Premium Foals (Bad_Roomie)

My ideal fluffy I dont have a color preference really as long as its litter trained, even tempered, dont have a gender preference, and knows there is a time a place for how to act


whats wrong with being silly?

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Iirc Bad Roomie isn’t a native English speaker so they might’ve meant something else. Silly (edit) apparently is technically correct rather than how we use it.

exhibiting or indicative of a lack of common sense or sound judgment


I love this head canon. I feel like half-decent breeders would try to educate the fluffy so new owners willing to shell out closer to original hasbio $$$ range. Ppl would be more willing to pay for ‘better quality’.

That being said, being surrounded in a nice-ass safe room would put expectations for the fluffy to live within what it’s accustomed to subconsciously probably, but it doesn’t matter if you train them to be happy and grateful with what you give them later-on.

I wonder about owners who buy premium fluffies and don’t provide the foals with the level of comfort they’re accustomed to, if that’s why some spoiled fluffies run away and live on the streets or in feral herds.

I also just love the idea of dedicated rooms for the fluffy, so any safe room exploration is like crack to me.


I keep smiling every time I see this piece.

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Oh that’s a good point! Perhaps many fluffies are simply fed up with not getting what they think they deserve, after all they are cuter and smarter.
So if its human doesn’t fulfill all its whims they might not make bad poopies in the safe room (because they are very well educated) but they will look for any opportunity to go out and find what they want, after all it is super cute and special, right? Sure all humans are going to fight to adopt it, it will be very disappointed when it sees the reality…

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I would for one prefer a fluffy that can use the litter box, and is brave enough for things like baths or walks. I honestly would prefer a unicorn or alicorn, but I don’t even mind if it was a brown or bad colored fluffy.

One that could hold a decent conversation for sure, and one that knew to use the dang litterbox properly. No smarties, and colorwise I’d probably go for the white one.

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Ha. Nice. It’d be something if someone just took all of these things, including the milk bags.

Great art style!

To be perfectly honest, short of things I’m actually phobic of, I can’t imagine a pet I want LESS than a fluffy. I really don’t like children and having a pet which talks like and requires as much attention as a small child defeats the purpose of having pets instead. Wouldn’t mind volunteering at a decent shelter, though, but I wouldn’t want one in my home long-term.

An insurmountable threshold of pain.

Litterbox training for one. Other traits would be general obedience and calmness so that they won’t go into rooms I don’t want them to and don’t have to play with them constantly. Another would be a lack of hostility towards other fluffies based on things like color or alicorns, in case I want to breed them.

litterbox trained is a must, as well as being kind and accepting or at the very least indifferent towards other fluffies. i’d also prefer for them to be somewhat independent, though for a disabled fluffy (like a sensitive or derped fluffy) i would be willing to dedicate extra time for them. other than that, i don’t really have preferences, i love all fluffies!

I volunteer for elemination duty

I always wanted to shove that foal’s favorite blockie up its poopie place and see if its feelings towards that particular blockie changes in any meaningful way

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