Raccoon fluffies. (by Mr. Owl, art by SqueakyFriend)

Are you tired of feral fluffies doing feral fluffy things?
Becuse we are here to make everything worse! Introducing the brand new fluffy subspecies: the racoon fluffies. Sporting a signature coat pattern and a puffy tail, these bad boys were made for the sole purpose of making your suburban ideal life a living nightmare. For starters, every single one of them thinks they are a master thief. The drive to find a new owner have been replaced by a diffrent form of sustaining themselvs: food thieft. Instead of begging for food, thier M.O. is to find a house that they can get into, usually through a pet door, find their way to the fridge, and get out with whatever they can carry away. Tendency to group up into herds is still present, so an inattentive homeowner may find their fridge completely empty. Fortunatly for you, their stealth skills are on the level of a regular fluffy, so most of little burglars get caught because of them talking about how sneaky they are outloud. In a rare occasion when the heist is successful or when they get lucky with the loot from a trash can, their next step is to clean the food. When given the oppurtunity, the racoon fluffy will always try to clean it’s spoils in water. This unfortunately often leads to the lunch being carried away by the current, sometimes with the racoon fluffy in question. On the other hand because of this habbit they are less susceptible to diseases that are common in regular fluffies.
Keeping one as a pet might be a bit of a challenge. They will rarely eat straight from the bowl, ofter opting for what they call “sneaky nummies” which could be anything, as long as it’s not located in a socially acceptable place to eat, like the fridge or a cleaning products cabinet. It is advised to build a small obstacle course for them that would lead to the same bowl they would have refused without that extra challange. If it’s not too easy, and at the same time not too hard to complete, racoon fluffies will always complete the obsticale course instead of trying to find a diffrent source of sneaky nummies. It is heavily advised to pretend you aren’t looking while they eat.

Made for the December Subspecies Competition


Can it fly with its special lumps?


some of them think they can. however, they have as much success as a regular pegasus fluffy




The little mask is the cutest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen. I love these little fuckers already.


Them preferring ‘sneaky nummies’ is really cute and possibly infuriating, perfect


It is an adorable term

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Fascinating concept. Arguably less or more pathetic than the standard fluffy. Less pathetic because they refuse to stoop to begging or demanding. Or more pathetic because of their overconfidence plus incompetence (though, that wouldn’t be too different from a typical smarty.


If they have raccoon hands they’d be fucking terrifying. As they are now though theyre kinda adorable


Do they wash their ill-gotten cotton candy in the water?
If yes, do they drown trying to find the lost candy?


Yes, on all points


I wanna pet it

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Awwww these are hella cute!

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Tanuki-fluffies would be a different but equally hilarious thing that I need to see now. lol


:notes: Tanuki-san, Tanuki-san, asobou ja nai ka?
Ima gohan no massaichu
Okazu wa nani? Umeboshi gobou? Hito kire choudai!
Ara anta chotto ga tsukine ! :notes:


Not when they start trying to batter you with their scrotum.



Someone should make an RPG lineup of the sub-species, we’ve got the thief right here!


Holy cow, you just found my abusebox trigger. I like reading some of it, but I’ve never thought about making any myself. But I hate thieves with an irrational passion, and I hate raccoons (old grudge, they ate our kitten) so this just set my imagination off bigtime!

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Angel fluffies would be good paladins, and tusked fluffies would fit the warrior role perfectly! All we need now is a mage or healer… Moonlight fluffies seem magical and soothing enough for that to work, right?


Yeah i’m gonna need some of these guys

Now…what about possum fluffies?