Request 4: CockGoblin (by Tia)

hm i feel kinda sus for this hahaha
story is interesting, kinda wished for a different ending. what can u do
heres cock n balls :))))


Oh, my.
How lewd.

Kinda like his expression though i wish it was less rapey.

( and yes I’m the first comment again.)


didnt think id ever draw fluff cock but here we are.
i think you can tell my bias tho based on what i ended up drawing


Well that’s nothing new with fluffies.
I mean one never expects to write or draw certain things with the little buggers.


Gib it tu me, babbeh! Uh huh, uh huh!
Gib it tu me, babbeh! Uh huh, uh huh!
Gib it tu me, babbeh! Uh huh, uh huh!
An’ aww da mawes say am pwetty fwy fo’ da bad guy.*

(*Not really a bad guy? Sort of? It’s complicated.)

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Fluff cocks are fun to draw, and even more fun to split open OwO


Okay… stay with me, now. What if… fluffy hemipenis?

Double their pleasure… double their pain.

Edit: Mike Judge fluffy: “Two mawes at da same time.”

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Had to quickly look it up, new English word~

… But yes. This is exactly why I like you :smiley:

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Always happy to expand vocabulary. :smiley:

I still need to work on my German. It suuuucks. Someday, I’ll get that A1.

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…kitsune fluffy mutation ?

Thanks for that horrible idea >.o


Haha! Enjoy!

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A kitsune fluffy with two dicks.
i am not gonna draw that >.>

I’ll let Tia do that ;p


I’ve been thinking about drawing Rambo lately…

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I want to learn Swedish and Russian, although I’m not good at motivating myself to do smart stuff like that lol

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If you want to draw Rambo by all means, I won’t stop you.
I’m sure that whatever you have in mind for him it wil look great

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Ooh, nice choices! I’ve been super curious about Russian. I love linguistics and etymology. So many languages, so little time… and so few local speakers to practice with.

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Do you ever see a post and realize you want more of it? I dont see a lot of POV like this and now I need more


Don’t tempt me to draw this pose with Rambo ;p

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Hello new sleep paralysis demon


Im guessing those are piercings?