Requiem For A Doctor: Epilogue [END] [By BFM101]

Not gonna lie, I half expected Joseph to do a switcheroo on the bottles. So that they manufactured the concentrate thinking it was the cure and destroyed the cure thinking it was the concentrate. Assuming they were too dumb to put it through trials before distributing it because the heros seemed a little short sighted / prone to accepting stuff at face value at times.

Or all the bottles just being concentrate. ~chuckle~

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i don’t think this is right


Archie might not have helped with the initial escape, but he did help keep Sweetheart (now Sparkles) away from Crimson and Josef.

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yeah but she says spike helped her

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Ah right, I see it now.

Too many names to keep track of


Well damn josef’s just a smarty in human form lol


All that work and Josef probably got shat on, and was ultimately used for fucking NUMMIES by a smawty herd. I’d love if that tale was expanded on somehow. Still, at least it was a fine conclusion. The designer fluffies got what they deserved.

But a cruel twist for me would be Moss killing Flint when they try to have sex, since Moss would inherit Crimson’s dick he would probably rupture Flint’s Anus.

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