Reemergence Ch. 3 (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-0945, and your meanie old housie-friend is trying to give you owwies! You need help! She even taped your mouth shut so your baby doesn’t hear!

“I’m going to make sure that FV-0446 doesn’t learn about what I tried to do to you, and I don’t care what I have to do to maintain that secrecy.” She says, putting a very scary contraption onto your not-head as she walks over and grabs a remote.

Just as you felt that your were finally going to be inactivated, you hear a small voice.

“Hewwo? Nyu housie fo’ soon-mummah an’ tummeh-babbehs?” You hear a voice ask, sounding like it’s coming from downstairs. Wait, is that another housie-friend?

Before the very mean housie-friend can get you, you run downstairs, rip off the tape and see a very bloated fluffy.

“Be housie-fwiend?” You ask, as the fluffy squeals fearfully and backs away.

“Nuuuu! Nu wan bad viwus huggies! Nu wan tummeh-babbehs tu tay-ke foweba-sweepies!” The fluffy cries, waddling backwards as you come closer.

“Buh, wan wepwicate! Pwease wet Eff-vee-zewo-nine-fouw-five wepwicate in housie-friend?” You plead, coming even closer and opening the fluffy’s mouth as you climb in.

You are a fluffy! You have tummy-babies that are going to come soon, but you have a big problem! You just wanted to get a new house!

“Wai tummeh feew funneh? Feew wike hab mak’ poopi- BIGGESH POOPIES!” You exclaim, get very concerned very quickly as the sickie-monster comes out of your mouth and stands still.

“Nu tiem fo’ biggesh poopies yet! Tummeh-babbehs, nu come out yet! It am nu safe!” You beg, crying as your stomach starts hurting more and more.

The first baby slides out, as the sickie-monster comes behind you and picks it up.

“Nuuu-huuuu-huuuu! Wai sickie-munstah tay-ke babbeh? Am onwy wittwe babbeh!” You cry out, watching helplessly as the sickie-monster takes the rest of your babies… and starts eating them!

“NUUUUU! NU NUM BABBEHS!” You shout, still sobbing as it keeps taking chunks out your babies.

You are FV-0446, and you’re very confused. You’re currently watching your parental virus eat nummie-babies, but something doesn’t feel right about how your mommy treats them. So, you’re now in your mommy’s special-room, looking around for anything that could give you an answer.

“Wha’ am this? It am book! Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks wan wead book!” You find a small notepad, reading the label of it. That’s the ‘Operation: Worstest Sickies’ thing the TV was talking about!

“Mom-mee knyo 'bout this… Buh, she said she nu knyo…? Mom-mee wie? Buh, mom-mee am gewd pewson!” You continue, opening the notepad and reading a random page.

“Wha’ am biy-oh-con-twow? Wai am pawentaw viwus namesie in book?” You keep questioning, finally reaching a conclusion.

“Mom-mee?” You turn around, seeing your mommy standing at the door, as you drop the notepad in fear.


If Harriet was a fluffy this is the exact moment she’d exlaim “Oh poopies” upon realizing that her entire operation has been contaminated by the very thing she created. :stuck_out_tongue: