Requiem For A Doctor Ch. 3 [By BFM101]

Since there’s a lot of debate going on in the comments, I feel I should address some things. Firstly, this is a multi-chapter story with still a good number left, so anyone wondering why X Character doesn’t just do Y, it’s because that’s not the direction the story is going. I’ll do my best to try and have it make sense in canon why things aren’t happening, but just enjoy the ride regardless.

Similarly, I understand that people on here are fully against hugbox or against abusebox, and will favour Josef or Lewis, but this is a story about both of them reluctantly working together, I’m not gonna have Lewis beat Josef to death or let Josef bomb The Farm, that’s not what this story is. You’re free to have your preferences but please be respectively both to other readers and to the story as a whole, it might not be what some of you want but it’s what I think is best for the characters.

Alan brought the cage holding Spike back into the room, he looked around at the sullen faces of Lewis, Katherine and Lily and took a deep sigh.

“Well… the good news is that Spike’s blood work looks ok, there doesn’t seem to be any lingering effects of F.A.07, he should be alright but the boys in the lab said keep an eye on him anyway, just in case.”

Alan placed the cage on the floor and opened the door, allowing Spike to walk out. The poor guy looked done for, everyone could see the weight of everything that just happened crushing him, every step looked like an effort. The broken Alicorn trudged as close as he could to Lily and collapsed down in front of her, everyone could tell that it was only her that was keeping him from falling into the Wan-Die loop.

“The bad news is we still got a fucking Nazi Doctor problem we need to deal with.”

“Don’t call Joe a Nazi Alan.” Katherine spoke up. “Despite his name he doesn’t follow that White Supremacist Bullshit, his superiority complex is personal, not racial.”

Alan scoffed. “Of course you’d fucking defend your boyfriend after he pulls this shit.”

“What Josef is or was to me is none of your fucking business Alan, yes I cared for him, I still care for him even now, I’ve seen where he’s come from, I’ve seen the shit he’s crawled out of so excuse me if I don’t immediately hate him. Yes, I agree that he’s gone too far now and something has to be done, but I’m not about to advocate violence against him.”

“I’m not saying we use violence, but we could call the police or the government or something, let them know that there’s a known psycho with a bioweapon and he’s threatening to use it.”

Katherine shook her head. “Whatever Josef has it only affects Fluffies, we take that to anyone and they’ll fucking laugh at us, Fluffies are barely seen as alive, there’s no way the law will care enough to look into whatever Josef’s doing. And you can’t really call him a known psycho, he abuses Fluffies, so what? So does have the people in this fucking city. The only connection argument you could make is that his brother is a murderer and even then the trial decided Jonathan killed his parents in a crime of passion, nothing to do with Josef. Besides, even if we got someone to listen to us it’ll never go to trial, Josef’s too rich, they won’t touch him.”

Alan threw up his arms in defeat. “What then? We break into his home and fucking steal the cure? Because if that’s our only option then we might as well kill the fucker.”

“We’re not gonna kill him.”

Everyone looked over, Lewis had spoken for the first time since Josef left, his voice holding the same weight that was crushing Spike. With a great deal of effort, Lewis stood up and looked out to the rest of the group.

“If we want to stop Josef we have to play by his rules, it’s the fastest and safest way to end this.”

Alan walked over and placed a hand on Lewis’ shpulder. “Are you sure that’s wise? Do you really think Josef will even hand over the cure if we find the foals?”

“I don’t know, I can only hope, if I don’t have hope I have nothing.”

Lewis looked over to Katherine. “Do you trust him?”

“Before today, yeah. Josef is a man of his word, so long as he got those foals he’d give the cure. Now though… I couldn’t say.”

Lewis looked disappointed at her answer, but he expected it as well. “Finding those foals is the first step, if we can find them then at least we have a bargaining chip. This is going to be a big task so we’ll all need to get some rest, comeback fresh tomorrow, we’ll start with the ferals we have in house, if we’re lucky the foals are already here, if not then maybe one of them has seen them recently, if Chilli is as bad as Spike says then hopefully someone will remember him.”

Alan looked down at Spike, still curled up next to Lily, he wasn’t even crying anymore, he just looked absolutely done for.

“What should we do with Spike in the meantime, aside from the obvious Josef threat he’s clearly not in a good place right now.”


Katherine looked down at Lily, the timid little unicorn looked even shier than usual. “Yes Lily?”

“Can Spike come bak wiv us? Spike am Wiwy speciaw-fwiend nyo, gib Wiwy wowstesh heawt-huwties tu see Spike habben heawt-huwties. Spike need wots of huggies and wub, Wiwy wan be wiv him bu no wan weave mummah.”

Katherine looked at Lewis and Alan. “I think she’s right, Spike’s gonna need comfort and security if he’s gonna make it through tonight. I’m happy to take him if that’s ok.”

Alan was still sceptical. “You think you’ll be ever to keep Josef away from him?”

“Josef’s not coming anywhere near my house, I’ll change the fucking locks if I have to. I’m not asking you to trust my relationship with Josef Alan, but trust that I’ll do what’s best for Lily, and right now the best thing for her is helping her looking after her mate.”

Lewis nodded. “Agreed, I think we can all see Spike is in dire need of tender, loving care right now. If nothing else then a good night’s sleep in a stable home might do him good to start helping us tomorrow.”

Lewis walked over and knelt down in front of Spike, softly stroking his mane. “I know this is going to be hard for you, so don’t push yourself. If you can help us tomorrow then great, if not then we’ll work on until you’re ready. Focus on yourself first.”

Spike slowly nodded. “Fank yu Woo-ish, Spike undastan, wiww stiww twy hewp find bruddas an sissy neks bwite-time.”

“Glad to hear it, you ready to go back home with Katherine and Lily yet?”

Spike shook his head. “Nu yet, Spike stiww need du wun fing.”

A single tear ran down Spike’s face as he took a deep breath.

“Spike need tell mummah an Wose bout daddeh.”

Josef jumped down the last stairs of his basement, his smile was wide and his eyes poisonous. He was in a good mood.

The Crimson Vision appeared on a table, laughing away. “Yu show dat cokwess fuka daddeh, own babbeh gib him foweba sweepies.”

“Ah, it’s a damn shame Crimson, I had so many plans on what to do with Cobalt if I ever found him again. But I guess in the end it’s about quality, not quantity, and goddamn was that some quality shit.”
“Wha daddeh du nyo? Jus wait fow dummehs tu dewiva Cwimson babbehs?”

“Of course not, the fuck do you take me for Crimson? I’m gonna be keeping an eye on them and making sure they do their fucking jobs. In the meantime though…”

Josef looked over to where Rufous was sleeping, the blood from his latest dead mare was caked onto his Fluff.

“…I’m gonna get more test subject and see how they fare against Rufous here.”

Josef jogged over to the nearest desk and grabbed a pen and paper, quickly sketching out ideas for what he could do with other infected stallions. He was so caught up in the glee of gore that he almost missed Crimson setting himself down in front of him.

“Su… wha daddeh gun du bout mummah Kat-A-Wine?”

“What’s there to be done? After that slap she gave me I think it’s safe to say we’re done for.”

“Dat nu make daddeh sadies?”

“Why would it? Katherine’s old enough to make her own decisions, if she decides to choose the happiness of Fluffies over our relationship then more fool her. Can’t say I’ll miss her.”

“Bu daddeh du miss hew. Cwimson knyo yu du.”

Josef put down his pen and finally looked up at Crimson. “Really? And how so?”

“Coz Cwimson am nu fukin hewe dummeh. Am in daddeh finkie pwace, if Cwimson knyo it coz daddeh knyo.”

“OK FINE! Yes, I’ll probably miss Katherine, I liked her, maybe even I loved her. But she’s not the woman I fell for back in college, she’s not the psycho bitch who would slice open a foal then fuck me with the blood still on her hands. She tries to be, God help her she does, but her heart isn’t in it anymore, I knew that before she got Lily.”

“Daddeh fink Kat-A-Wine twy tu be owd sewf fow daddeh ben-a-fit? Huwt Fwuffies coz dat was bestesh time in wewashunship?”

Josef stared at Crimson, a sour look growing on his face.

“I’m not a fan of this new personality. I preferred you when all you thought about was death and destruction.”

“Cwimson jus say it how it is. Daddeh nu wan tu fink bout dese fings, but du wan be finkin bout dese fings.”

Josef lashed out, in his anger he forgot that Crimson still wasn’t there and smacked his hand off the table, in a blink the Crimson Vision was gone and Josef was left with a dull ache in his hand and a terrible itch in his infected eye.

Seething with rage, Josef kicked himself out from his chair and stormed upstairs, his fingers nearly ripping his eye out from the itching agony. Making his way to the upstairs bathroom, Josef pulled out his eye-droppers and tried to sooth his pain, but the second the liquid hit his cornea the sudden sting broke him.


With a sudden release of anger, Josef punched the bathroom mirror, shattering the whole things into pieces. Josef looked up at the wrecked thing, his hand already bleeding from the impact, and from what Josef could now see, the area around his infected eye was bleeding as well from the constant scratching.

Josef smiled, it was all he could do to keep from losing his mind.

“Hab daddeh bweak fings fow bingo?”

That voice. Something from behind Josef was talking, and it sounded… familiar? But from where. Catching a glimpse in one of the mirror shards, Josef caught sight of a Fluffy mare holding a bingo card, and next to her, a teeny, tiny, flea sized Fluffy.

But when Josef turned around to look at them both, they were gone, whatever they were, there was nothing left of them to see.

Josef sneered as he went back to his work. “Stupid fucking Fluffies.”

Katherine carried Spike and Lily through to the enclosure where Lavender and Rose were being kept, for safety reasons there was a pane of glass between the mares and any visitors, but it was still a nicer accommodation than the infected stallions got.

“Are you sure you want to this Spike?” Katherine asked him again. “I’ll tell them if you want.”

“Nu, Spike gib daddeh foweba sweepies, Spike be wun to teww famiwy.”

Lily nuzzled closer to Spike. “Wiwy hewe fow speciaw-fwiend, gib suppowt.”

Spike said nothing, but his smile and nod showed that Liy’s presence did ease him. Eventually Katherine found Lavender and Rose’s pen and set Spike and Lily down in front of it. Despite missing Cobalt and Spike, the two mares had improved dramatically since they arrived at The Farm, Lavender no longer cried about losing her foals and would often help out teaching the younger foals about treating disabled Fluffies the same as regular Fluffies, while Rose was gaining her confidence back, having less and less nightmares and even making a few friends.

Spike was so proud of them both, which is why telling them about Cobalt’s death was so hard, it threatened to undo all their hard work.

Lavender spotted Spike first. “BABBEH! Wavenda heaw yu hab nyu hoomin mummah, was wowwied tiww heaw yu hab nyu speciaw-fwiend tuu.”

Spike nodded. “Mummah, dis am Wiwy, am Spike speciaw-fwiend.”

“Hewwo.” Lily peeked out from behind Spike, a little nervous about meeting his mother under the circumstances.

Unaware of the situation, Lavender smiled at Lily. “Wiwy am su pwetty, Wavenda hab biggesh heawt-happies tu see yu.”

Lily smiled and nodded, before sinking away behind Spike again, Rose was the first to notice the serious look on her brothers face.

“Wai Spike wook sad? Wha wong?”

“It… it daddeh. He… he gu foweba sweepies.”

“NU!” Lavender screamed, scaring every Fluffy in the nearby area. “It nu twue, pwease say it nu twue.”

Spike shook his head. “It twue, Spike see it.”

“Nuhuuhuuuuu, Cobowt am gun, biggesh heawt-huwties.”

Rose put a comforting arm around her mother, letting her cry out the pain of losing yet another family member.

“How it happen?” She asked Spike.

“Joesep find Fwuffies. Gib daddeh wowstesh finkie-pwace sickies, daddeh twu tu huwt Spike su Spike… Spike hab tu gib daddeh foweba sweepies.”

Rose felt her mother tense up, she stepped back as Lavender slowly looked up, locking eyes with her son. “Yu gib speciaw-fwiend foweba sweepies?”

“Nu wan tu mummah, daddeh hab finkie-pwace sickies, twy tu gib wowstesh huwties. Wook at wingie.”

Spike showed the scar where his wing used to be but Lavender didn’t even look at it. She stared daggers at Spike until finally, she snapped.


Spike was openly crying now, the sudden venom from his own mother hurt just as much as killing his father. “Mummah pweas,e Spike nu wan tu…”

“NU CAWE! Yu gibben mummah da wowstesh heawt-huwties eba, am mummah nu mowe.”

Suddenly Rose bounded forward and hit Lavender in the face. “MUMMAH NU!”

Lavender was struck dumb by Rose’s action, the sting on her cheek knocking her back to reality. Rose puffed her cheeks at her mother.

“Yu hab biggesh sadies, nu say gud fings. Spike wub daddeh, nu wan gib him foweba sweepies, he hab heawt-huwties tuu an yu huwtin him eben mowe. Gu tu bedies, mummah an Wose tawk wen mummah cawm down.”

Lavender went to say something, but the fight had left her, she turned and retreated to her bed, crying as she turned her back on Spike. Rose turned to her brother.

“Mummah nu mean say meanie fings, she jus angwy. Wose make suwe she say sowwy tu brudda.”

“Spike undastan, Spike hate Spike tuu, nu wan huwt daddeh bu nu wan gu foweba sweepies.”

“Spike make hawd choosie, nu wight way. Wose am happy Spike awive.”

Rose looked at Lily, smiling at her. “Wiwy am pwetty nyu fwiend, Wose wan pway wiv Wiwy wun day.”

“Wiwy wike dat.”

Rose put her hoof on the glass pane, Spike did the same, the closest contact they could get in these difficult times, with one final nod to each other, the siblings went their separate ways. Rose turned back and watched as Katherine picked up Spike and Lily, not turning back until the three of them had gone through the door and were gone.

The ride back to Katherine’s was a silent affair, nobody felt the need to say anything, nor did they want to. That continued as Katherine carried them inside, checked the house for any intruders, then dead-bolted the doors to be safe.

“You should be safe here tonight Spike, I’ll do my best to make sure nothing happens to you while you’re in my home.”

“Fank yu Kat-A-Wine, Spike knyo dis am hawd but wike da hewp.”

“Happy to help where I can. You guys hungry, want some food?”

Spike shook his head. “Nu, Spike am sweepy, wan gu tu bedsies.”

Lily yawned at the mention of bed. “Wiwy tiwed tuu mummah.”

Katherine looked at the clock, it wasn’t late but after the events of the day she didn’t blame them for being tired, she was starting to feel it herself.

“Ok, I’ll put some kibble and water out for you if you wake up during the night. I’ll be in my room so if you need anything Spike, there’s a button on the wall next to the bed, Lily can show you, that will tell me to come through and help you.”

Lily pointed to a small red button just above the bed, perfect height for her nose to hit if she needed to.

“Ok Kat-A-Wine, Spike onwy pwess but-on in e-mew-gen-see.”

Katherine smiled and stroked Spike’s mane, giving him his first smile in days. After setting up some food and water for them nearby, she took off Lily’s wheel harness and laid the Fluffies down in the bed, it was a little tight but when she saw Spike wrap his arms around Lily and hold her close, she knew they’d be alright and went off to her bed.

It was dark when Lily woke up, if not for a little nightlight in the corner she’d be scared, she was having a good rest until something woke her. There was movement behind her, jerky, scattered movement, and a voice.

“Pwease… nu wan huwt daddeh… PWEASE!”

It was Spike, he was having a nightmare. Thinking quickly, Lily turned round and scooted herself closer to Spike, using what little stubs she had to try and hug him.

“It ok Spike, yu am hewe wiv Wiwy, wub yu speciaw-fwiend.”

Slowly but surely, Spike calmed down, his breathing returned to normal and he was able to open his eyes, seeing Lily’s worried face in front of him.

“Spike hab bad sweepy pictas?” She spoke gently to him.

Spike nodded. “See daddeh gain, heaw his nek bweak. Spike nu wike it.”

“Spike hab wowstesh fing happen, Wiwy wememba bad sweepy pictas afta meanie stawwions, take many fowebas tu sweep wight gain. Spike nu need wush, take time tu git betta.”

Spike sighed. “Am sowwy nu am bwava speciaw-fwiend.”

“Yu AWE bwave, Wiwy wub Spike nu matta wha, hab biggesh heawt happies tu hab Spike as speciaw-fwiend.”

To prove her point, Lily darted forward and licked Spike on the cheek, Spike smiled and licked her back. Then she licked him again. Then he licked her.

There was a beat as the two Fluffies looked into each other’s eyes, before they crashed into one another, rubbing their fluffy bodies together, their faces nuzzling each other, Spike’s arms pulling Lily closer, their legs intertwining as their special-places rubbed against together.

“Wiwy… wub… Spike.” Lily panted as Spike’s dry-humping tickled her in the right way, sending shivers down her spine, her mind focussed on the feeling.

Spike’s mind was in a million different places, his nightmare was still on his mind, the fear of Josef and what would happen to his siblings loomed over him, the terror of what to do with Lily was screaming at him. The only sexual knowledge Spike had was watching Crimson rape his mother, he knew he didn’t want anything like that with Lily but he wasn’t sure what he had to do.

That is until Lily’s scent filled his nostrils and instinct took over.

In a brief moment of lucidity, Spike pulled himself off Lily and stared into her eyes. “Du Wiwy wan dis?”

Her heart melted, even in the throes of passion Spike still cared enough to make sure she was comfortable. She nodded.

“Wiwy wan enfies wiv Spike.”

That was all he needed to hear, Spike spun Lily around, with her front legs missing she was in prime position for enfies but he took his time, sniffing out her special-places and stroking against her behind as he climbed up and mounted her, his phallus carefully penetrating her, his ears picking up the soft coos and hums of a satisfied mare.

Spike moved slowly, not wanting to scare Lily, nor scare himself, but as he found a rhythm and built up speed, any fear he had dissolved, replaced with one word he involuntarily found himself saying.

“Enf, enf, enf, enf, enf.”

Upstairs in her room, Katherine was also having a restless night, she tossed and turned but sleep refused to come to her. So she lay in her bed counting the marks on the ceiling when she heard it, faint but unmistakeable.

“enf, enf, enf, enf.”

“Oh no.”

Spike and Lily had just made an awkward situation even more so, now that Lily was more than likely pregnant. Despite Josef’s promises not to hurt Lily, Katherine didn’t trust him with F.A.07 in his system, Spike was still in danger, and now so was Lily and their foals.

She could only blame herself, she was so wrapped up in Spike’s depression she never consider him and Lily mating to be a possibility. For a brief moment she considered running downstairs and trying to stop them, but she knew in her heart she couldn’t.

Not when Katherine was a soon-mummah herself.

Chapter 4


:sob: spike god! His mom just snapped…i understand the harsh reality of it…but Rose gone mature on this manage to stop her mother.

I think that infection gettin more and more serious this time.

Hope nothing will happen to spike after that hot evening but… Katherine’s pregnant!? :scream: (Insert heavy drama shock effect)

Well we got Flint…hope that’s a good start, question is where did the trio go to?


“Hehehe… da secwet is outsies.”

“Baggie no howd kitteh munstah no mowe!”

Napoleon and Hippolyta grinned, copies of their scripts from @BFM101 in hoof.

“Betchu fakas nebeh see dis’ comin’,” Crimson laughed while looking at you, the reader.


Oh no a little Mangola is in the oven


Great read @bfm101, really enjoyed it. Like the rising stakes! Also, really appreciate the introduction. Truthfully, that is exactly what I was hoping for! The question isn’t who is going to win so much as “will anyone win at all?” This whole thing could easily turn lose/lose between Josef and Lewis, which is easily what makes it so interesting :slight_smile:


Goddamnit, now I have to hope someone punches Kat in the stomach. Hard.

Two Mongolas are bad enough.


I ain’t stoked about it in fairness, but I respect BFM’s choice.

I honestly can’t see someone act so passively in such a dire situation.

But as I said, not my call to make.


Man oh man, this is gonna be a wild ride of a story.


I feel he’s thinking more big picture, which is a change from the Filthy Factory stories. Which means making a deal with the devil in this case. For now. I believe he’s grown as a character, and while he’s likely extremely unhappy about it? Knows it will get him closer to what he wants which is to the benefit of all the fluffies there, in the city, etc.

To be honest, @A-S… you’re probably NOT supposed to be happy about it. So far everyone is getting things to love and to hate.


Which is kind of a moot point if you let a crazy asswipe with no morals and a fluffy killing bioweapon roam free.

Besides, he was a maniac before, now he’s clearly unhinged. Even if he were to hand over the cure, he has a super virus that overrides it and makes it irreversable.


I get it, I really do. I just feel like their inactivity is a bit… meh character and storywise.

But I’ll stop here, because I don’t want to give off the “oh BFM isn’t doing what he wants so he is mad” vibe. My comment is not about that and hurting anyone’s feeling is not my purpose.


Well it was their choice and hers. She’s should have knew better than to leave them alone together. No self control.

Hope she makes a choice that’s best for herself.

The doctor needs help and doesn’t want it. Best anyone can do is get him on a 72 hr. psyche hold, and that’s if the place they live has that.


It’s a fair point, this chapter is a slow-down from the last one and that is by design. Things should be picking up going forward but wheels do have to spin occasionally in order to get everyone in the right place. It won’t be perfect but these thing happen.


First, since my cheerleading in the last story seems to inadvertently caused an argument, I’ll clarify. While I like the abuse side, This is BFMs story. The authors characters and vision. They have a plan, they will write and I will read (and like) regardless. I don’t care if you’re hugbox. Like what you like, don’t be a dick.

Second… that last line. Hold on tight, this will be a wild ride!


This was fantastic! I binged the whole Mongola series/universe/whatever and have been keeping up with this story. I really like the balance of hugbox/abusebox (and the delightful sprinkle of weirdbox). I think that perhaps some people are missing the “x” factor here- F.A.07. Before infection, Josef had been an abuser, obviously, but he was purposeful, methodical. He rode the line between gleeful justified abuse and methodical abuse for pleasure. Now that he’s infected? A totally different beast, and he knows it since hallucination Crimson tried to tell him.

I can’t wait for the next chapter!

A quiet moment

“Mama wub babbeh,” Napoleon started singing softly.

“Babbeh wub mama,” Hippolyta continued, too quiet for Katherine to hear.

“Du mama wub daddeh?” the song changed as the pair continued. “Wiww daddeh wub bebbeh?”

They paused, pulling the sheets over Katherine.

“Iz compwicated, soo compwicated…”

Hippolyta pet Katherine’s belly gently, unsure if she wanted a human baby brother or would prefer a human baby sister. Napoleon merely sat along side his special friend until it was time to go.

“Hope dis no end wiff sad wawas.”

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Oh poor Kathrin… I hope that being a soon Father can push Joseph to get help or maybe it’s the final coal on his ride on the crazy train.


The plot just gets thicker and thicker. Wonder if there’s hope for Josef yet but given what’s happened so far, chances seem slim


I just wanna say, I really appreciate the hard work and dedication to your characters and story. I look forward to reading your work and I enjoy it.


Spike knows consent. Spike is woke. I love it.