Pyro: the vagabond (Poopiest_of_bebbehs)

This part contains multiple characters from several Poopiest_of_bebbehs stories, but none of them are necessary to enjoy this story as a standalone experience. Regardless, links will be provided at the bottom, should you want to explore those individual character’s storylines, before or after reading.

This is the third and last installment in a three part story. Please read Part 1 and Part 2 first.

Freedom, sweet freedom in its entirety was now all Pyro and Cherry’s to savour.

The sweet young lady from the laboratory had dropped them off about ten days ago, sparing them from a lifetime of industrialised suffering, only to be rewarded with a one way trip to the disposal bio-bin in the alleyway outback. That fate was no longer theirs to suffer, the world was their oyster and they were both eager to make good on their opportunity.

The couple wondered the forested region, a glorious natural kingdom of grand spires of both oak and silver birch. They explored the trees and the bushes, they snacked on berries, drank from the local duck pond and familiarised themselves with the massive country park that had been designated as their haven. They remembered what the pretty blonde lady had asked them to do: To never fight people or animals, to stay off the walkways and to give bad smarties hell. Pyro wasn’t sure what ‘hell’ was, but he instinctively knew it meant giving them ‘hurties’, which he was more than happy to do, especially after what the last one and his two goons tried to do to Cherry, back at the lab.

“Wakies uppies speshew fwend… Chewwy hab bestest newsie!” Pyro’s soul mate beckoned as she nuzzled him awake.

“huh… wa?..” he asked as he smacked his dry lips together, squinting into nothingness.

“Chewwy feew da bebbehs du tummeh dancies!” she proclaimed, as she excitedly fluttered her wings in joy, “dey nu am weady yet, bu Chewwy thinkie dat gun com in few mowe bwite timsies”.

“onwy a few mowe fowevahs? Hab Pywo an Chewwy bin hewe dat wong?” he asked as he shook the tiredness from his body.

“yeh, Betty gun come in twu mowe bwite timsies, wid bestest chiwee, an huggies, an medeesin fow wen bebbehs com. Betty saysie su da wast timsie wus hewe” the pink pegasus explained. And she was correct; Betty had been visiting their hidden nest, under the roots of a dug out old tree, deep off the beaten wooded path, and she had done so after every three days without failure. Betty’s last visit was two days ago, meaning that not this ‘bright time’ and not the next, but the following would be visiting day. Every visiting day meant that the couple would receive a can of cheap chilli con carne and rice to share, a new stuffy friend for their home, new batteries for their portable night light and some old clothing to use as nesting.

Pyro and Cherry adored Betty, their hero, their gift giver. They’d have gladly let her take them home, yet the teenager outright refused to be called ‘mummah’ by the loving duo. The couple had never asked Betty as to why she held that word in such high disdain, and thought it best not to, it seemed like she was easily upset about the subject of mothers entirely, speaking less to Cherry as her pregnancy grew all the more heavier.

Pyro was out nummie finding for his partner, what with her now being extremely pregnant, borderline immobile, even. The light orange stallion had befriended a dark green bowl fluffy by the name of Moss, who was currently floating about the edge of the nearby pond, in search of his own meal. “Pywo find aneh-ting yet?” he asked.

“nu-uh, nu find aneh bewwy nummies nu mowe. Pywo thinkie dummeh wingie biwdies tayk dem aww” he concluded with a frustrated sigh.

“haow maneh bebbeh du Pywo thinkie gun hab?” the bowl unicorn asked, attempting to distract his rather easily upset best friend.

“nu kno, bu nice hoomin wady saysie dat mite hab ‘aneh-whewe fwum thwee tu eyght, base’d un da size ob tummeh’” he replied excitedly, wagging his tail at the thought, although not truly understanding what most of that meant. “bu dat am onwy wat wady say, su nu weawy kno” Pyro added.

“hmmm, gwassie nummies nu gun be enuff fow aww dem bebbehs” Moss added, stroking his chin with his leathery hoof, “wat Pywo nee am fwowew nummies tuu, dey taste pwetty an wook pwetty tuu!”.

“dat am bestest idea, Chewwy an gun hab gud miwkies!” the orange Nitrofluffy smiled, as he turned towards the open part of the woodlands.

“jus memba sumtin, da puwpwe wuns am bad, dey gun gib wowstest tummeh huwties an fowevah sweepies!” the bowl stallion warned.

“wy yew kno?” Pyro inquired as he turned back to face his friend.

“wunce saw hewd num an whowe bunch ob dem an den dey mayk bad poopies, den ‘huuhuus’, ‘owwies’ an den dey faww downsie an nu git uppies. Id was weaw scawy, bu was wong timsie gu. Afta Moss see dat wid own see-pwaces, Moss say ‘nebah gun num dem puwpwe fwowews ebah!’” he explained, “jus memba dat”.

Pyro gave his best friend a little nod and made his way to the clearing. It was wide and sparse of trees. In truth, it was a hot-spot for wildlife on fluffy action, but Pyro had a pregnant mate, and her welfare trumped his own, and so he marched on towards it, down the dusty country trail.

The stallion had remembered his promise to Betty, to stay out of the way of passing humans, as the forest was part of a country park, with huge sections dedicated to trail walking, no-kill fishing, biking and camping. It was a veritable heaven for a fluffy that could keep his head down and his mouth shut, which Pyro had intended fully to commit to.

He came to the clearing and found many flowers of white, yellow, blue, and of course, the ominous purple. Also did he spy humans, sat upon large blankets, with baskets full of food, human food, the tastiest food of all. Pyro pondered, if he brought Cherry ‘hoomin nummies’, then surely her foals would be born even stronger. The promise lingered in his head still, to stay far from humans and the violence that they bring, but nevertheless, he had foals to feed and a mate to protect.

Pyro swallowed his fear and strutted towards an abandoned basket, sat upon a nice looking and folded cloth. He climbed inside and rummaged through the wickers for anything digestible, then he happened upon it, a glorious ham and cheese toasty. He had to fight the urge to not greedily scoff it down on his lonesome. For a lab raised fluffy, turned woodland feral, anything above kibble or grass was considered a divine blessing, the sweetiest of ‘nummies’. The Nitrofluff bit down on the crust and excitedly threw it out, only to look up and see the imposing silhouette of a tall woman, standing over him with hands resting upon her hips.

“you little fucker” she gritted, trying desperately not to demolish the thieving shitrat with a well placed kick to the throat.

“am sowwy, bu nee sammich nummies fow speshew fwe-” Pyro attempted to explain, before being grabbed by his nape and held high into the air, “HEY! WET PYWO GU!” he growled, while flailing his hooves angrily in the woman’s direction.

“OH, I see… a smarty, are we?” the lady grumbled, as she reached into her pocket for her folding knife.

“nu! Nu-uh! Pywo hayt dummeh meanie smawties!” he protested with puffed cheeks.

“Then what are you, a toughy, or just some cocky dickhead?” she judged, all the while, preparing her blade to plow through his tiny ribs.

“am… uhhh… wat wady saysie Pywo am gain?..” he mumbled to himself, "AH, MEMBA NAOW! Am ‘Nitwofwuffy’.

“nitro… fluffy?” the lady asked, cocking her head to the side. Only then did she notice, as a sliver of sunlight reflected from his red eyes, a twin set of prominent letters, golden crosses, sat at the center of his ruby hued pupils.

“holy shit, are you some sort of custom job?” the lady asked, her blade hand lowering as her academic curiosity peaked.

“nu-uh, am jus Nitwofluffy” Pyro clarified innocently.

“and what does a ‘Nitrofluffy’ do, exactly?” she asked, “you know, apart from stink like summertime roadkill” she added.

“weww…” he thought as he stroked his little chin with a hoof, “du wots ob bestest tooties, wub chiwee, wub pwotec wand an speshew fwend, an gib bestest huwtie poopies tu meanie fwuffies!” he declared proudly.

“you like chilli? Fuck a duck, you are an odd one… it, doesn’t hurt you?” she asked, her face turning from anger to sincere curiosity.

“nu, am bestest nummies!” the stallion declared as a matter of fact.

“there must be some extra bird DNA in you…” she pondered, “or, maybe south asian treeshrew?” she mumbled aloud, stroking her pale chin as the Nitrofluffy mimicked her, struggled to keep up with her now one woman conversation.

“su… can Pywo gu naow?” he asked, tapping his forehooves together in anticipation of her answer.

“what? NO! I need to keep you” she laughed, “you’re a freak, and it just so happens that I have a fondness for freaks” she added with a playful tap on the end of his nose.

“bu hab speshew fwend! Chewwy am soon-mummah!” he cried as the lady began walking to her car with him still carried by the scruff.

“she’ll be fine” the fluffynapper scoffed, “I’m sure she’ll find a new Nitrofluffy stallion to look after her” she added.

“NU! AM ONWY TWU OB FWUFFY! NU MOWE! NU-FWUFFY AM GUN PWOTEC BEBBEHS!” Pyro screamed and hissed as he lashed out in a tantrumous rage.

“well, sucks to be Cherry. Now get in the fluffy carrier” she commanded sternly as she tried to shove the stallion face first into the crate that sat in the back of her friend’s car.

“NU WAN GU! NU WAN GUUUUUUU!” Pyro screeched, before lifting his tail and blasting the woman across the face with a mucus like, green liquid.

“AAAAHHH! YOU CUNT!” she howled as she threw off her button up shirt and used it to wipe the viscous anal liquid from her eyelids, “fuck me! That actually stings a bit… well, more than regular fluffy shit” she noted to herself.

“NEE SCAPE!” the Nitrofluffy declared as he jumped down and waddled into the nearest adjacent bush. He laid low and kept his mouth shut, as the angry woman cleared her face of his liquid retaliation and began beating at the flora with a nearby branch.

“get out, you little shit! I don’t care if you’re one of a kind! I swear to god that I’ll make you Creature’s new enfie-toy!” she threatened into the nearby greenery.

“Oi, Mandy!” A shorter, black haired woman with a messy bobcut called out as she ran to her friend. “the fooks ya problem?” the new lady said, “and… JEEZUS! WHY DO YA SMELL LIKE A FOOKIN THREE MONTH OLD GAMMON?!” she probed further in revulsion, all the while, fighting her desire to gag.

“oh fuck off, Bill!” the taller of the two retorted, “a fluffy shit on me, alright?”

“did he have bowel cancer of something? We both know what fluffy shite smells like, and THAT makes the mill smell almost palatable… Fook, I can actually taste it in the air” Billie noted between dry heaves.

“yeah, I get it, alright, but he wasn’t a regular fluffy. I don’t know if he is some kind of designer fluffy, or if he’s some kind of natural mutation, but I want him” Mandy declared as she poured a bottle of water over her face. “he shat in my cocksucking eyes, I want him hanging off of Creature’s twin dicks before tomorrow morning!” she screamed in pure aggravation, before throwing her bottle to the floor.

“fine, ya big fookin nancy” Billie giggled, before rolling her eyes, “I’ll help ya catch the big meanie poopie fluffy” she mocked.

“thanks, also fuck you. now let’s go home and tool up” Mandy smiled with an aura of spite.

“yeah, and maybe a bath in tomato soup wouldn’t hurt ya, either” her companion noted.

“dis am bad, vewy bad” Pyro whispered to himself, before waiting for the humans to hop in their metal monster and disappear. He grabbed the cheese toasty on the grass and ran as fast as his stubby little legs would allow, not stopping for air, nor water, not even to chat with Moss. He scampered into his nest, under the roots of a dead tree, and shook his partner awake.

“speshew fwend! Chewwy missed yew!” she gasped innocently, cooing lightly at the sight of her brave partner.

he looked at his mate, he pondered whether to tell her about the scary red haired woman. In the end, he elected not to worry her right now, simply placing the sandwich down in front of her, licking her cheek, and then excusing himself. She was pregnant and bad news would upset her tummy babies, at least, that’s whathe thought.

a few minutes later found Pyro, sat by the pond water, his hoof circling the surface as his mind lost itself in worry. “Hewwo bestest stimky fwend!” Moss giggled and snorted playfully, as he rutted his tail under the water, slowly coming up beside his comrade. “wats wong? Pywo wook wike hab wowwie thinkies” he asked, before letting out an exciting gasp, “am bebbehs hewe?” he inquired.

“nu, am habin bad thinkies cus ob dummeh Pywo nu wistenin tu Betty… Naow bad hoomins wan gib Pywo and Chewwy fowevah sweepies, huuuhuuuuhuuuuu!” the Nitrofluffy sobbed as he covered his face in shame, “AM WOWSTEST SPESHEW FWEND!” he cried out.

“Pywo nu meansie tu mayk hoomins angwies. Moss am suwe dat wus jus ack-see-dent” he assured, “Nu wowwies, dummeh hoomins nebah gun git Pywo famiwy OW Moss famiwy. Am in da bestest, most secwetest pawt ob da pawk” he added proudly.

“ib Moss saysie su…” Pyro smiled weakly, before looking up from the grass to meet his friend’s gaze. Suddenly a smell caught his attention, it was sweet, it smelled like joy, and love, and goodness, and warmth. He peered over the edge of Moss’ concave stomach, looking into his bowl, and sleeping soundly was a sea green chirpy foal, squaking with every soft exhaled, as she suckled upon her hoof.

“am Moss daddeh naow?” Pyro asked.

“yup, hab bestest heawt happies… bu heawt saddies tuu…” he said, with his goofy smile slipping away to reveal the heartbreak beneath. “speshew fwend gu fowevah sweepies, aww ob udda bebbehs gu fowevah sweepies tuu… Id am jus daddeh Moss an widdwe bebbeh” he sniffled.

“am su sowwies” Pyro sniffled back, before reaching out over the water with his forelegs, pulling his bestie to the very edge and hugging him tightly.

“Moss nu kno wat am eben gun du… Am dummeh, nu eben can thinkie ob namsie fow widdwe wastest bebbeh” he self deprecated with a defeated giggle.

“wat bout ‘Betty’?” the Nitrofluffy suggested.

“yeh, dat gun du” Moss smiled, “weww… Moss gun gu back tu nestie, nee git fowevah sweepies bebbehs an speshew fwend ou ob dewe, ow bebbeh Betty am gun git wowstest sickies” he sighed, before slowly turning himself around in the water and floating away. “see ya watew, bestest fwend!” he waved, before vanishing behind the reeds.

Pyro then went home, unsure about what to do, unsure about what exactly to tell his mate. He entered the nest and cozied himself on a bed of leaves and discarded crisp packets. They rested together for some time, until the morning sun waned and the sky carried an amber hue. “Speshew fwend?..” he asked, “du Chewwy wuv dis nestie?” he inquired.

“hehehe, yeh” she smiled.

"wat ib hab tu weave?

“nu be siwwy, dis am bestest homsie fow Chewwy, nebah wan wook fow nyew nestie” she smiled contently, utterly oblivious to the looming threats about her.

“otay… bu wat ib-” Pyro attempted to add, before the sound of knocking came from above.

“EEEP! WAT AM DA-” the terrified soon-mummah cried, until Pyro shoved a hoof into her mouth.

“ssssshhhhhhhhh-udup…” he whispered. Pwetendies dat nu am hewe, be bestest siwent" he ordered. Regardless of the silence, the knocking and digging continued for some time, and then the rustling of disturbed dirt signaled the threat having found the entrance. Suddenly a big ball of fluff climbed into the den.

“hewwo!” a sky blue mare smiled at the terrified couple, as she tumbled in.

“GU WAY! DIS AM PYWO WAND!” the stallion stomped, before putting himself between his lover and this strange mare.

“nu-nu! Bubbwes nu wan wand, siwwy stawwion” she snorted with a shaking of her dusty head, “jus wan askies fow sumtin”.

“w-wat stwangew mawe wan?” Cherry inquired.

“Bubbwes hab widdwe chiwpie bebbeh” she explained, lowering her head to reveal a single chirping filly upon her back fluff, “jus wan bowwow widdwe miwkies fow widdwe bit… Bubbwes nu can mayk miwkies nu mowe” she lamented.

Immediately, Pyro’s eyes lit up in flames. He knew that scent, he knew that foal. “YEW AM BEBBEH THEEF! STEAWIN MOSS BEBBEH!” Pyro accused, scraping his hoof against the dusty floor, preparing to charge the perplexed looking mare.

“nu am twue!” Bubbles pleaded, “Bubbwes see chiwpie in da gwassie aww by sewf, aww awone” she explained.

“Moss nu ebah du sumtin wike dat!” the stallion growled.

“may-beh hoomins gib himb fowevah sweepies?” Bubbles pondered.

Pyro’s blood ran cold, the mare’s theory made more sense than she realised. The two women may have already returned and began their bloody rampage through the woodlands of the country park, cutting down every subspecies of fluffy that got their way. The stallion hadn’t even noticed the puddle around his hooves until he looked down. “NEE GIT OU OB HEWE!” he panicked.

“am yew an dummeh?” Bubbles asked as she blocked the exist. “yew gun git catch’d by wowstest hoomins ib dey wookin wound” the azure mare explained, “an ib dewe am wun thingie sat Bubbwes kno, id am haow tu hidies fwom hoomins” she added proudly with a puffed up chest.

“haow am Bubbwes su gud at hidies?” Cherry asked.

“cus Bubbwes wun way fwom dummeh daddeh. Meanie daddeh tayk way Bubbwes bebbeh pwace in tummeh, su nu can gab bebbehs aneh-mowe… huuuuhuuuhuuuuu…” she explained as tears began to fall from her face, the emotional wounds still clearly so fresh, after so many months. “naow Bubbwes am fwee tu sabe aww da wost an nu wuved bebbehs. Bubbwes gun be bestest mummah tu aww da bebbehs” she declared with a sincere determination.

Cherry was rather touched, being an expecting mother, she wouldn’t dare to fathom the idea of having her marehood taken away. She accepted the proposal and would help feed little Betty, at least until her own children came about. And in kind, Pyro offered temporary lodging for the blue stranger, as an act of decency. Being something of an escapee himself, he knew that good fluffies needed all the help they could get. The only stipulation in this verbal contract was that Bubbles would have to help the orange Nitrofluffy gather food for his mate.

They took turns that night, being both watcher and sleeper. There was a moment where Pyro could here the two women. He knew that the ladies were the same as from the morning, due to the shorter, black haired one talking in a very funny way.

“we’ve been walking for hours” Billie whined, “if ya wanted to stare at my arse, ya could have come up with a better excuse” she chuckled as she kicked over rocks and stumps.

“I’m not dignifying that with a response” Mandy grumbled as she turned over a chunk of deadwood, “I want those fucking Nitros and I want them screaming in fear before sunrise” she hissed further, while still rubbing her slightly irritated eyes.

“this is retarded, you’re retarded!” Billie protested, “my feet fooking ache and I want to go back home and torture my own fluffies” she added.

“oh eat a dick, Bill! You help me find those skunk rats and I’ll help with your mutants”. The arguing went on like so, for hours, but the benefit of the ladies continues bitching in the dark was that Pyro could always keep a mental bead on them, never once letting them fall out of the conscious map about his wooded home.

All seemed well, until a sliver of silver light from a flashlight appeared to cascade down the entrance to the den, not enough to reveal the fluffies huddled in the back, but just enough to startle them. “nu mayk speakies, nyew fwends. Bubbwes am gun sabe Chewwy tummeh bebbehs” she assured, before carefully plucking the sleeping Betty from her back fluff, resting it under a leaf, and then sprinting out of the nest to face the human. “HEWWO!” she beamed with an innocent grin.

“oh… wrong shitrat” Billie sighed before loading up her left leg for a mighty kick.

“am yew wooking fow smewwy fwuffies? Bubbwes see dem” she said with a giggle, proud of her technical deception.

“oh, really now?” Billie snickered as she unwound her kick, now that the mare proved herself to be of worth beyond simple sadistic pleasure.

“yeh, dem wive un da obew sidies ob da wawa obew dewe!” Bubbles lied further.

“fine, I’ll check over there, but if I don’t find them, I’ll fook ya cunt bloody with a tree branch” the woman threatened in a tone utterly devoid of mercy or warmth. Bubbles was a particularly brave mare, but even she was not immune to the aura of malice that emanated from this woman. A tiny dribble of piss ran down her leg as she looked up and witnessed the moonlight dance off of Billie’s many silver piercings, giving her the appearance of some sort of night stalking metal monster. The lady turned and made her way in the direction that Bubbles had pointed, all the while calling to Mandy to follow behind her from a nearby patch of green.

“otay, dey am gun” Bubbles smiled triumphantly as she waddled back into the den.

“dat am gud, tank yew nyew fwend. Bubbwes sabe soon-mummah Chewwy an Pywo” the orange stallion smiled.

“wike Bubbwes saysie: ‘wan wook afta aww bebbehs’” she assured. “naow yew twu nee git west, hab gud sweepies. Bubbwes gun keep see-pwaces oben, gun wash ou fow meanie wadies” she declared, before turning around and leaving the couple to their impending safe slumber.

“FOOKING LITTLE LIAR!” Billie howled as she kicked over a rudimentary nest built on the bank of the pond, previously obscured by the reeds. In the nest was a dead mare and several half bowl fluffy stillbirths, an unfortunate side effect of crossbreeding. “she lied to me!” Billie hissed as she relieved her building anger by stomping the foals into a dark red paste.

“christ, calm down, alright?” Mandy sighed, this is hardly the first time of fluffy has lied to you".

“she’s currently the only fluffy that’s ever lied to me and not been mutilated, THAT is the problem” her companion growled.

“it’s too dark now anyway, let’s just sleep in the car and regroup” Mandy yawned. “besides, they’re fluffies, they’ll be sleeping right now, you know, to hide from the ‘scary dark time’, so they aren’t going anywhere” she added, before turning her flashlight towards the car park.

Pyro awoke in the early morning. His dreams had been troubling as of late. Sometimes, the horrible images came in the form of memories, other times as products of his own imagining.

He distanced himself from the den, stumbled to the pond and drank his water in peace. He thought about the mean ladies and what could he have possibly done to anger them. All he had done was look for food and then stop the tall lady from taking him away from Cherry. Those were good things, so why would they hate him? Maybe the professor was right, maybe there was something ever so wrong with Pyro. He pondered all of these things as he lapped up his morning water.

In the corner of Pyro’s eye he caught movement. Immediately, he readied himself with a puffing of his cheeks. “git ou ob taww gwassies!” he ordered towards the rustling, and in response came a confused mumbling. Bubbles stepped out with a mouthful of sourced foods, mainly flowers. It was a charming collection: blue, white, yellow… and purple. “NU!” Pyro screamed as he lunged for her, knocking the assorted flora from her maw.

“huuuhuu! Wy Pywo du dat?” Bubbles whimpered in shock, laying upon her back.

“dem puwpwe fwowews am fowevah sweepies! Nu num dem!” he explained.

“oh…” she said, looking at the purple one by her face, “otay, tanks, heehee” she giggled, before reaching up and laying a tiny lick on Pyro’s nose.

“nu du dat eibew!” Pyro ordered with a stomp.

“Pywo am su bossie. Bubbwes wike brave stawwions. Bubbwes bet Pywo am gun make bestest bebbehs” she smiled while bitting her lower lip at him.

To say that he felt uncomfortable and put off by her forwardness would be an understatement. Pyro was beginning to regret this arrangement. Nevertheless, Cherry needed more food than he could get by himself, and little Betty needed milk. He could put up with Bubbles, at least for a few more days. The blue mare then picked up the flowers and slowly made her way towards the den, “nu stay ou hewe tu wong, nu am sayf” she reminded as she strutted back inside.

“ok… let’s pick up where we left off, yeah?” Mandy let out on either side of a silent yawn.

“yeah, but first, I’m going to teach that lying skank a lesson” Billie growled is she pulled her equipment out from the back of her cars trunk.

“still pissed about that blue mare? Let it go” she laughed back.

“I promised to fook her cunt bloody with a tree branch, and I always make good on my threats” Billie hissed back, stewing in her temper.

“fine, whatever. Just don’t let your proclivities get in the way of my Nitrofluffy” Mandy sighed.

“don’t worry about that, I’ll drag Bubbles off somewhere nice and quiet, just for the two us!” the sadistic woman responded with gusto.

“did you just say ‘Bubbles’?” Mandy gasped, dropping the can of chilli con carne that she had intended to use as bait.

“yeah, that’s what she said her name wa-HEY!” Billie panicked as her t-shirt was grabbed.

“that mare, did she have a light blue body, slightly darker blue mane?” Mandy begged to know, her eyes glimmering with mad desperation.

“umm, yeah… Ya know her?” her short companion asked.

“THAT’S MARCUS’ MISSING FLUFFY!” Mandy smiled, absolutely ecstatic at the news.

“Marcus? As in, Marcus: the ex?” she inquired.

“HE’S NOT MY FUCKING EX!” Mandy snapped, “it’s just… rocky, right now” she sighed.

“ya think getting Bubbles back’ll fix that?” Billie scoffed as she took Mandy’s hands off of her shirt.

“well, it’s worth a try, right?” she chuckled with newfound enthusiasm.

The veterinarian and the fluffy mill disciplinary both began exploring the off trail parts of the country park, occasionally chatting and making banter as they trekked.

“so… why’d she run away?” Billie asked, “is Marcus like us, or, ya know, worse?” she questioned.

“no, nothing like that. He’s sweet. I’ve never met a man as kind as him, he’s such a-” the lovesick redhead was about to continue on.

“-a poof?” Billie scoofed.

“you’re one to talk” Mandy nipped back, “but no, he’s a good guy”.

“so, why run away?” she inquired as she looked through the hollowed remains of a felled oak, reaching in and pulling out a terrified orange mare by her tail, yet still continuing to talk over her cries.

“it started as one of the oldest fluffy tales imaginable: fluffy mare wants foals, she gets pregnant, shits out a litter. It would have been great if it ended just there, but unfortunately Bubbles only seemed to like her babies young and helpless. As soon as they started talking, walking, playing by themselves and especially after they stopped drinking her milk, she’d just lose it”

“what, ya mean she offed her own foals?” Billie snickered.

“yeah. Drowned em, smothered them, left them outside and invited a local hellgremlin into the garden to… you know” Mandy explained further with a face of disgust.

“holy shit, I like this mare!” Billie laughed, utterly relishing in the brutality of the disposal methods.

“well, regardless, Marcus had her spayed. Bad mums don’t get to have babies. That night she shit all over the walls and escaped through the cat flap… That was a few months ago” she concluded.

“wait, didn’t that shitrat say his mate was up the duff?” Billie added, as she bashed the random orange mare against a tree. “if she’s after babies, then what do ya think the chances are that she’d steal another fluffy’s” she pondered.

“I hope so” Mandy smirked, “if we find her then we’ll find them too”.

“so… does this mean I don’t get to blend her insides with a stick?” her companion asked, to which she did not dignify with a response that expended more energy than a rolling of her emerald eyes.

Bubbles stepped into the den that she had once called her own and carefully left her gift by the chin of Cherry.

“oooo, tank yew, Bubbwes! Bubbwes am bestest fwend” the pink pegasus coo’d, before, happily consuming her breakfast. Bubbles watched her, staring with giddy contentment at the new litter of babies that will soon be heres.

“wat du id feew wike… da tummeh bebbehs?” Bubbles asked, her eyes staring unblinkingly at the swollen mare’s bulbous stomach, “id bin su wong dat Bubbwes nu membah wat tummeh bebbehs feew wike nu mowe” she sniffled, a single tear rolling down her grinning face.

“am da bestest” Cherry smiled, “can feew dem doin widdwe tummeh dancies, an pwayin bestest huggie tag in mummah Chewwy bewwy” she giggled innocently at the thought.

“Bubbwes wub yew su mush, widdwe bebbehs” she whispered at the mare’s belly, rubbing a hoof against the inflated abdomen.

“heeheehee, Chewwy bet dey gun wub yew tuu” the oblivious mare smiled.

The two mare’s sat as Cherry fed Bubbles’ adopted half-bowl daughter. She suckled away without a care, still simply a chirpy, still so innocent and ignorant to the violently apathetic world about her, and nothing to speak of the mortal threat of her new found mother.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Cherry suddenly cried out, “sum-ting am wong!”.

“YAY! Bebbehs am comin!” Bubbles bobbed with excitement, clapping her hooves together in shivering anticipation.

“PWEAS FWEND! GU GIT PYWO! NEE SPESHEW FWEND! BEBBEHS AM GUN NEE DADDEH!” the soon mother wailed as contractions began ripping through her body in waves.

“nu” Bubbles replied coldly, “jus push, wike am habin biggest poopies” she ordered, her sweet and friendly persona no longer being of use.

“CHEWWY AM SCAWED! HEWP CHEWWY?!” the pegasus mare screamed, hell legs flailing and twitching against the body racking agony.

“SHUDDUP AN MAYK BEBBEHS!” Bubbles screeched, before lunging forward and striking the mare with a hoof, “ib yew mayk bebbehs, den Bubbwes gib yew bestest puwpwe fwowew nummies, dey mayk awwwwwwwwwwww da huwties gu way” she offered with a sickening smile.

“huuuuhuuuuu… Otay…” Cherry whimpered.

Pyro gathered a few mushrooms and made his way past the farthest end of the water, downstream. He didn’t like going past this area, due to how active foxes seemed to be. Regardless of the threat, it was morning, so they’d be sleeping, and he was rather thirsty. He put down his fungi and began carefully licking up some water, occasionally lifting his head to check his surroundings. By the time he was done, he spotted an incorrect shade of green by the reeds. It did not look like grass, but instead more so a type of fur, fluff even. His eyes widened in shock, it was Moss, face down in the water. The stream pulled him to the edge of the water. “FWEND!” Pyro cried as he flipped his bestie over. His heart sank at the sight of him. Moss’ eyes were hollow and devoid of life, his tongue hung loosely from his gaping jaw, and flies coated every inch they could find. What truly began to boil his blood was the impact on the side of his expired comrade’s head, A circular dent, with a tiny heart shaped imprint in the center. Pyro immediately new what creature had done this grave injustice to his friend, the same creature that took his child. Pyro took off, sod the mushrooms, sod Moss’ body, he needed to confront Bubbles, his partner was not safe.

The stallion raced around the water’s edge, following the trail up stream. “I FOUND YOU, CUNT!” Mandy screamed triumphantly from the other side of the water. Pyro quickened his pace until he could feel his own pulse beat within his ears.

“Oi! This way! We’ll go around and cut the fucker off” Billie gleefully suggested.

Pyro paid the humans no mind, he had a partner to save. “HUWWY UPPIES STOOPID WEGGIES! NEE WUN FASTEW!” he ordered as he ran, until he could see the hollow tree trunk. Sounds of footsteps behind him got louder, as well as the expletives. He dived into the entrance and slipped his footing, falling to the dusty ground of his subterranean den with thud.

“SPESHEW FWEND! BEBBEHS AM COMIN!” Cherry cried in terror, her face bruised from Bubbles violent assaults.

“oh… Hewwo Pywo!” Bubbles smiled innocently as she waved a hoof at him, her social mask immediately returning.

“git way fwom pywo speshew fwend!” the stallion growled as he scraped a hoof into the dirt.

“wat? Am twyin tu hewp, dummeh! Bubbwes am gun sabe da bebbehs!” she replied, before hopping back with a frightened “EEK!”, as Pyro stomped with a grunt.

“yew gib bestest fwend Moss fowevah sweepies! Pywo haytchu!” he seethed.

“himb was dummeh! Bubbwes towd himb tu hab bebbehs wid speshew fwend an stoopid mawe hab gwoss fowevah sweepies bwoken bebbehs! Su Bubbwes gib dummeh mawe stompies an dummeh Moss bad wawa!” she admitted, utterly devoid of shame, before turning to little Betty with a hateful snort. “nu eben wan gwoss boww bebbeh!” she hissed at the frightened and confused chirpy, “gu fowevah sweepies! Am gun hab bettah bebbehs soon!” she added, before raising a hoof to stomp the child into oblivion.

“NU!” Pyro screamed as he threw himself onto the blue mare, “nu huwt Moss wastest bebbeh!” he roared. Bubbles responded by laying a vicious kick to his gonads, bringing the stallion to the floor as a whimpering mess. “SCREEEEEEEEEEE! WOWSTEST WUMP HUWTIES!” he screeched. So distracted was he by his pain that he did not even notice Bubbles rearing up beside him, and then bringing her foreleg down on his head, sending him into a daze.

“naow… stay… dewe…” the psychotic blue mare said between heavy breaths, “gun gu get nyew bebbehs” she smiled before turning back to the pink mare. “WOW!” she beamed with glistening eyes, “dewe hab tu be wike an bajiwwion bebbehs in a tummeh DAT big!” she giggled with sheer delight.

The Nitrofluffy mare had trippled in size, her gases building to a breaking point. A phrase entered her mind, it felt right, she knew the babies were coming and that there was only one way to ensure it safely. “B-B-BIG-…GEST… P-…P…” she strained, as Bubbwes hugged the foals through her captive’s grossly over stretched belly

“DAT’S WITE! SAY ‘BIGGEST POOPIES’! WET DA BEBBEHS COM OU AN BE WID BESTEST MUMMAH BUBBWES!” she manically ordered, her twisted mind on the height of ecstasy, only moments from getting her desired foals.

“P-… POPIES!” Cherry finished, seconds before the chain reaction hit it’s conclusion.

“w-wat?” Bubbles attemped to question, utterly flummoxed, and then it came…

"what the fook is going on in there? Billie inquired as she got on her knees and squinted into the dark of the fluffy sized subterranean entrance.

suddenly, almost every inch of the den, all the way to the entrance, was coated in a horrible combination of blood, viscera and stomach acids.

“MY FOOKING EYES!” Billie screamed as she pulled away, “fuck! It stings!” she added.

“ah shit!” Mandy winced, “come here, wash yourself in the pond” she said as she guided her blinded friend to the nearby water.

“Bubbwes hab buwnies! Screeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” the mare cried as the acids ate away at her fluff and aggressively irritated her skin. Suddenly, her desire for babies became far less pressing then her desire for self-preservation. She crawled over Pyro, who was still reeling from the concussion, and began crawling towards the exit, stopping every second or so to roll upon the dusty ground.

Pyro’s vision steadied itself somewhat and horror struck him. His partner, his first love, was blown to pieces, and sitting safely at the center of ground zero was a set of three beautiful chirpies, utterly coated in gore, but alive and safe, all the same.

The stallion remembered the first time he had exploded, it hurt in such a way that had to measure, and growing his body back was a tedious and painful experience, almost maddening. He looked around and found Cherry’s head, decapitated and gasping, but alive all the same. She was going to need food and somewhere safe to regrow her body as soon as possible, far away from humans and bad mares. Pyro snatched up his newborns, with the addition of little Betty, and placed them delicately onto his back fluff, before turning towards his mate and grabbing her mane in his teeth. he pushed by Bubbles and climbed out of the hole and turned left from his now abandoned nest, seeking safety deeper within the woods. Bubbles on the other hand followed him out, still screaming in utter terror from the chemicals that were eating away at her ‘pretty’ fluff, before turning right from the den, seeking to get out of this accursed country park and far away from the likes of Pyro.

Mandy turned towards the noise and saw both fluffies take off in opposing directions. Panic set in as her opportunities past her by. She got up and her heart raced at the options: Get the Nitrofluffy, get Bubbles. “Mandy! Don’t fooking leave me here, I can’t see dick!” Billie called out. The veterinarian’s mind raced, she wanted them both, but she couldn’t leave her friend half blind in woods either.

“FUCK!” she screamed in utter frustration before running back to Billie, “you’re lucky I’m a good friend” she growled at her sadistic comrade.

Billie could hear it, how much that blue mare meant to Mandy, that one last opportunity to save her relationship with Marcus, literally walking away from her as the seconds slipped by. “I-I’m sor-” she attempted to say.

“save it, I’ll find her later” Mandy sighed as she guided the visually impared woman down the dirt trail, towards the car park.

Pyro had found a rabbit’s warren, old, abandoned. he dug out a slightly bigger hole to call his own at the entrance, making it fit for fluffies to enter. It was a little cozier than he was used to on the inside, but he needed a new home, if only for a few days. Hopefully, Betty would come and could help, he just needed to hold on for a bit longer. He looked to Cherry, who’s throat and upper torso had already begun to regrow, but the screaming was deafening. Bones, muscles, ligaments, and sinew being aggressive regrown was an agonising experience, to both feel and even to witness. The chirpies peeped and cried at the sounds, utterly terrified and starving. “shhhhhh, id am gun be otay” Pyro promised, “mummah gun gwow miwkies backsie soon… bu… gun nee nummies…” he worried aloud. “Chewwy gun nee nummies, but nu can weave bebbehs awone…” he worried further, until the exhaustion from running for hours and the fading adrenaline had begun to rob him of his rapidly vanishing consciousness. He fell to the floor and his eyes grew heavy. “nee… stay… wakies…” he mumbled, repeating again and again, until his body went limp.

“wakies… Pywo? Speshew fwend?” a familiar voice called to him. His eyes opened to see his partner, her body regrown, minus the fluff, which would have to regrow in its own time. “nu can move… am suuuu tiwed… su hungwies… feew… sweepies…” Cherry sobbed, her body shivering from the lack of fur or calories, dancing upon the cusp of death.

“Cheewy nee nummies, nu hab timsie tu git dem!” Pyro panicked.

“id… am… otay… stiww hab… bebbehs” she mumbled in a half conscious state. Pyro turned to where he had left the chirpies, two of them were silent and still as the grave. Pyro got up and walk towards them. The surviving two were little Betty and a bright red unicorn colt. The Nitrofluffy stallion’s heart broke at the sight of his two beautiful babies, their faces frozen with a look of terror and desperation. A horrible idea presented itself, and so he gathered up the two foals, tucked them into the corner of the cave, on top of a large leaf and stomped them into a thick and meaty paste. He sobbed and sniffled as he dragged it towards his partner, who was simply too out of it make sense of anything. “wat am… dat smeww?” the confused and shaken mare asked, as she sniffed at the bloody and pulped remains of her children.

“dis am… b-bestest… Chiwee…” Pyro sniffled. He swallowed his guilt and told her a soothing falsehood. It only seemed fair that just one of them had to suffer this horror.

Immediately, the starved and delirious Cherry began scoffing down the mashed foals. Her senses were shot, utterly oblivious to her meal. Pyro watched, crying quietly at the whole sordid affair. With a satisfied burp, Cherry rolled over and slept. over the next twenty minutes or so, her teats gradually swelled as milk began to be produced. The ashamed and whimpering stallion lifted the still breathing foals and lowered them by his partner’s nipples. The two began to sniff at the air and peep, before crawling forwads and both latching. “am su sowwies” the heartbroken stallion whispered to his slumbering partner and remaining children. “dis am aww Pywo fawt. Shud nebah hab wooked fow hoomin sammich nummies, shud hab wisten tu Betty, shud nebah hab twusted bad mawe… Pywo am biggest dummeh, wowstest daddeh an speshew fwend” he sobbed. “Jus nee wait fow Betty tu com. Betty kno wat du”.

Mandy got into the driver’s seat and took the keys out of Billie’s pocket. “the fook are you doing?” she asked.

“If your blinding was anything like mine, you won’t be able to see clearly for about an hour or two. You’ll need eye drops and… a shower” she added while pinching her nose.

“fine, whatever” Billie sighed. The two women sat in silence for the majority of the car ride, the awkwardness was palpable, to say the least. Billie rarely felt guilt about anything, but she sure as hell felt it now, she looked over to Mandy, who, for better or worse, was her only friend, her best friend. “so… this Marcus guy?” she asked as she awkwardly cleared her throat, “he really means a lot?”.

Mandy responded with a subtle “mmhmm”.

“a real fluffy cuddler, a bit of a missmatch for you, don’t you think?”, she inquired.

A cold “yup”, was Mandy’s only reply.

“look… I’m sorry, if I didn’t get shite in my face, we wouldn’t be driving back empty handed. There, ya fooking happy?” she suddenly blurted.

“whatever” Mandy scoffed, “if I didn’t get shit on in the first place, we wouldn’t even know she was still alive, or nearby. Still worth it, I guess”.

“hey, want to hear a joke?” Billie suddenly asked.

“no… not really…” Mandy sighed.

“well fook yerself, because I’m gonna tell ya anyway” she chuckled. “three fluffies walk into a pub. The bartender looks at the trio and says: ‘you all look like you’ve had a lovely day, what’s with the smiles?’. The red one then walks up and says: ‘hab had bestest timsie. Hab bin in an ou ob puddwes aww bwite timsie!’. ‘Right on’ the barkeep says, as he turned to the grey one. ‘and you?’ he asked. ‘fwuffy hab bin wicking uppies piddwes aww bwite timsie. am aww wet naow, bu stiww hab fun’ he declared. ‘fair, a bit unsanitary, but I’m sure you had a ball… and you?’ The barman asked as he turned to the blue one, ‘why are you smiling, have you also been playing in puddles’. 'nu-uh, ‘fwuffy am Puddwes’”.

Billie then watched very closely as a tiny smile cracked through her friend’s icy exterior.

“…fuck off…” Mandy replied, attempting poorly to stifle a genuine grin from forming.

“heh, love ya too, bitch” she chuckled back triumphantly.

Betty made her way to the old den, the called into it but no response came. She got down low, flipped on her flashlight and found nothing inside, just blankets, stuffy friends and an old nest made from her shirt, but no Nitrofluffies, just a smattering of gore and viscera in every direction. “oh fuck” she mouthed to herself. “PYYYYYYRRRRROOOOOO!” she called out to the green that surrounded her. She called out again several more times and waited, her anxiety rising by the minute.

“BETTY!” Pyro cried as he ran to her, throwing himself into her leg.

“Pyro? You look like shit. Where is Cherry? Why’d you abandon your home?” she asked.


“slow down!” Betty ordered as she kneeled down and stroked his blood orange mane, “just tell me what the biggest problem is right now, alright? We’ll work backwards from there”.

“o-otay… Chewwy nu hab nummies after gu mayk biggest poppies?” he sniffled.

“you mean she exploded?” Betty asked.

“yeh, bu nu hab nummies fow miwkies an sum bebbehs nu wakies, su Pywo hab tu gib dem stompies an gib tu Chewwy as bebbeh nummies!.. Pywo saysie dat dey wus chiwee, bu nu was chiwee… WUS BEBBEHS! PYWO AM MUNSTAH!” he explained as he exploded into tears.

“literally all of this could have been avoided if you JUST DID AS I TOLD YOU!” she snapped.

“a-am sowwies! Nu meansie tu mayk aww da bad thingie habi-” he sobbed until Betty’s open palm sent him flying into a pile of leaves.

“I gave up my future for you, and this is how you repay me?” she seethed, “and what was that about cannibalism? You’re vile! I can’t believe I was stupid enough to think you were special. Professor Gascoigne was right, you are just a biotoy, and a shitty, broken one at that!”.

"huuuuhuuuhuuuuuu! Mummah Betty, nu huwt Pywo! Nu saysie meanie wowdies! " he whimpered. “PYWO WUB YEW, BETTY AM BESTEST MUMMAH!”.

“I TOLD YOU NOT T-…” Betty went to howl, before catching herself in the moment. Something very alien presented itself to her, it was a new sensation, too euphoric to be hate, too warm to be contempt. “then… I’ll be your mommy” the young lady suddenly spoke low and even. She reached forward and snapped a switch from the branch of a nearby oak. “since you clearly need discipline, I’ll play the ‘mummah’, just this once” she hissed before lunging at the terrified stallion, holding his face to the ground.

“WET PYWO GU! NU SOWWY STICKIE! AM GUD FWUFFY!” he begged and screamed. Betty immediately noticed the Nitrofluffy priming himself, scrunching his nose as he aimed his rear in her direction.

“DON’T EVEN TRY, SHITRAT!” the enraged girl exclaimed before scooping up a pebble from the ground and violently thumbing it into his asshole.

“SCREEEEE! NU AM MAWE! NU WIKE! NU WIKE!” he cried as his hooves flailed and beat against the dirt.

“can’t have you getting ideas. Now, take your sticking like a man” she spat, before viscously beating a lesson into him. Whipping hard enough to send chucks of fluff flying into the air.

“PWEAS, NU MOWE!” Pyro cried as he flipped onto his back in submission. The beating continued, cutting into his soft belly and on one or two occasions whipping his testicles. “ACK-eeeeeee-ACK-eeeeeeee!” was all that came out of the stallion as he puked into the air. “Huuuhuuuuuu, nu smeww pwetty! Nee huggies, hab huwties!” he whined and whimpered in a puddle of his own bile and piss.

“oh dear, looks like mommy has to clean her baby” Betty mocked as she lifted him by his nape, dragged him to the nearby pond and held him under, her smile never fading all the while.

“you clean yet?” she asked as she pulled him out with a predatory grin.

“…y-yus…” he shivered, shaking like never before. He reached his hooves out towards the furious lady, begging for a warm hug.

“good, now fuck off” she hissed with a frosted tongue, dropping the stallion to the ground. She then reached into her backback and pulled out a can of chilli, pulled the lid off and threw it at the shocked and traumatised stallion, the edge cutting his cheek and the impact spilling most of its contents across the floor. “take it, it’s the last thing you’ll ever get out of me… last time I ever help a shitrat” she scoffed, before picking up her bag and walking back to her bike.

Pyro layed upon the dirt and sobbed. The suddeness of Betty’s rage was terrifying. The Nitrofluffy had lost the love of the only human he had ever wanted to call his owner. He believed her, he knew that he’d never see her again, and just like his two children, it was all his fault. He slowly found the strength and courage to stand. He took the can home with a shameful limp. The stallion’s anus could no longer pass gas, a critical function for any Nitrofluffy. He could feel it building like never before. He didn’t speak a word to his partner or two children as he dropped the food into their den, his shame wouldn’t allow it. “speshew fwend? Wus yew wite? Am Betty hewe yet? Chewwy wan Betty tu meet widdwe betty” his mate asked as both their son and adopted daughter suckled away. Pyro didn’t respond, he simply motioned to the can and left.

The stallion then spent the next few hours by the water in solitude, the pain in his body was agonising, different to when he had first exploded. The first time he inflated from internal gases, it felt right, deliberate, like it was something he was supposed to do, but this time felt different, it felt wrong, it felt lethal. He sat by the water’s edge and sobbed as the suffering built in equal proportion to the rising pressures. “nu wan gu fowevah sweepies” he whimpered, “pweas tummeh, nu spwodies” he begged. The swelling continued until his legs could no longer touch the floor. The end was here. “nu wan pop… nu wan pop… nu wan pop…” he sniffled. He ached, he cried, he begged for reprieve.

Before the end, he reflected on his short life, his experiences, but mainly his regrets: Maybe if he didn’t get angry at that smarty back at the lab, he wouldn’t be here. Maybe if he stayed at the lab, he’d be safe. Most of all, if he had just got those damn flowers instead of raiding baskets, he wouldn’t be dying, he wouldn’t have lost two beautiful children, he wouldn’t of had to feed them to Cherry.

Pyro wheezed against unnatural levels of agony as his skin stretched to the breaking point. he would cry for his mother, if he had ever known one. He closed his eyes, he held his breath, and did what he was made to do.

-The End-

Mandy MacFeely
Billie the sadist

Lastly, here is a follow-up comic on what became of Betty, 1 year later.


Thanks for the story!
Sooo satisfying! Once again confirmed that happy endings are simply impossible for fluffies. Once again they all got what they deserve.


Whether through bad luck or bad choices, fluffies don’t often walk away unharmed in my stories. Special or not, Pyro is, and always will be, just another shitrat.


Poor pyro. Maybe one day all the humans will die a horrible death and he can see them in hell. At least then he’ll know that those who tormented him got what they deserve.


No winners here, everyone just loses or dies.

Great story

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