. I would take the bestest babbeh and shove it ass first into its mothers maw and punch her jaw shut. The rest I have no interest in and will leave to die in winter.
Also I want to say I’m proud of this Community willing to rescue the brown foals and damn the other foals. The love for the shit-covered, dishoveled and tormented brown foals warms my heart. Also Well Done Bad_Roomie on the artwork it sparked a huge debate that took me time to read. Cheers

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Just take the poopies and the dancing one… can of hairspray and Bic for the rest.
because screw them

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Indeed we differ. But let me correct you here. I never said hugbox shouldn’t have conflict. Although, maybe the whole point of hugbox is to have something bubblewrapped and safe. Which is why I decided to sport the libra of the neutralbox, just to be safe. See, the thing I love about fluffies is that you are free to place them in a (timewise) close future to us, using these naive and childlike talking creatures, with a wide array of flaws (naive to the point of stupidity, preingrained racism and phobias, weak bowel control, etc) allows one to delve into the portraying of a realistic world, without many constraints. And these creatures indeed lend themselves to be an object of cute aggression. Which is why, even in my own story I put abuse in. And an ending that saw the fluffies safe, but stranded, the only human who cared about them leaving. And fluffies, with their innate weaknesses are perfect for this role of victim/hero. They can’t really fight a human. But having some show bravery in the face of an abuser is way more interesting to me than a repeated text made of SCREEEs and “because I can”. Or, without going the hero path, the struggles of a feral, trying to scrape by. No need for a heavy, dystopian world of humans who all HATE the fuzzballs, kick them when they can, etc. Just the scavenging, having to compete with other creatures and the constant need to find a shelter. That’s enough to paint a desperate/bleak life for the fluffy.

But after all, to each their own.


Naaaaaah. Come on. Where’s the fun in that >:3 kill the bratty ones and take the brown foals. Why? Cause its more fun than doing nothing. I ain’t taking them all in cause the dumb mare killed an alicorn. Also cause Holy fuck thats too many kids.

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Yeah, i’ll just douse all of them with flammable stuff and let it burn. Less pests around

no. the fact it shit in its own nest and obviously slept in it means it doesn’t value hygiene. my not kicking it in the throat will be doing it a favor.

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Nope. Something tells me that they are not worth it. To many bad signs. Is that poop in the nest?


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I like that idea

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“I will happily give you a home, however you must give forever sleepies to three of your babies, give another three to a smarty as enfie babies, then the final three must give each other sorry hooves until one is left. Only then I will give you all the sketti, warmies, and toysies you could ever have sleepy pictures of. Kill or die it’s your choice”


ofcourse i would take all of them, including the bad colored ones.
i have a few things planed for them in mind…


Sure. But I’m also really tempted to give that mummah a glass bottle to the eye. Also those babies are probably better off being raised seperately from her. Unless I decide to play some sort of game with them instead.

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Things for me to ponder. Certainly, the whole according ferals and rescue stories depend on it. The fluffies have to be saved because they can’t save themselves. It’s humans to the rescue! Instead of a damsel in distress it’s a whole species…

It does make me wonder how smart you can make them before losing the innocence some of us like in fluffies. Admittedly, it’s not either/or since people can and do have them dumb as bricks and horrible as well.

How smart can I make them would be a better question… Hrm. Or self sufficient? But then that will ruin it for some people as well. Hrm…

Also, as a cat owner and lover who gets sad with every run over cat I see? Yeah, the idea of talking, begging cats is one I’d be very uneasy with.


Re: alicorn. So it’s dead but do we really know how? I’d ask. Frankly, if she killed it for being a monster? She’d be proud of it. That red line across the middle of a little confusing for me visually… I guess the back half for stomped?

Given it’s @Bad_Roomie it’s possible the colts enfed it. If it was a mercy killing I’d weigh that differently. But again, the assumption is I’d get truthful answer because they were proud of how they treated it.

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Wow 11 foals before corpses, impressive if a single litter with how many still alive.

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