Prissy Gets Punished (Ace)

A continuation of Prissy Ruins Christmas

Art was commissioned from @LaPonkisuwu you can check out their page here Emergency Commissions


Prissy was being a very bad fluffy. She had just smashed the urn containing the ashes of her mummah’s mummah! “Dis Cwismas stoopi’! It am dummeh! Haechu!” She stuck her tongue out at Kathleen. All of this had gotten the attention of Kenneth though. All he wanted to do was enjoy the news and complain about WASHINGTON, but there was a retarded biotoy making a scene in the Earthly remains of his mother in-law.

“I’ve about had it up to here with her, Kathleen!” He got up from his chair and whipped around to face the two.

The mare was very rarely punished. More often than not, dummeh daddeh got angwy and all she had to do was plead to her mummah. Getting on her back hooves, she did a cutesy little danceh.

“Wook mummah! Pwissy dancies ‘fo bestest mummah!” She teehee’d and made cute little cooing noises. Kathleen’s expression softened slightly. “Mummah pwease wub Pwissy! Am omwy wittewst babbeh!”

“Nuh uh. Not this time. You’re not a goddamn baby, Prissy.” Kenneth marched up to the fluffy and grabbed her by the collar, began to drag her to the door. Kathleen followed, looking completely torn up by all of this.

“Oh Kenneth! What’ll we ever do? Our little angel has become a demon!” She told him, her husband flinging open the front door and shoving a slipper-clad foot to shoo Prissy outside. The fluffy looked shocked as she was forced out into the cold.

“N-Nuuuu…it am Cwismas…mummah, dun weab babbeh.”

Kathleen looked to the fluffy with tears in her eyes as the shut door was slammed shut. This, naturally, made the fluffy begin to freak out.

“NUUUU! Mummah! Mummmaahh! Dun weave Pwissy! Am babbeh Pwissy! ‘NEE MUMMAH!” She tip-tapped her hooves against the door. Nobody was answering it though. Nobody came out to help her from the cold! Which wasn’t nearly enough to kill a well-fed and taken care of fluffy in one night.

“Pwissy am num weafy-fing!” She threatened at the doorway, turning to face a well-maintained shrub nearby. Took a mouthful of leaves into her mouth and defiantly stared ahead to see who would stop her. Nobody did.

“…Pwissy am goan pway in vwoomy pwace!” The mare began to trot through the snow to the road. Slowly. Turning to see if anyone was going to show concern and stop her. Again, no response.

Up to the door again. “Hewp! HEWP! DERE IS MUNSTAH! Munstah am hab Pwissy! ‘Nee huggies! HEWWWWPPP!” She shrieked. Nothing at all was working. Beginning to cry, she sank down in front of the door. Why was this happening? She was mummah’s bestest fluffy ever.

Meanwhile, inside…

“Kenneth! Oh my God, what if a DOG has her?” She asked with a growing amount of concern in her eyes.

“She’d be screaming more, dear. Look. I’ve been considering a few of our options. I believe she needs behaviorial treatment. There’s quite an expensive option…” Kenneth drawled on, thinking of a brochure he had for a treatment center just for fluffies.

Kathleen sniffled a bit, feeling somewhat assured. “I see. If it’s expensive, it must work. I want my little darling to behave so badly!”

Meanwhile, outside, Prissy was in for a long night of cold wind and no warm bed. It was one of the first times she had ever experienced a consequence for her actions. It made her hate mummah and dummeh daddeh.


Fuck around stage complete

Find out stage in progress


A rational being would see this as a change. Prissy is a fluffy though… I can’t wait to see her try to think her way out of this one…


Pillowing is always an option lol.


I hate Prissy. I hate Prissy’s mumma even more.


They should give Prissy a stern lecturing and a deep and thoughtful chat on respecting people’s property, then gently mold her into acting like the Fluffy she’s supposed to be.

Sorry I just had a stroke, what was I saying?


Here’s your new Fluffy House, Prissy
It means you get to sleep outside all the time!

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-wait you are telling me that my actions…have consequences?no no no it must be my stupid family yes is all their fault


Too quick . I recommend dousing her in a mixture cigarette ashes and snuff spit

The smell would be unbearable to a normal fluffy and even more so to one as pampered as prissy

Leave her like that for a few days as the ash falls off make her clean it up by eating it

If her behavior improves simply wash it off with a garden hose

You can only pillow a fluffy one time

This can be done anytime they are bad

Eventually all you’ll have to do is say you are getting the ashtray

And they will fall in line

Simple . Efficient and technically a form of recycling


You came up with this but don’t write abuse stories?? Lmaoo great idea though, I really like that.


The thing people don’t realize about hugboxers is

That we do technically “abuse”

But it’s framed around being a punishment

Simply pillowing or torture a fluffy over simply existing isn’t cathartic to us

When you set the rules of no lasting physical damage you open up a world of possibilities
For “abuse”
Limited only by your imagination

The punishment I mentioned is fairly similar to one a kid at my school got

His mom caught him smoking and she made him go to bed without brushing his teeth , sleep in the clothes that reeked of smoke ,she didn’t even let him shower until the next day

But the lesson stuck and he never wanted to even look a cigarette again



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It’s kind of hard to even feel mad at the fluffy when the dumb-human tag is so clearly in effect, and they were raised shitty!

I mean I still wanna see some suffering though, what the fuck do you think we’re here for?

I call it a “truck-stop chia pet”


Doubt Prissy will ever change. Might as well kill her. Or give her a slow death.

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She is so dumb , she knows her dumb pet is getting out of control and there she is crying or sniffling like shit just doing nothing.:triumph:


In my mind she’s basically the fluffy owner equivalent of one of those wealthy parents who raises a kid who drunk drives and kills 6 people and thinks they did nothing wrong. Just a rich lady with a severely detached sense of the world and responsibility.


Can we call up someone with magic and turn Kathleen into a fluffy and send both of them to their fate?

Hey they may be pretty garbage at fluffy ownership but at least this couple isn’t badly parenting a living being who’s life could possibly MATTER, amirite?

I wonder who’s running this expensive ( snicker ) school- trying to decide which flavor of abuser-turned- profit minded ‘educator’ would be the most entertaining. Army style training until the fluffy is physically and mentally broken down to chirpy stage? Sensory deprivation chamber for a week? Or my favorite, the ol’ ‘transfer the brain of a well behaved but ill-colored fluffy into the family pet, educated enough to pass ( to a vapid rich person anyway ) for the same, put brain into old fluffy’s body, enjoy the money AND the ability to torture a spoiled brat for the rest of its miserable life’ option? Ahh the possibilities.

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Why it just so happens to be this place Fluffy Wellness Center which is definitely very professional and wouldn’t ever make mistakes