As we gaze upon the stars together, just me and my Fluffy, I wonder what life would be like if we had never met.
Back then, I was just a temp. During one of my jobs at a garbage facility, I heard chirping coming from the conveyor belt.
After moving a box and a few pieces of trash, I found a family of fluffies, or what was left of them, The mother was crushed to death, and so were many of her foals. However, one did survive, a light blue colt.
Against my better judgment… I left my job early to take the foal to a vet. I have always had a soft spot for animals: cats, snakes, and even spiders, so this is not my first time doing something like this.
Several of the foal’s bones were broken, it would be lucky to see next week. If nothing is done, the foal would die. The only option the vet had was to put it down or call in a specialist.
Since it was a stray and had no owner, The obvious answer was to put it down. But I opened my big mouth and said I would be its owner. After a few papers, the foal was mine.
I paid the money for a specialist to come and fix the foal, it was not cheap, it ended up costing me an arm and leg.
After several long hours, the specialist showed up. She was not what I was expecting. She walked in like she owned the place…
I got up to greet her, but she just walked past me. I turned around to see the vet owner opened the door for her without any word.
Who was this woman?
I sat back down in the lobby, hoping this woman can save this foal for me.