Proper Care and Maintenance (Written by: GreaverBlade) (Original story concept and characters by: BFM101)

Enf enf enf enf enf

“Hey buddy, hurry up with that. We’ve got money to make.” A young man watched a green alicorn with yellow mane an tail violently thrusting above a crying mare.

Enf enf enf enf enf

“Why munstah fwuffy gib Wizzy bad speciaw huggies? Nu wan’ speciaw huggies from stawwion… Am bad fwuffy. Biggest heawt huwties! Mummah! Hewp Wizzy! Pwease mummah, pwease nu hate Wizzy… Nu wan’ tummeh babbehs… nu wan’ bweak mummah wules… hu hu hu hu… hu hu hu huuu…”

“Man, Loki, you did a number on her.”

The stallion dismounted the weeping mare and walked around to her front. “Dummeh mawe onwy gud fo’ enfies!” He swiped out with his hoof, striking Lizzy in the face. She fell on her side, screaming and weeping louder.

“Dude! We’ve got to go!” The young man grabbed the alicorn by his scruff. “Bad upsies!”, he cried.

"Better bad upsies than what that mare’s owner would do to you if he caught you.

“Mawco hab Woki’s backsies. Mawco an’ Woki am team!”, the alicorn said, as Marco set him perched across his shoulder. Marco grabbed his bucket and duffle bag and started jogging away from the yard and screeching mare. Behind him he could hear a woman yelling for him to stop, but Marco didn’t even turn around. “Loki, you sure can pick ‘em. What kind of idiot names is fluffy ‘Lizzy’ if she’s just going to call herself ‘Wizzy’ all the time. Fuckin’ idiot…”

Loki nodded. “Dummeh mummah hab dummeh mawe. Am simpew.” Marco and Loki chuckled to themselves as they continued down the street.

Sylvester Hawthorne was in his den, enjoying three of his four favorite things in the world at the same time; Atlas Shrugged on audio-book playing from his phone, a glass of well aged bourbon, and his recliner. The fourth favorite thing awaited his attention in his driveway. Sylvester was the very proud owner of a now vintage BMW M3 convertible. It was sleek, black, in absolutely immaculate condition, and was one of the few remaining gasoline driving cars left in the city. Fucking hippies took away all the good cars, but he would be damned if his suburban monster was ever going to leave the road.

Sylvester was just getting to his favorite line in the book, “I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” It always gave him a chill. Charity. Self sacrifice for another. Worthless. Sylvester had pulled himself up by his own bootstraps. The small inheritance he’d received from his parents was just a tiny seed. The business grants the state had given him were simply his due as a taxpayer. Though he was loathe to even do that. But no matter. Sylvester hit rewind on his book, jumping back to hear the line again. But the line didn’t come through. Instead his ear buds played back a familiar ‘bing bing bong’ sound, and he received an alert that there was somebody at his door.

Sylvester tapped his doorbell app and looked down at what the camera was showing him. A young man with a large duffle bag and a bucket was leaning too close to his doorbell camera. “Good day, sir! My name is Marco Guerra. I’m offering car detail services to owners to fine cars like yours door to door.” Marco gestured to the roof-down convertible visible in the driveway behind him.

“Only the best cleaners and tools for only the best cars, my friend.” Marco swung his bucket to show his cleaning supplies, and his duffle to show the extractor vacuum contained within. “Not interested.”, Sylvester stated flatly. “I just had it detailed in the shop. And it’s not like I’m going to trust some random wetback to touch my car. Get off my porch and don’t come back.”

Marco’s toothy smile took on a bit of a sneer. Wetback. “Well sir, I offer my full details for only $150, even cheaper than the shops. Do keep me in mind if case you need a full clean in a hurry.”

“Whatever.”, Sylvester replied. “Get lost.” He shut off the app and resumed his book.

Marco stopped smiling. He lugged his bag and bucket back to the sidewalk and out of sight of the camera.

“Well, looks like you are up, Loki.”

“Wiww du, daddeh!” The alicorn giggled to himself and trotted up the drive. He worked his way up the side of the enormous car, standing atop the hood, facing forward. He lifted up his hind quarters, and said to himself, “Wowstest sowwy poopies!”

Out his rear sprayed a chunky liquid stream of the foulest, most rancid substance Marco had ever smelled. It took a lot of doing to develop a fluffy diet that would produce something that awful and not kill the fluffy as well.

Loki clambered all over the car, depositing his liquid horror across ever surface he could. The seats, the dash, under the pedals, anywhere he could fit his rump, went the spray. Finishing his work, he then hopped off the car, and walked to the still out of sight Marco. Marco wiped the stallions rear end with a wet wipe, and put him back up on his shoulder. “Good work, buddy. Let’s wait for that to bake in the sun for a while.”

Sylvester was still listening to his book when his door bell app popped up again. Ready to curse out the idiot begging for money, he opened his app to see Regina at his door. She looked visibly upset and was holding that awful pet of hers. What was her name? Lizzy, for the queen a couple royals back. Regina was a wimp, an anglophile, and worst of all a liberal. But she was still Sylvester’s friend and neighbor. Sylvester went to the door and opened it to let Regina in.

“Sly! I was going to tell you about the horrible feral wandering the neighborhood, but… your car!”

Sylvester looked over Regina’s shoulder at his beloved Beemer. His jaw dropped. His face went crimson. His bushy brown mustache bristled beneth his nose.

His beloved car had been… violated. Reeking feces was on every surface, dripping in to every vent.

Sylvester couldn’t speak, he was nearly incandescent with rage. He sat on his stoop, head in his hands.

Regina sat next to him. “Take your time Sly.”

Sylvester was taking shallow breaths through his mouth, his nose absolutely assaulted by the stench coming from his convertible.

“Mummah”, Lizzy said looking up at Regina from her place in her owner’s arms, “Nu smeww pwetty. Smeww scawy. Smeww wike wowstest fwuffy…” Regina nodded to her.

“Sly, Lizzy was assaulted by a feral today. Raped. I know you don’t like fluffies, but you’re my friend and you’ve never been cruel to Lizzy. I came by to ask you to watch out for a green alicorn with a yellow mane. I saw him being carried off by some guy carrying what looked like a big bag in each hand. I’m going to make that awful alicorn pay for what he did to my little queen.”

Sylvester looked at his friend, about to bellow about how he didn’t really care about a pet shitrat at the moment, when Regina held up a hand.

“Before you say something stupider than you normally do, I’m going to point out that Lizzy just said she recognized the smell. I think the feral that did this to your car is the same rapist who attacked Lizzy. I had suspicions the moment I saw the state of it, but Lizzy just confirmed it.”

Sylvester centered himself and brought his temper down to a level he could speak to Regina in a normal voice.

“Some illegal came by my house today. Offered to detail my car. I send him packing. He had a bucket and a duffle bag. Sound familiar?”

Regina tilted her head. “Could be the guy who carried away the little sex criminal.”

Sylvester looked at Regina and it struck him how upset she really was. Roger, hesitantly and slowly, reached out a hand to scratch Lizzy’s head.

“Lizzy… you’re a good fluffy. You’ve never shit on my floor, and you stay quiet. And you didn’t deserve to be hurt.”

Lizzy looked up at Sylvester. “Mistah Sywvesta am nice mistah.”

Sylvester looked back to Regina. “I’ll solve this.”

Regina gave him a cold smile. “Sly, I know you think I’m some sort of bleeding heart, but I want to be clear here. Make that horrible alicorn suffer.”

Sylvester gave a brief nod to his friend. “I’ll make it good. But first, I need to get this in a drive-able condition.”

“I’ll help.”

Sylvester opened his garage and walked inside with Regina, still carrying Lizzy. Roger laid out a small pile of shop towels. “Lizzy, if you need to shit, shit on these.” “Wizzy make gud poopies fo’ mistah Sywvesta!” Regina set her fluffy on the concrete floor and helped Sylvester gather his cleaning supplies.

After getting most of the horrid liquid off the seats and the car’s finish, Regina went home with Lizzy and Sylvester was sprawled across his seat trying to get the filth out of the vents.

“My friend! I thought you had just gotten the car detailed?”

Sylvester looked up to see Marco at the end of his driveway, duffle and bucket still in hand.

Sylvester checked himself before speaking. “It looks like a feral came through the neighborhood. Hurt my friend’s fluffy and shit all over my car.”

“That’s tragic my friend! And after you’d just had it cleaned!”

“Yes”, Sylvester replied flatly, “Very tragic.”

“Well, you look like you got the worst of it out. I still have my extractor here, I’d be happy to give you a discount on the vents and cloth!”

Sylvester’s face went red, but he kept himself steady. “Well, that’s very… generous of you.”

“Yup, only $100!”

Sylvester sighed, wiped his hands clean, and pulled out his wallet. He extracted five $20 bills, counted them off, and handed them to Marco. At least I don’t have to drive in this smell back to the detailer. And this still serves my purpose.

Marco got to work cleaning the car right away. While Sylvester loathed the man, he did admit Marco was good at his job. He casually chatted with the cleaner as he worked his way through the car.

“This is a beautiful car, my friend. You have taken great care of her. I really hope nothing bad happens again.”

“That would be unfortunate.”, Sylvester replied.

“I’d be happy to come by again in a couple weeks to check up on her! Give her another clean. Just in case there’s any more feral fluffy attacks. You never know, after all.”

“You never know”, Sylvester agreed. Good. Yes. Let him and his little monster come back in a couple weeks. That’ll be perfect.

“Sure, what don’t you come back in, let’s say three weeks and we’ll see what sort of clean the car needs.”

Marco finished his work, collected his supplies, and waved to Sylvester as he left. Loki was waiting for him at the end of the street, out of sight in the protection of a bush.

“Good work, Loki. We’ll be back again soon. You won’t have to go quite so heavy next time, but we’ve got a sucker who knows what’s good for him and his car.”

Loki sneered. “Dummeh wiww gib Mawco monies fo’ sketties. Woki am bestest hewpah!”

“That you are little friend. Let’s go home and get you some spaghetti.” Marco lifted the alicorn up to his shoulder and started back to his apartment.

Sylvester watched Marco mosey down the street, and had Greg on the phone. “Right, he’s just outside your house now. Do you see him?”

“Yes, Sly, I see him. What am I looking for exactly? Your paranoia is getting–”

“Shut the fuck up, Greg. This isn’t paranoia, this is justice. Just watch the guy and tell me what he does.”

“You’re a real asshole Sly. But he’s bending down near a bush. And how he’s got a green fluffy on his shoulder. Looks like it’s got a yellow mane and tail, and wings.”

“Do you see a horn on it to? An alicorn?”

“Yeah, looks like it.”

“Thanks. All I needed. Greg, those two are both menaces. That fluffy hurt Regina’s Lizzy and trashed my car. And owner is probably an illegal, and is trying to extort me in to paying for car details for a fluffy he set loose.”

“Are you serious?”

“Call Regina yourself. But I’ve got video of that little monster shitting all over my BMW recorded by my doorbell. I’m going to put up some extra cameras up so I can keep an eye out.”

“Sounds like you are planning a war.”

“I am.”

Sylvester spent the next week getting additional cameras installed, always keeping an eye out for Marco. He didn’t want the conman to be aware of the change. Once the cameras were up, Sylvester began to watch the feed. He caught the alicorn wandering around his home and through yards.

Perfect. He comes and goes and not always with his owner. Probably scouting out people to scam or looking for more mares to fuck.

After a week, Sylvester had figured out the alicorn’s routine. He’d generally pass through Sylvester’s yard around lunch time each day. Sylvester started making a habit of cooking pasta for lunch and having it outside on his patio. He’d eat most of his plate, add a little more sauce from a jar he brought with him, but then would get a phone call and return inside to speak with his caller.

Loki watched the dummy human eat his spaghetti. Loki watched the dummy human get a ringy thing and start talking. He’d watch him go inside to talk more. He watched that plate of spaghetti on the table, with fresh marinara all over it.

Marco told Loki to never eat spaghetti left outside, because it might be poisoned. But the dummy human had eaten most of it. Of course it was fine to eat.

Approaching carefully and slowly, he saw the dummy human was inside and not paying attention to his plate. Loki worked his way up, and devoured the plate of spaghetti, licking it clean of the last drop of sauce. He then scurried away before the dummy could come outside and catch him.

Sylvester returned to his back patio, still on the phone and saw his empty plate. “Looks like he got my lunch, Regina. Even after I added the extra sauce. He ate it all and cleaned the plate. Every. Last. Drop.”

Loki returned the next day. He really wanted more sketties. The dummy human had left another half eaten plate out. Loki looked around, didn’t see anybody watching, and ate the newest plate of spaghetti. He saw there was an extra cup of sauce to the side and he downed that as well, before hurrying off again. That was really good spaghetti. At least he thought it was. His thinky-place felt really good after he ate it. And he really wanted more.

Loki came back and received a plate of spaghetti every day that week. By the end of the week, he needed that spaghetti. When Marco offered him freshly cooked pasta at home, Loki at it, but it wasn’t the same. It didn’t fill his craving, even though it filled his belly.

The day before Marco was due to return to provide another car wash, Loki was desperate. “Daddeh! Woki wan’ go wandewin’!” “You sure buddy?” “Yes daddeh! Wiww be weady fo’ wowsted poopies fo’ metaw munstah! Bu need go’ ‘spowin’!”

“OK, Loki. You have fun and I see you later.” Marco took Loki off his shoulder and set him on the ground. The alicorn trotted off to the bushes and once out of sight, made straight for Sylvester’s yard."

Sylvester sat in his recliner, phone in hand, watching the camera feed from his back yard. This had worked even better than he’d expected. Sylvester was an older guy, not in great shape, and the alicorn was clever for a fluffy. He likely couldn’t catch him if he bolted for the bushes if Sylvester chased after him. No, this was some genius.

Sylvester didn’t want to just poison the alicorn. That would be way to quick. It had to pay him back for its crimes. And Regina and Lizzy, too. His two weeks of scheming had gotten him closer with Regina. They’d talked daily, bonding over the mutual hate for this little monster in his yard. And Sylvester had gotten to know Lizzy better. He was fond of her. She might be a fluffy, but she was a well behaved fluffy, and had survived something awful. This little fucker was going to pay for her sake as much as his.

Loki arrived in the yard. He could see the plate of spaghetti sitting at ground level, waiting just inside a weird metal thing with see-through walls. It was absolutely huge! And endless mountain of sketties! And nobody around to stop him. Loki galloped over to the strange metal thing, found an opening, and went inside.

Loki was the most full he’d ever been. He’d eaten way too much and needed to rest. But Marco was waiting for him. Uh, time to go. Loki was just licking the last of the sauce from the enormous place, when he heard a clamor behind him. He waddled around and saw that the opening in the strange metal thing was gone. Just more criss-crossed metal. Then he looked up and saw Sylvester.

“Got you know you little addict piece of shit.”

“NU! WET WOKI GO!” he wailed as Sylvester picked up the now closed cage and carried it inside.

Regina waited inside. “I think we both have lost our minds. We’re really going to do this? I mean, I’ve always been a total hugboxer, and you’ve never been interested enough to be an abuser.”

“This is vengeance. It’s not going to be pretty. But you know what? Ask Lizzy. Hey Lizzy, what do we do with this little fucker?”

Lizzy, curled up around her newborn chirpy babies, looked at the alicorn in the cage. “HATECHU! HATECHU! WIZZY WAN GIB BAD FWUFFY WOWSTEST HUWTIES AND FOWEBBAH SWEEPIES!” she screeched.

Her babies started chirping and peeping in alarm. Lizzy nuzzled up to them. “Mummah am sowwy, babbeh. Nu hab scawdies.” She cooed and sang to her babies until the calmed and fell asleep, tucked in her fluff.

“So”, Sylvester said while looking towards Regina. “Where do we start?”

“Let’s get him out of sight of Lizzy, and we’ll go from there. I’ve got some special requests, though.”, Regina said.

“Works for me.” Sylvester picked up the cage containing the bloated and terrified alicorn, and carried it to the garage.

Inside the garage was a plastic painters tent, and inside the tent was an empty plastic kiddie pool. Regina held open the flap for the tent as Sylvester set the cage in the center of the pool.

“This is some real Dexter shit you set up, Sly.”, Regina said to her friend.

“I mean, where do you think I got the idea? Also, I don’t want the smell he’s going to make polluting my house or staining my floor.”

“Fair enough.”

Sylvester pulled up a folding chair, flipped the set up, and set it in place in front of the pool. He took a seat, Regina standing behind him and looked at the alicorn in the cage.

“You are going to die. And you are going to suffer first. You are going to pay for what you did to my car, and you are going to pay for what you did to Lizzy.”

“Dummeh mistah! Dummeh wady! Wet Woki out! Giv sowwy poopies! Gib wowstest sowwy hoovsies!”

“No. You are going to stay in there. And you are going to have a very bad night. Regina, my back is killing me, could I ask you to do the honors?”

“Gladly”, she replied, and stepped around the back of the tent. She returned a moment later with a five gallon bucket, pouring the contents in to the pool. The alicorn looked in horror as the water started to pool around him.

“Ice water to keep you nice and comfy over night.” Regina returned with another bucket and poured it in as well. She continued through several more buckets until the water was about an inch deep. Not enough to risk drowning the alicorn, but definitely enough that he was constantly wading in the freezing water.


Regina kneeled next to the pool and glared at him through the bars of the cage. “No, you aren’t. If you were, you’d say ‘Loki is sorry’. But you didn’t. So, I’m going to make you sorry.”

She leaned over, open the door of the cage and roughly grabbed the alicorn by his scruff.

“Nu wan bad upsies!” he cried.

Regina lifted him up and out of the cage with one hand, and set the cage outside the pool with the other. She then dropped the fluffy back in to the pool, directly in to the shallow freezing water. On to the concrete.

“WOWSTEST WEGGIES HUWTIES!”, the fluffy screamed. Regina had dropped him at and angle, and he right rear leg had come down first and snapped under the weight of the rest of of him. She could see the bone pressing against his hide, but it hadn’t broken skin. Good, he wouldn’t bleed out but he was going to hurt.

“That’s just the first of it.” She grabbed the fluffy by his face, wrapping her hand around his muzzle with her fingers extending under his eyes and around the back of his head." She began to twist, and, unable to resist, the fluffy began to roll. She rolled the fluffy through the ice water, soaking his fluff, and eventually leaving him on his back, his body weight pressing down on his wings, and his legs flailing in the air.

The fluffy was weeping. “Hu hu huu hu… wingies hab huwties… weggie hab wowstest huwties… Woki am cowd… Woki hab wowstest scawdies…”

Sylvester stood up. “This is my first payback for what you did to my car.” Sylvester carefully reached towards the fluffy’s upturned belly, and began to press down.

“Nu! Tummeh am too fuww!” Sylvester kept pressing. Eventually the fluffy could no longer hold it in on either end. He vomited upward, the bile spewing up, and then back down in to his mouth and all over his face. At the same time, he evacuated his bowels, pissing and shitting in to the water.

Sylvester took a fist full of fluffy fur and began to stir the polluted water using the alicorn’s body. The fluffy was bathed in a freezing mix of vomit, excrement, and urine. Once the horrible soup was thoroughly mixed, Sylvester let go of the fluffy, leaving him on his back.

“If you think this is bad, it’s going to be so much worse over night. Enjoy withdrawal you shitty little junky.”

With that Sylvester and Regina left the garage. Sylvester turned off the lights, leaving Loki in a dim haze coming through the small windows on the garage door.

As night came and the dark grew, Loki wept louder and louder.

“Woki am sowwy fo’ bad poopies. Woki nu wan gib metaw monstah poopies nu mowe!”

Then the craving hit him. He needed sketties. He needed the sketties he had earlier that day.

“Woki need sketties… Woki need skettie nao! WOKI NEED SKETTIES!” Be shouted.

Sylvester listened at the garage door. Yeah, I bet you need spaghetti you little monster. He looked at the small blue bottle in his hand.

‘Pure unflavored nicotine’, printed on the label of the bottle. It really was some genius. As he thought about the moment of capture, he relished the feeling. He’d cook and eat the spaghetti, and then top it off with more sauce, just loaded with nicotine. Fluffy biology was pretty much a joke of science and he figured that their fragility would get the thing addicted pretty quick.

Sylvester went to bed that night smiling to the sounds of a fluffy, addicted to laced spaghetti, screaming his way through withdrawal symptoms.

Regina came by the next day, again with Lizzy and her babies. “Am mummah an’ nice mistah gib biggest huwties fo’ mean fluffy?” Sylvester gave her a gentle stroke atop her head. “Yes, your majesty. He is being punished right now.” As if on cue, Loki wailed for sketties, the sound soft through the door to the garage.

Sylvester pulled out a little playpen he had purchased for Regina and Lizzy’s visits, and Lizzy was made comfortable with her babies in their portable safe room.

He looked to his friend. “Shall we continue?”

She nodded. “Yes. I’ll put a pot on boil.”

Regina and Sylvester busied themselves around the kitchen, making a large batch of pasta. They provided a small bowl for Lizzy, a large bowl each for themselves, and a fourth bowl they carried to the garage.

Loki was still on his back. His eyes were red. He looked like he hadn’t slept at all. Regina set her plate on a work bench, grabbed a two-by-four, and rolled him on to his side. He unsteadily stood up on his three good legs. His eyes were bloodshot and crusted.

“Woki hab… wowstest huwties… weggies huwties… tummeh huwties… see-pwace huwties… fink-pwace huwties… need… sketties…”

Regina pulled up another folding chair, and proceeded to slowly eat her way through her plate. Sylvester sitting next to her did the same. They blew each twisted fork full cool, making sure to direct the smell towards Loki.

Loki waddle-charged the side of the pool, his addicted mind sending him in to a frenzy.

“NEED SKETTIES! GIB SKETTIES!” he bellowed at his captors.

“Once we are done, sure.” Sylvester told him. They two humans continued to unhurriedly finish their meal. Sylvester stood up and held the plate of spaghetti just outside the pool. Loki could only peek over the rim and sniff at them steaming plate.

“Here you go.”, he said. Sylvester tipped the plate directly in to the frothing mix of sludge Loki had been in all night. He’d defecated and urinated throughout the night, and the smell was getting impressively rank.

Loki devoured the deposited meal, taking in great mouthfuls of pasta, shit, and some strings of vomit. He puked it up at the taste, then devoured it again. He devoured it all. When he had finished, he was full, but still needed more.

“Stiww wan sketties! Tummeh am fuww! Why need sketties?!”

“Because we just gave you the regular stuff, not the special spaghetti you had all week. You’ll not be getting that again. You get to enjoy going cold turkey for a week.”

“NEED SPECIAW SKETTIES!” he screeched at the humans. “GIB SPECIWA SKETTIES NAO!” He then broke down in to tears, laying flat in the mire of his own filth.

“Well, Marco should be here soon for my scheduled car wash.”, Sylvester said.

“How do you want to play this?”, Regina replied.

“As casual as possible. I’ll be subtle. And that garage door is sorta thin. If he’s half as clever as he thinks he is, he might even figure it out.”

Loki’s eyes went wide. “Daddeh wiww sabe Woki! Wiww gib munstah mistah wowstest huwties!”

Sylvester shook his head. “No, he won’t even know you are here. He might suspect. But he’s not going to save you, you likke shit.”

Sylvester was waiting by his car, smiling, when Marco arrived. He noticed the younger man looked troubled. “Something wrong, my friend?”, Sylvester asked Marco.

“No, my fried. I was… expected another friend to come home last night, but he did not. I’m sure he’s fine.” Sylvester smirked, but quickly returned to his smile.

“Well, looks like our feral problem might have moved on. As you can see, I’ll just need a basic wash this time around.”

“That’s… uh… great!”, Marco replied. Marco got to work and Sylvester leaned against his garage door.

“You know, Marco”, Sylvester said in an unusually loud tone, “You really do great work. You take such good care of my car.”

Marco wasn’t entirely sure, but he thought he could hear crying and the word ‘daddeh’ coming from the closed garage behind Sylvester. He continued his work.

Sylvester watched the man get his car in to a pristine clean, pulled out his wallet, and paid Marco $20 for the quality car wash.

“Hey”, Sylvester said after handing him the money. “Why don’t you come by same time next week, and give her another bath. You leave her shining and I want my car looking good for the summer.”

Marco raised an eyebrow, but muttered he’d like to continue doing business. As he made his way down Sylvester’s driveway, the older man called to him, “I’m sure you’ll see your friend again. In fact, I’m sure he’s missing you and can’t wait to see you again!” Sylvester was smiling and giving a cheery wave as he called out to Marco. Marco waved back, suspicious but Sylvester had been perfectly reasonable to him.

Sylvester returned in side the house, and went back to his garage from the inner door.

“DADDEH!?” Loki wailed. “Woki wan’ daddeh! Daddeh huggies wiww help huwties feew bettah!”

“You are never going to see your daddy again. He was just here. He cleaned my car, the car you shit all over. And he’ll be back next week to do it again! But you won’t see him.”

Loki cried even louder, knowing his daddy was so close, but unable to save him.

Regina and Sylvester left Loki in the garage alone again that night. The withdrawal was nearly as bad as the night before. At least the water wasn’t as cold.

The next day, Sylvester and Regina went out to the garage in respirators and full-arm gloves. They removed the barely responsive Loki from the pool and set him in a box to the side. They opened the garage door and drained the contents of the pool in to the storm sewer. After giving it a rinse out, the dragged it back in to the garage and began to bathe Loki in it.

“Scawy mistah an’ scawy wady wan’ Woki be cwean? Wub Woki?”

“Oh, no”, Sylvester said. “We don’t love you. At all. Ever, in fact. But you are just disgusting and we need to be able to handle you without getting an infection. So you get to be clean.”

Sylvester and Regina were none-too-gentle cleaning Loki, especially his broken leg. The garage door closed again, his screams of pain were barely audible outside the house.

When Loki was cleaned and dry, he was placed back in a box, the pool empties and rinsed again, and the alicorn returned to the pool.

“Right, now that you are something resembling sanitary, you get the chance to apologize for your actions.”

Regina went inside and returned with Lizzy and the foals. Their eyes were open, but they couldn’t speak past “mummah” and “miwkies”.

Regina held on to Lizzy and Loki stared. “This is Lizzy. She is my fluffy. You raped her.”, she said coldly.

“Woki gib enfies! Dummeh mawe am onwy gud fo’ enfies. And tummeh babbehs.”

Sylvester slapped the alicorn on his flank. Full open palm, letting out a loud smack. “OUCHIES!”, Loki yelled.

“You will show her respect. She’s a lady, and those are her babies. YOUR babies that you put in her.”

“Woki am daddeh?!” the stallion asked.

“Yes, but this is your one and only chance to see your babies. And to apologize for what you did to Lizzy.”

“Woki nu am sowwy! Dummeh mawe gib gud enfies, Woki gib dummy mawe tummeh babbehs. Aww mawe wan’ tummeh babbes.”

“So that’s it? You think you can just rape a mare and she should thank you for giving her babies? Even when I told her no babies?”, Regina was starting daggers at Loki.

“Dummeh mawe teww Woki nu wan babbehs. Woki gib babbehs. Dummeh mawe am dummeh fo’ nu wan Woki babbehs. Woki am daddeh nao! Gib Woki babbehs! Gib Mawco Woki an’ babbehs!”

“Right. Sly. My turn with this little fucker.”, Regina said. She handed Lizzy to Sylvester who carefully brought her inside and returned her to the playpen. Looking at the little mare, Sylvester gently patted her and her babies. “Your momma is going to make sure he can’t do bad enfies ever again.”

Lizzy looked up at Sylvester. “Mummah am gud mummah. Sywvesta am gud mistah. Wizzy wub mummah an’ nice mistah. Giv Wizzy biggest heawt happies.”

Sylvester didn’t know how to respond to that. He’d never been close to any fluffy, much less one that ‘loved’ him. He gave her some more gentle petting, and noticed that her babies were all really good colors, all alicorns, and all looked like they’d have very pretty manes growing in. He returned to the garage.

“Hey Reggie, you were right about the colors. Lizzy has really grown on me and when this is all over, I… uh… might ask to adopt one of her babies.”

Regina looked to Sylvester. “Sly, I’d never thought I 'd hear that from you. But despite how much of a contrarian asshole you can be, I do think you’d take good care of a fluffy as a pet. We’ll figure something out.”

Regina had Loki on his back on the work bench. She had bungee-corded his legs to his side, rendering him immobile. He could only wriggle side to side like a fluffy grub.

“So, yeah. Good colors. Turns out that despite being a complete piece of shit of a fluffy, this little fucker and put out some high quality offspring.”

Sylvester picked up Loki and held him above the bench. Regina got to work un-cranking the large bench vice bolted to the work table.

Once the jaws were about a half inch apart, Sylvester held the fluffy over the vice, while Regina pinched his penis between her thumb and forefinger, extending it between the textured plates of the vice’s jaws. She then cranked the jaws back so they held the extended shaft in place.

“NU! Nu-nu stick am cowd and huwty! Nu huwn nu-nu stick! Need fo’ enfies and peepee’ies!”

Regina stood in front of Loki, and started directly in to his eyes. Just started for a moment. Then she slowly reached around his side. She slid up the crank handle of the vice, giving that rasping sound of steel on steel, and pulled the crank handle down. The vice squeezed a little more.

Loki’s eyes went wide. “Nu! Nu! Nu! Weave nu-nu stick awone! Woki need special pwace!”

Another slide of the crank, another rasp of steel on steel. And turn of the crank. With each turn, the jaws came closer together, and Loki wriggled with more intensity.

Regina started to crank, and felt the slightest bit of resistance from Loki’s soft extended member. She tilted her head to the side. “We gave you a chance to apologize. You called Lizzy a dummeh, only good for carrying your babies. Now you will never put babies in another mare again.”

Slide. Rasp. Crank. But this time there was a short scream from Loki. And Regina wasn’t done. She kept cranking. Loki’s penis was increasingly flattened between the rough textured jaws of the vice. With a final rasp-clank, the jaws came together, Loki’s penis ruptured, and blood poured on to the floor from the jaws of the vice.

Loki was screeching uncontrollably. He writhed in Sylvester’s grip, unable to free himself. He nu-nu stick had been utterly crushed.

“OK, lift him up”, Regina told Sylvester.

Sylvester raised the fluffy a little higher, stretching the remains of his ruined member and intact testicles away from his body. Loki howled even louder. Regina turned away and back again, holding a pair of scissors in her hand.

“If you thought it was bad before, it’s about to get so much worse” she spat to him.

Reaching the scissors to his “special place”, Regina snipped off the entire set of genitals, complete set of ruined penis and still intact testes resting on the vice.

Loki was beyond sound in his pain. He just gasped and whimpered. Sylvester put him on the bench and flipped him on his back. He then took a small butane torch out and heated the head of a nail held in a pair of pliers. Once the nail was a nice cherry red, Sylvester touched it to the ruined mess of gore that was now Loki’s ‘special place.’ The wound cauterized instantly, and flipping the nail over, Sylvester used to sharpened tip to ensure Loki’s urethra was still open.

Loki felt every moment of this, but he tiny fluffy brain wasn’t capable of processing this much pain at once.

Regina had removed the remains of his genitals from the vice and put them in a food storage container.

“I’m going to put these in the freezer. I’ll get them to my breeder. She’ll be able to either graft these on to a castrated stallion, or can extract what’s left in them to breed some litters before they are empty.”

Sylvester nodded and put Loki back in the pool. He removed the cables binding his legs and left the insensate fluffy to wallow in his pain.

Returning inside the house, Sylvester and Regina sat in the living room watching Lizzy clean and feed her foals in the playpen. “I still can’t believe that the little fucker’s nuts are that valuable.”

“Yeah, people love alicorns, and he’s put out some healthy, beautiful foals, despite their awful conception. This pair will cover the money you had to pay our scammer for the clean, and we’ll get a cut from any babies that are derived from these. There’s thousands of dollars in that little green pair.”

Sylvester started to chuckle to himself. His whole body shaking, it rolled in out burst of guffaws.

Regina looked at him sideways. “What on earth is so funny?”

“You and me? We’re pretty fucked up, Reggie.”

“That we are, Sly. But we might as well squeeze as much good out of the shitbag as we can.”

“Yeah. And I’ve got a great idea to wrap this all up. Pillowing tomorrow?”

“Yeah. I’ll swing by in the evening and we’ll take his legs.”

By the end of the week, two days before Marco was due to return to give the car its next wash, Loki was done. No genitals, no legs, no ears, one eye gone, the other badly injured, both wings removed, and horn broken.

“Wan’ die.”

Sylvester and Regina looked at the pathetic heap of fluff in the kiddie pool. “I’m sorry, what was that?” Sylvest asked. He had to hear it again.

“Woki sowwy. Woki wan’ die. Nu mowe huwties. Pwease.”

Sylvester looked at Regina. “Reggie, I think he means it.”

“That he wants to die, or is sorry?”

“Both. But I only really care about the death part.”

"Sylvester picked up Loki. He carefully set the ruined fluffy on a towel on his work bench. He took the time to meticulously clean Loki. Every inch of fluff was scrubbed and brushed and combed. Loki actually fell asleep as Sylvester worked him over.

Once Loki finished his nap, Sylvester gave him a gentle rub along his back.

“You could have made a fine pet. But you were a bad fluffy. But if you want to die, I’ll help you with that.”

Loki looked up at Sylvester. “Woki am sowwy mistah. Woki am sowwy. Wub Woki? Gib huggies?”

Sylvester didn’t answer Loki. He took the towel look lay upon, and wrapped it around his whole body, covering him head to rump.

Regina opened the garage door and Sylvester stepped outside.

Sylvester held Loki in one arm and with the other hand free, opened the car door. He set Loki’s head, still shrouded in the towel, between the window and the body frame, just above the door jamb. He nodded to Regina. She slammed the car door. Loki’s head was crushed instantly. He didn’t have time to make a sound.

The towel caught most of the gore, but some still dribbled out, staining the inside of the door. “Good thing I have a cleaning guy coming in a couple days to take care of that”, Sylvester said to Regina.

“Yeah, good thing. And I’m glad this is over.”

“Oh, not quite, I still have one last thing to do.”

“Oh?” Regina asked.

"Yeah, Marco’s done a great job on my car, so I have a gift in mind for him when he comes by.

“Hey Marco, glad you could make it!”, Sylvester said as Marco can walking up his driveway. “Did your friend ever get back to you?”

Marco blanched, but continued towards Sylvester. There was a woman he didn’t recognize standing with him. Much younger. Didn’t carry herself like a girlfriend, not that the unlikable old bastard would ever find himself a piece of ass anyways.

“The car is looking good, my friend! Just a wash today?”

“Oh, no, you see I have this nasty stain on the passenger door. I’d like you to take a look at that if you can.”, Sylvester replied.

“Sure, my friend. I’ll get that out for you.” Macro proceeded to complete the exterior wash and once finished, moved to the interior passenger door.

The stains were odd. Dark brown. Like dried blood. Marco was feeling increasingly nervous. He thought that maybe he’d stop doing car washes for this man.

Marco carefully worked out the stain, getting the last bits of brown out. As he worked, he also noticed strands of green fur in the weather stripping. Now he was definitely nervous. He finished his work quickly, and went to Sylvester to collect payment. Definitely done with this job.

Sylvester pulled out his wallet and paid Marco for his work. Before he could leave, Sylvester hugged him around the shoulder. “My friend, you’ve done such great work for me. I got you a gift to help with your business!” The woman moved her hands from behind her back and held a small box out to Marco."

Marco took the box. Sylvester continued. “You always do such fine work on my car, I wanted to get you the softest, best car chamois I could find. Even better than microfiber!”

Marco opened the box, and immediately dropped it in horror. Inside was a folded green fluffy pelt, with a yellow mane and tail.

“What’s the matter my friend? Don’t you like it? Feral hides, nothing better for drying and polishing an automobile.”

Marco turned his head to face Sylvester. Mouth agape, the man was still tightly holding his shoulder.

“Marco”, Sylvester said, voice filled with menace. "You fucked with the wrong people. I think our business relationship has concluded. Sylvester put a $50 bill in Marco’s pocket, released his grip, and stepped away from the horrified young man.

“That… that was my friend! My little Loki! You skinned him!” Marco exclaimed.

“Oh, we did more than that. We removed pretty much everything on the outside of his body. You know. Legs, dick, ears, whatever. Then I killed him by crushing his skull in my car door. Hence that blood you cleaned up, by the way. THEN I had him professionally skinned and tanned to make you this lovely rag.”

“I’M CALLING THE COPS!” Marco was screaming at Sylvester and Regina. “YOU ARE BOTH PSYCHOS! MURDERERS!”

Sylvester smirked at him. “You’ll call the cops and tell them what? That we abused a random feral that wandered in to my yard? He had no collar, no chip. You think you are clever, but you didn’t notice all the cameras I installed all over the house. I’ve been recording your little monster for weeks. Or will you tell them you tried to extort me with fluffy shit on my car? Or that you let your awful little ‘friend’ roam free in the yard of a domestic where he could rape a mare. You know, a property crime that carries jail time for the owner, and euthanasia for the offending fluffy?”

Marco stood in the driveway stammering. “I… I… I…”

Regina spoke up. “I think you’ll be leaving. And not coming back.”

Marco grabbed his bucket and duffle bag, gave one last mortified stare at Sylvester and Regina, and bolted away from the house.

“Well, if he’s not going to use it…”, Sylvester said while reaching for Loki-hide polishing cloth, “Then I’ll use it to keep my car gleaming.”

Regina looked at him. “Yup. Sick fucks. The both of us.”

“Agreed. That being said, I do want to talk adoption still. Lizzy’s foals are beautiful, and it’s too quiet here. I wouldn’t mind some company for when you are busy.”

“Sounds good”, Regina replied. “And I want to talk to you about cameras. I don’t think that’s the last we’ve seen of our con man. Lizzy is going to be a strictly indoor fluffy from now on.”


@BFM101’S original story, posted with permission:

Sylvester Hawthorne was enjoying his afternoon brandy when he heard his doorbell ring, he grumbled as he was forced out of his comfortable chair and forced to answer this midday visitor. Doing very little to hide his frustration, he flung the front door open, to be greeted by a young man carrying several buckets filled with sponges and cleaning supplies.

The young man smiled at Sylvester. “Afternoon sir, my name is Marco Guerra, I’m going round the neighbourhood offering car washes for anyone who hasn’t been able to find the time to in this summer heat. Would you be interested in my services today at all sir?”

Sylvester took in a breath so deep he almost ripped his thick, grey moustache right off of his stiff upper lip. “Certainly not, BOY. I paid more for that car alone than you’ll make in your whole life.”

“Oh I’ll be extra careful sir, I have a number of cleaning products for any and all colours and metals, I’ll even let you specifically choose which ones you do and do not want used on the vehicle. All for the low price of 50 bucks I can…”

Sylvester glared at Marco. “Again, NO!”

And he slammed the door on Marco’s face, hoping that would send a message. He returned to his study proud of what he’d accomplished, they couldn’t understand, that car wasn’t just a vehicle, it was a status symbol, an example of all Sylvester had accomplished over the years, from his humble beginnings as a millionaires son, to the prim and proper man he was today.

He couldn’t just let any old wetback touch it.

Taking a sip from his brandy, Sylvester sat back down in his chair and readied himself for a nice relaxing day of absolutely nothing.

It was barely an hour later when he heard it, muffled noises coming from outside, strange, high-pitched noises. Getting up to take a look, Sylvester peeked out the window towards the driveway where he car was parker, hoping it wasn’t the neighbourhood kids fucking around again.

Instead he something on his driveway, a wet, viscous liquid dribbling down the incline towards his front gate.

Wet… and brown.

Shooting off with a speed he hadn’t moved in since the taxman tried to claim inheritance tax off him some years before, Sylvester raced towards his front door, he swung it open so hard he nearly broke the damn thing off its hinges and stepped out into his worst nightmare.

His car, his beloved automobile, was drenched in shit. Wet, lumpy, shit. There was barely an inch of the marbled black coating that wasn’t smothered in shit, from the black-mirror of the sunroof to the shining silver of the four hubcaps. The car was more shit than metal.

And running around the driveway, shit still leaking from his asshole, was the culprit.

“Take dat dummeh mtaw munstah, Wo-kee gib yu wowstesh sowwy-poopies.”

A Fluffy, a little green Alicorn with a yellow mane jumped around the car, stopping every so often to spray more shit onto the vehicle and cackle away to himself. He wasn’t doing this because he was scared of the car, he was doing this for fun.


The Alicorn stopped as he heard Sylvester’s roar, he turned to look, seeing the angry old man charging at him, ready to tear him to shreds and…



The Alicorn jumped as Marco came bounding through the gate, chasing after the Fluffy as it ducked under some hedges and was out of sight. Marco let out a frustrated grunt and turned to Sylvester.

“I’m sorry sir, I caught that little pendejo shitting over one of your neighbour’s lawn. I chased him out of there but lost him, didn’t realise he made it all the way over here. If you want I could…”

“You’ve done enough BOY, leading that creature here to defile my property, then scaring the damnable thing off before I could give it what-for. No, you can leave, for all the good you’ve done.”

Marco saw Sylvester turn his nose up at him and shrugged his shoulders. “Ok sir, if that’s what you wish.”

With a sly smile and a cheeky wink, Marco gathered his tools and left the property, Sylvester didn’t like the look on the young man’s face but he ignored it in favour of more pressing matters.

Sylvester had no idea how one Fluffy could produce so much shit, his entire car was soaked through with faeces, thankfully sorry-poopies were fairly liquefied to begin with so once Sylvester got the hose out he was able to wash most of it off with a light spray.

Of course this presented the problem of trying to avoid the splashback as even the mild pressure from the hose would send drips and drabs of watery shit spraying in all directions.

After a brief pause to gag and try to run as much of the shitstains down his driveway and into the sewer at the bottom of the hill, Sylvester rolled up his sleeves and got down to the real business. This was his baby and he wasn’t taking it to any old shop for some greasy commoner to violate, no, he would do this himself.

Plus he didn’t want to risk missing any specks of shit and have people look at him funny.

First he lathered his pride-and-joy with a shampoo infused with Madagascan vanilla and filtered with seven organic cleansing herbs, making sure to touch every inch of his beauty with the soaped up product. Next he sprayed the car down with a specially designed hose attachment that only let on a minimum spray pressure so as not to damage the paintwork, it took quite a while to wash off every soap covered inch of the car but the peace of mind was worth it. After that he gently patted his car down with handcrafted towels made from genuine Egyptian Cotton, taking his ever-so-patient time to avoid leaving any streaks or water marks. Once sufficiently dry, Sylvester finished the ordeal by waxing his car with a locally source Brazillian Carnauba Wax, made from Brazilian Palm Trees and mixed by hand.

The end result took him roughly four hours from beginning to end, but Sylvester looked on his hard work and smiled, the obsidian black paint was glimmering in the sunlight, the silver of the wheel arches polished to a mirror shine, the very expensive – and slightly ostentatious – logo of the high-class manufacturer sitting high and mighty for all to see. All was right in the world again.

Suddenly, Sylvester heard an impressed whistle behind him, he turned to see Marco standing at the edge of his driveway, his eyes on the simmering beauty of the car.

“Damn sir, that is some impressive work you’ve done there.”

Sylvester sneered at the young man. “Yes, well, better than you could do boy.”

“I couldn’t say sir, I’ve not had the chance to compare my work to yours.”

“Yes. And you won’t GET the chance to chance to.”

The smile that slid its way up Marco’s face unnerved Sylvester, as did the finger that slowly uncurled and pointed at something behind Sylvester.

“Are you sure about that sir?”

Sylvester turned, just in time to see a green Alicorn sticking his arse into the air and yelling.


Sylvester dashed forward, but it was too later, as if in slow-motion he watched as the cone of crap was blown out of the Fluffy’s backside, the trembling of his arsehole reverberating in Sylvester’s mind, each splatter of faecal matter deafening the uppity old fart, the streaks of lumpy brown bringing a tear to his eye.

He dropped to his knees as his car was once again lathered in shit, the stench choking him almost as badly as the heartache, all his hard work for naught. Brimming with fury, Sylvester went to throttle the little bastard, only to see the Fluffy was gone.

Looking around, he saw the disrespectfully green shit sitting smugly in Marco’s arm, the owner’s shit eating grin as infuriating as the Fluffy’s.

“YOU! You fucking greasy shitbird fuckwipe.”

Marco ‘s grip on the Alicorn tightened as he stepped back from the rampagaing Sylvester. “Whoa sir, what seems to be the problem?”

“You let that fucking creature into my property to DEFILE my vehicle.”

Marco faked an expression of shock. “Sir, I have no clue what you’re talking about, I am merely a witness to this unfortunate incident, trying to protect this poor, frightened animal from what I perceive to be a rampaging lunatic.”

“DON’T GIVE ME THAT SHIT! I know you’re working with it, I’ll fucking sue you so hard your grandchild will owe me money.”

Marco’s smug grin grew wider. “And how can you prove that? This Fluffy doesn’t have a collar, nor any scar indicating a chip, do you have a owner Loki?”

The Alicorn, Loki, shook his head. “Nu daddeh, Fwuffy nu hab daddeh.”

“See, and since Fluffies are ‘basically’ wild animals, you can’t sue anyone personally for their actions.”

Sylvester didn’t know if what Marco was saying was true, but he was too pissed off to think about it too much.

“Just get the fuck off my property and leave.”

Once again, Marco’s grin grew wider. “I could do that sir, but I’ve no guarantee that this won’t happen again, or of it happening again after you’ve cleaned that mess, or again after you’ve cleaned THAT mess. Although I think, if maybe somebody else was to wash your vehicle for you, maybe things would be different then.”

Sylvester was flustered by Marco’s blatant remarks. “That’s extortion!”

“That’s business sir. Now what’s it going to be.”

Sylvester felt his face burn with anger, by rights he should just ignore this guinea prick and catch him in the act, but the thought of waiting for hours, or even days to get him dead to rights, all the while his precious car being routinely and repeatedly attacked with liquid shit.

In the end, Sylvester was defeated by his pride.

“Just get it done quick and get out of here.”

“Of course sir, that’ll be 300 bucks.”

“300!? You said 50 earlier.”

“Supply and demand sir, the market’s changed since we last talked.”

Sylvester’s blood boiled even hotter but once again, he knew he had no choice.

“I’ll get my wallet.”

Marco whistled a tune as he counted the 300 big ones that Sylvester had given him, the car was clean and would stay clean, at least until Marco felt his pockets getting a little light again.

“Did Wo-kee du gud daddeh?”

Marco looked down at the Alicorn in his cleaning bucket and scratched his head. “Very well amigo, I’d say you’ve earned a portion of spaghetti for dinner tonight.”

“Yay, Wo-kee wub sketti.”

Marco chuckled as Loki hummed a little ‘sketti song’ to himself on their long walk home. Marco might not be a doctor like his brother Ricardo, but he felt he was smart enough in his own way.


Poor Loki, I mean sure he’s a rapacious ingrate with a weaponised colon, borderline smarty syndrome, an enabling owner, a complete lack of empathy…

Wait, what point was I trying to make again?

Anyway, solid twist on the original story, let’s just hope this multiverse Marco doesn’t have Ricky to help his revenge.


Into da fwuffvewse!

This was fun to write and let me get some abuser ideas out of my system.

And for those curious, you can actually buy pure unflavored nicotine. Next time there’s a fluffmart catalog, that’s going to be one of my contributions as “Fluffy Affection Potion”.

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Well its still a fair trade having loki fuck an unwilling mare and shit a car and its a scam one thing in this ver is Marco like any scammer would eventually get into something more he can chew.

Glad he didnt scam a suppose calm person and turns out to be a retired mafia hitman :scream:

I think I prefer this ending to the dude conceal carrying and then shooting loki the second time he tried a shitting and then shoot the owner when he advances onto the property ‘aggressively’ via the cameras.

Perhaps one day Marco will pay directly, but it will not be this day.

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