Pumpkin carving community event! (by Proxy)

A fun little idea I had earlier on in the year! I liked the idea of doing a pun like this with Pumpkin’s name lmao, where he has a jack-o-lantern design carved into his belly, and while I do have my own version I’m working on I also thought it could be fun to post a blank version and let the community play around with him!

More info about Pumpkin, and why he looks so fucked up: Pumpkin the prototype (by Proxy) (the art is a little outdated now, but the lore is still the same!)


The instability and ability to withstand dismemberment reminds me of Havik from mortal kombat.

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Ooh, I’ve never heard of that character before! I actually got the idea for him from that one Family Guy episode where Stewie and Brian clone themselves and the clones fall apart https://youtu.be/z5XLlHXAj4M?si=T9AnccdncfXV7jFs

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Oh a remember that episode. Creeped me out seeing brian’s clone without a jaw when i was younger.

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